Here's a few prompts to kick off Drabble Tag 7. Some are from last round and some are new ones that I added, especially ones from newer fandoms. Please post your fills here--your fic does not need to go here, but at least link to your fill in your reply, and then add your prompts.
Rules Post Fandom Discussion post Filled Prompts A- F Filled
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Batman Beyond: Dana/Melanie - flexible
Batman Beyond: Dana/Melanie - flirt
Repo! The genetic Opera: Mag/Shilo - "I didn't know I'd love you so much..."
Greek Mythology: Any/Artemis - moonlight
Greek Mythology: Any/Penelope - Siren's Song
Repo! The genetic Opera: Mag/Shilo - "We have both been kept in bondage..."
Once upon a time: Belle/Ruby - autumn
Once upon a time: Belle/Ruby - prey
Repo! The genetic Opera RPF: Alexa Vega/Sarah Brightman - Beautiful eyes
Sailor Moon: Mars/Venus - secret
Sailor Moon: Mercury/Serenity - meadow
Doctor Who: Amy Pond/Clara Oswald- "We got married."
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene/Tara Chambler- Unrequited Love
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