Here's a few prompts to kick off Drabble Tag 7. Some are from last round and some are new ones that I added, especially ones from newer fandoms. Please post your fills here--your fic does not need to go here, but at least link to your fill in your reply, and then add your prompts.
Rules Post Fandom Discussion post Filled Prompts A- F Filled Prompts G-M Filled Prompts N-Crossover Unfilled Prompts G-M Unfilled Prompts N-S Unfilled Prompts T-Crossover 8 Femmes: Gaby/Pierrette - paying for it -
requested by
madampresident 8 Femmes: Gaby/Pierrette - roll on the carpet -
requested by
madampresident12 Monkeys: Cassie/Jennifer - bored -
requested by
4kennedy The 100: Abby/Raven - skill -
requested by
demokaThe 100: Clarke/Lexa - fire -
requested by
aerisahaleThe 100: Clarke/Raven - kiss -
requested by
wildlinggirlThe 100: Octavia/Raven - lily -
requested by
stardustcd Agatha Raisin: Agatha/Gemma - detective work -
requested by
agirlnamedtruth Agatha Raisin: Agatha/Gemma - microwave meals -
requested by
agirlnamedtruthAgent Carter: Ana/Peggy - Style -
requested by
swan_secretsAgent Carter: Ana/Peggy - surprise -
requested by
fresh_brainssAgent Carter: Angie/Peggy - curtain call -
requested by
trixie99beldenAgent Carter: Dottie/Peggy - curls -
requested by
fresh_brainssAgent Carter: Dottie/Peggy - getaway car -
requested by
fresh_brainssAgent Carter: Dottie/Peggy - lipstick marks -
requested by
sapphire2309 Agents of SHIELD: Bobbi/Jemma - goodbye -
requested by
4kennedyAgents of SHIELD: Daisy/Jemma - lonely -
requested by
4kennedyAgents of SHIELD: Daisy/Raina - cuddle -
requested by
elasticella Alien: Call/Ripley - predator -
requested by
silvr_dagger Alien: Lambert/Ripley - shoes -
requested by
fresh_brainss American Horror Story: Bette/Dot - dreams -
requested by
killing_kurare American Horror Story: Elsa Mars/Vivian - Ghosts -
requested by
femme_slash_fanAmerican Horror Story: Fiona/Marie - enemy of my enemy -
requested by
madampresident American Horror Story: Fiona/Vivian - Ghost meets Witch -
requested by
femme_slash_fanAmerican Horror Story: Madison/Zoe - Sexual -
requested by
femme_slash_fan Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer shared universe: Fred/Tara - understanding -
requested by
katiesaygo Aquarius: Emma/Sadie - possessiveness -
requested by
agirlnamedtruth Archie's Weird Mysteries: Scarlet/Veronica - lesbian vampires -
requested by
norienchronicle Arrow: Felcity/Nyssa - corruption -
requested by
bringthefateArrow: Felicity/Thea - angry -
requested by
4kennedyArrow: Nyssa/Sara - bonded -
requested by
aerisahaleArrow: Nyssa/Sara - calluses -
requested by
aerisahaleArrow: Nyssa/Sara - curtains -
requested by
aerisahaleArrow: Nyssa/Sara - Ra's al Ghul -
requested by
aerisahaleArrow: Nyssa/Sara - tattoo -
requested by
aerisahale Atelier: Mayuko Tokita/Mayumi Nanjo - service with a smile -
requested by
stepquietly Atlantis: Ariadne/Pasiphae - poison -
requested by
beckonade Avatar: The Last Airbender: Suki/Yue - warriors -
requested by
elasticella Azumanga Daioh: Kaori/Sakaki - chocolate -
requested by
temari778Bad Blood Music Video: Arsyn/Catastrophe - foreplay -
requested by
fresh_brainssBad Blood Music Video: Justice/Luna - firepower -
requested by
cockrobinkiller Bandidas: Maria Alvarez/Sara Sandoval - gunpoint -
requested by
stepquietly Ball of Fire: Miss Totten/Sugarpuss - the time of your life -
requested by
dustbunny105 Bates Motel: Cody/Emma - alone -
requested by
4kennedyBates Motel: Emma/Norma - family -
requested by
4kennedy Batman Beyond: Dana/Melanie - flexible -
requested by
killing_kurareBatman Beyond: Dana/Melanie - flirt -
requested by
killing_kurareBatman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice: Jenet Klyburn/Lois - better together -
requested by
fresh_brainss Battlestar Galactica: D'Anna/Kara - film -
requested by
moondoormajesty Berserk: Casca/Charlotte - worship -
requested by
killing_kurare The Big Bang Theory: Amy/Bernadette/Penny - parents -
requested by
captainzarina The Big Bang Theory: Amy/Penny - Alice in Wonderland au -
requested by
captainzarina The Big Bang Theory: Amy/Penny - sugar kisses -
requested by
femme_slash_fanThe Big Bang Theory: Beverly Hofstadter/Penny - Daring -
requested by
femme_slash_fan The Blacklist: Elizabeth/Samar - Silk -
requested by
swan_secrets Black Mirror: Kelly/Yorkie - 2016 -
requested by
fresh_brainssBlack Mirror: Kelly/Yorkie - heart and soul -
requested by
fresh_brainss Black Sails: Eleanor/Max - harbor -
requested by
aerisahale Blindspot: Jane/Patterson - puzzle -
requested by
4kennedy Braindead: Laurel/Rochelle - stimulation -
requested by
4kennedy Bridesmaids: Annie/Megan - competence -
requested by
fresh_brainssBringing Up Baby: Alice/Susan - opposites attract -
requested by
stepquietly Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Amy/Rosa - bikini -
requested by
elasticellaBrooklyn Nine-Nine: Amy/Sophia - Star Wars -
requested by
fresh_brainssBrooklyn Nine-Nine: Gina/OC - psych class -
requested by
crookedspoonBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Any/Faith - She doesn't know the meaning of tame/Still I can't put out the flame -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Anya/Tara - they bond after Hell's Bells -
requested by
norienchronicleBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Faith - The blade of her tongue is the worst. -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Faith - carrying her stake -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Faith - two of a kind -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn/Faith - bad girls -
requested by
norienchronicleBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn/Faith - little sister -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn/Faith - Slayer!Dawn (or Potential!Dawn) -
requested by
norienchronicleBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Vamp!Dawn/sired!Faith - "You're my little sister now." -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn/Faith - you've got the key -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla/Faith - pretty -
requested by
killing_kurareBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla/Vampire!Willow - "kinda gay" -
requested by
norienchronicleBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla/Vampire!Willow - Want to play? -
requested by
killing_kurareBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - magic -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - phantom fingers -
requested by
katleeptBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow (preferably + Miss Kitty Fantastico) - feline antics -
requested by
katleept But I’m a Cheerleader: Graham/Megan - blue -
requested by
fresh_brainss Cabin in the Woods: Dana/Jules - bikini -
requested by
killing_kurareCabin in the Woods: Dana/Jules - I dare you to... -
requested by
killing_kurare Cardcaptor Sakura: Sakura/Tomoyo - costume -
requested by
temari778 Carol: Abby Gerhard/Carol Aird - convertible -
requested by
madampresidentCarol: Carol Aird/Therese Belivet - gifts -
requested by
fresh_brainss The Catch: Felicity/Margot - crime wives -
requested by
vitiate_me Charlie's Angels Full Throttle: Madison/Natalie - undercover -
requested by
stepquietly Charmed: Any/Phoebe - ride your broom -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Billie/Paige - Sexuality -
requested by
femme_slash_fanCharmed: Phoebe/Piper - secretly holding hands -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Piper/Prue - an Angel's arms -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Piper/Prue - learning to live again -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Piper/Prue - more than sisters -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Piper/Prue - My Piper -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Piper/Prue - sweet sixteen and loving it -
requested by
katleeptCharmed: Piper/Prue - True Love's kiss -
requested by
katleept Cleopatra 2525: Cleo/Sarge - experimental -
requested by
beckonadeCleopatra 2525: Hel/Raina - mind control -
requested by
beckonadeCougar Town: Ellie/Jules - makeout cuddles -
requested by
madampresident Cougar Town: Ellie/Jules - new year's eve -
requested by
madampresident Cougar Town: Ellie/Jules - over coffee -
requested by
madampresident The Craft: Rochelle/Sarah - Mistaken Identity -
requested by
femme_slash_fanCrazy Ex-Girlfriend: Any/Heather - gettin' bi -
requested by
fresh_brainssCrazy Ex-Girlfriend: Heather/Rebecca - observations -
requested by
fresh_brainss Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Heather/Rebecca - “u up?” -
requested by
fresh_brainssCrimson Peak: Edith Cushing/Lucille Sharp - practice scales -
requested by
stepquietly CSI: Julie 'Finn' Finlay/Sara Sidle - love -
requested by
femme_slash_fanCSI: Julie 'Finn' Finlay/Sara Sidle - "You okay?" -
requested by
femme_slash_fan Dangan Ronpa: Aoi/Sakura - together -
requested by
cockrobinkiller Daredevil: Claire/Elektra - tease -
requested by
fresh_brainssDaredevil: Elektra/Karen - Thrill -
requested by
swan_secrets Dark Matter: Android/Two - experience -
requested by
4kennedy DCU: Barbara/Ivy - Lovesick -
requested by
templefugateDCU: Cassandra/Stephanie - batcave -
requested by
suicixDead of Summer: Amy/Jessie - Fighting -
requested by
withasmile87 Descendants (2015): Audrey/Mal - "There's something sweet and almost... kind." -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDescendants (2015): Evie/Mal - "She's never looked at me that way before..." -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDescendants (2015): Jane/Lonnie - safety -
requested by
katiesaygo The Descent: Beth/Sarah - better -
requested by
fresh_brainss Devil Wears Prada: Andy/Miranda - bdsm -
requested by
madampresidentDevil Wears Prada: Andy/Miranda - getaway -
requested by
madampresidentDevil Wears Prada: Andy/Miranda - gold star -
requested by
madampresidentDevil Wears Prada: Andy/Miranda - sleeping in -
requested by
madampresidentDisney: Anastasia Tremaine/Elsa - understanding -
requested by
afterandalasiaDisney: Anna/Elsa - building a new life together in the 21st century -
requested by
katleeptDisney: Anna/Elsa - Hugs -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Anna/Merida - "Ride with me..." -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Any/Belle - Library Love -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Any/Elena of Avalor - sweet sixteen -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Any/Elsa - Ice -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Any/Rapunzel - Blanket Fort -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Ariel/Belle - Ball Dress -
requested by
withasmile87Disney: Aurora/Maleficent - Flying -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Aurora/Rapunzel - New York City -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Belle/Elsa - awakening -
requested by
fresh_brainssDisney: Belle/Rapunzel - Gardenia -
requested by
withasmile87Disney: Candace Flynn/Stacy Hirano - promise the sun and the moon -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Cinderella/Snow White - dancing -
requested by
katleeptDisney: Elena of Avalor/Merida - mythic -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Elena of Avalor/Naomi - magical -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Elena of Avalor/Naomi - sailing -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Elsa/Mal - "Not so evil..." -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Elsa/Merida - "Run away with me..." -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Elsa/Queen Clarion - elemental -
requested by
afterandalasiaDisney: Elsa/Rapunzel - Sun and Moon -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Elsa/Tiana - peppermint -
requested by
fresh_brainssDisney: Esmeralda/Mulan - fight -
requested by
katleeptDisney: Esmeralda/Mulan - swordfight -
requested by
katleeptDisney: Fuli/Kiara - fast and slow -
requested by
katleeptDisney: Giselle/Nancy - "Sweetheart?" -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDisney: Jane Porter/Tiana - smart -
requested by
fresh_brainssDisney: Jasmine/Megara - (wo)manhandling -
requested by
afterandalasiaDisney: Jasmine/Pocahontas - doves -
requested by
fresh_brainssDisney: Jasmine/Sadira - street rat -
requested by
afterandalasiaDisney: Rosetta/Vidia - noise -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Sarabi/Sarafina - comfort -
requested by
katleeptDisney: Silvermist/Tinker Bell - return to pixie hollow -
requested by
captainzarinaDisney: Taffyta/Vanellope - high school -
requested by
captainzarina Doctor Who: Amy/Clara - Skype -
requested by
withasmile87Doctor Who: Amy/Clara - "We got married." -
requested by
withasmile87Doctor Who: Amy/Donna - Flirt -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Amy/Donna - Sparkle -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Amy/Donna/River - Redheaded Females Do It Better -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Amy/Rose - Amy's laugh -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Donna/River - "Shhhh..." -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Kate Stewart/Missy - feisty Stewart -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Kate Stewart/Osgood - Safely warm -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDoctor Who: Missy/The Rani - Naughty -
requested by
femme_slash_fan Dollhouse: Adelle/Echo - Doll -
requested by
femme_slash_fanDollhouse: Echo/Sierra - more -
requested by
killing_kurare Doubt: Sister Aloysius/Sister James - "particular friends" -
requested by
madampresident Downton Abbey: Anna/Mary - Friendship -
requested by
femme_slash_fan Dragon Age: Aveline/Hawke - strength -
requested by
suicixDragon Age: Cassandra/Josephine - The Game -
requested by
aerisahaleDragon Age: Cassandra/Josephine/Leliana - fit -
requested by
suicixDragon Age: Hawke/Isabela - smirk -
requested by
suicixDragon Age: Hawke/Merrill - daisy chains -
requested by
suicixDragon Age: Josephine/Leliana - the game -
requested by
suicixDragon Age: Leliana/Morrigan - feathers -
requested by
suicix Ed, Edd n Eddy: Lee Kanker/Nazz - nail polish -
requested by
dustbunny105Ed, Edd n Eddy: Marie Kanker/Nazz - throw down -
requested by
dustbunny105Ed, Edd n Eddy: May Kanker/Nazz - cuddle -
requested by
dustbunny105Elementary: Joan/Ms. Hudson - massage -
requested by
elasticella Evangelion: Asuka/Misato - hurt/comfort -
requested by
killing_kurareEvangelion: Asuka/Rei - doubt -
requested by
killing_kurare Ever After High: Apple/Ashlynn/Briar - loyalty -
requested by
fresh_brainssEver After High: Apple/Briar - party -
requested by
trixie99beldenEver After High: Apple/Maddie - compromise -
requested by
captainzarinaEver After High: Apple/Raven - You need a bad girl to blow your mind... -
requested by
femme_slash_fanEver After High: Blondie Locks/Maddie - unlikely -
requested by
captainzarinaEver After High: Cerise/Kitty - Bite the hand that feeds - requested by
cockrobinkillerEver After High: Darling/Ginger - crisp -
requested by
cockrobinkillerEver After High: Duchess/Poppy - feather pillow -
requested by
cockrobinkillerEver After High: Jillian/Meeshell - fish out of water -
requested by
cockrobinkiller The Fall: Reed/Stella - seduction -
requested by
fresh_brainss Fear the Walking Dead: Alicia/Ofelia - shower -
requested by
4kennedyFear the Walking Dead: Luciana/Ofelia - belief -
requested by
crookedspoon Final Fantasy VII: Aeris/Tifa - Wait for me -
requested by
silvr_daggerFinal Fantasy VII: Aeris/any - wanderer -
requested by
silvr_daggerFinal Fantasy VII: Elena/Yuffie - secret -
requested by
greenpersi Final Fantasy VIII: Quisitis/Xu - after battle -
requested by
aerisahale Final Fantasy IX: Beatrix/Garnet - brave -
requested by
silvr_dagger Fingersmith: Lily/Maud - long distance letters -
requested by
agirlnamedtruth Fire Emblem: Say'ri/Tiki - human -
requested by
cockrobinkiller Firefly: Inara/Kaylee - Spark -
requested by
silvr_dagger The Flash: Caitlin/Iris - dancing -
requested by
beckonadeThe Flash: Caitlin/Killer Frost - me but not me -
requested by
beckonadeThe Flash: Iris/Linda - team -
requested by
elasticellaThe Flash: Iris/Lisa - special delivery -
requested by
elasticellaThe Flash: Iris/Patty - guns -
requested by
bella_farfalla Flashpoint: Donna/Jules - respect -
requested by
phoenixfalls Flashpoint: Jules/Leah - connect -
requested by
phoenixfallsFriends: Carol/Susan - commitment -
requested by
fresh_brainss Friends: Monica/Phoebe - Innocence -
requested by
femme_slash_fanFriends: Monica/Phoebe/Rachel - Cuddles -
requested by
femme_slash_fan Friends: Phoebe/Rachel - Cry on my shoulder -
requested by
femme_slash_fanFrom Dusk Till Dawn: The Series: Sonja/Vanessa - escape -
requested by
elasticella Fruits Basket: Saki/Tohru - in bloom -
requested by
temari778 Fuller House: Kimmy/Stephanie - crazy -
requested by
4kennedyFuller House: Kimmy/Stephanie - dance -
requested by
fresh_brainss Fullmetal Alchemist: Gracia/Riza - guilt -
requested by