Here's a few prompts to kick off Drabble Tag 7. Some are from last round and some are new ones that I added, especially ones from newer fandoms. Please post your fills here--your fic does not need to go here, but at least link to your fill in your reply, and then add your prompts.
Rules Post Fandom Discussion post Filled Prompts A- F Filled
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Once Upon A Time: Emma/Regina/Ruby - full moon - requested by madampresident
The Flash: Iris/Patty - guns
Arrow: Felicity/Sara - my type of girl
Wait I can request 4 can't I! :D
Once Upon A Time: Dorothy/Mulan/Red - forest
Once Upon A Time: Mulan/Red - the past
Arrow: Nyssa/Sara - curtains
Legends of Tomorrow: Kendra/Sara - fight
Once Upon a Time: Elsa/Emma - Home
Once Upon a Time: Elsa/Marian - Chosen
Once Upon A Time: Regina/Snow White - severe
The 100: Abby/Raven - skill
Once Upon A Time: Emma/Regina/Ruby - Hair-pulling
Once Upon A Time: Belle/Ruby - Blindfold
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