Fic: The Ultimate Gay Test 2 or The Padalecki Plan of Penetration part 3b. RPS. Jensen/Jared. NC-17

Feb 14, 2007 17:21

Title: The Ultimate Gay Test 2 or The Padalecki Plan of Penetration, part 3b
Author: felisblanco
Fandom: SPN RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ca. 11.600 (this part)
Summary: Ok, so there's been kissing and... other stuff. But if Jared's gonna go gay he's going all the way, baby. Now how to get Jensen's dick in his ass...

A/N: This is the third and last part of the follow up to The Ultimate Gay Test or Whether Or Not To Lick Jensen Ackles It was written for the j2_otpathon. My prompts were: J2, Jensen's trailer, Jared's hands, rimming, blowjob, first time of some sort... Yeah, I may have added a few kinks and places, as you will see. Hope that's ok.

Part 1, Part 2 and now: Part 3a and Part 3b

Beta'd by spangels_girl. Thank you so much, darling.

The Ultimate Gay Test 2 or the Padalecki Plan of Penetration. Part 3b

They wait it out in Jared’s trailer, gobbling down sandwiches that Jensen grabbed from the catering tent and washing them down with coffee. Never has an hour gone by so slow. Jensen is pacing the small space, sitting down every now and then to pick up the script for the next episode or flip the pages of Jared’s ratted old copy of Terry Pratchett’s Soul Music. His hands twitch and if Jared weren’t feeling so nervous himself he’d tease Jensen for behaving like a schoolgirl on prom night. Instead he settles down on the couch, closes his eyes and tries not to think about the remote in Jensen’s pocket. Holy crap, that had been something. Why the hell hadn’t he bought all of them like that?

“What time is it?”

Jared blinks his eyes open and checks his watch. “Fifteen more minutes.”

“Christ!” Jensen throws the book down on the small table and stalks to the door. “That’s it. I’m going to tell Kim you’re puking your guts out.” He gives Jared a heated glance over his shoulder. “Go change and meet me at the car.”

He’s out, slamming the door shut behind him before Jared can even open his mouth. He sits up slowly, wincing slightly as the plug shifts inside him, and then stands up. He feels dizzy, from excitement and nervousness, and leans against the wall for a moment before pulling off Sam’s shirt and starting to unbutton his pants. The clean underwear he put on earlier is already damp and he’s half-hard. They’re going to do this. They’re really going to do this.

He stills, fingers hooked in between the buttons of his pants, eyes staring into space, head filled with thoughts that are too fleeting to make sense. Just images of Jensen’s eyes and lips and smooth skin. He can feel warm hands running down his back and cupping his ass and suddenly all he can see is Jensen’s cock. Silky smooth and hard and warm and so goddamn big!

Jared can feel his heart speed up and sweat starts running down his back. He wants it. God, he wants it so much but suddenly he feels nervous, almost scared. Maybe they should wait the extra days? What if Jensen’s right? What if he can’t make it good and it just hurts like hell? What if it ruins everything? What if-?

“Jare, what the hell are you doing? You haven’t even changed yet!”

The loud voice jerks him awake and he stares at Jensen who’s looking at him with a hint of annoyance.

“I’ve been waiting for you at the car, man. Why are you…?” Jensen stops, the irritation quickly changing into concern. “Jay, are you alright?”

“We’re really doing this.” Jared breathes in through his mouth and licks his lips before letting the air slowly out through his nostrils. “Right?” He reaches up and runs one hand through his hair. It’s shaking. “Jen?”

Jensen stares at him and then his face goes soft and he walks over, taking Jared’s hand in his own. “Only if you want to. Okay, Jared?” He tilts his head, watching Jared with those open honest eyes that Sam never gets to see. “You can pull out anytime. Now. You can pull out now if you want to. It’s okay.”

He shakes his head. “No. I want to do this. I do. I’m just…” He lets out another slow breath. “It’s a big step.”

Jensen nods, eyes never leaving him. “I know.”

“I didn’t really get that until now. All the other stuff… We can write that off as friends fooling around but if we do this…” He swallows.


“That’s why you didn’t want to…before.”

Jensen bites his lip, for the first time looking away, hiding his own vulnerability. “Yeah.”

“But now…”

“Now I do because now I know. Jared…” Jensen looks up at him, eyes again calm and serious. “We’re not just fooling around.”

“No.” Jared blinks. “We’re not.” Then slowly his face splits into a smile. “Dude, we’re boyfriends!”

Jensen chuckles softly. “Yeah, Jare. I guess we are.”

“Well, hell. What are we waiting for? Come on, man.” He snaps the buttons open and shoves down his pants. “Throw me my jeans, will ya? And my t-shirt. And my sneakers.”

Jensen picks up his pants and throws them at him. “What am I, your valet?”

“Nope. You’re my boyfriend.” Jared giggles and gives Jensen a huge smile. “You’re my booooyfriend, and you looooove me,” he singsongs while pulling on his pants, careful not to bend over too much.

Jensen shakes his head, grinning. “Christ, I’m never letting you watch Miss Congeniality ever again.”

“But you love that movie!” Jared snatches his t-shirt out of Jensen’s hands and swats his ass with it. “Oh, does this mean I can call you ‘baby’? And ‘pumpkin’? Ooh, ooh, can we get matching bracelets?”

“You’re such a dork, you know that?”

“Don’t you know? I’m Jared Dorkalecki.” Jacket on, then shoving his feet into his sneakers, not bothering with the laces. “And you’re my Jenny baby.” He laughs, feeling giddy and lightheaded.

“Shut up and get your ass in the car,” Jensen snorts and checks if the coast is clear before beckoning Jared to follow him out of the trailer and across the parking lot.

“Not my ass much longer. Your ass, baby.” Jared hurries after him, one long arm reaching out to slap Jensen’s butt. “All yours.”

“Ok, about that ‘baby’ thing…”


“I still have the remote.”

“Ok, I’m done.”


They drive in silence, get out of the car in silence, and ride the elevator up in silence. When they get into Jensen’s apartment Jensen closes the door behind them and then turns to look at Jared. “Ok?”

He swallows. “Yeah.”

“Still sure?”

This time his voice is stronger. “Yes.”

“Come here.”

Jared ducks his head and smiles then walks over and lets Jensen pull him into a hug.

“Remember, any time…”

“Yeah, I know.” Jared pulls away and shoves Jensen playfully. “Now quit stalling and take your clothes off.”

“How about I take your clothes off instead?”

Jared sucks in his breath. “That works too.”

Jensen’s fingers are slightly cold as they flutter against Jared’s skin above his collar before slipping the jacket off his shoulders and down his arms. Jared smiles and toes off his sneakers while Jensen takes his own jacket and shoes off. He catches Jensen’s lips for a quick kiss that deepens as Jensen jerks him forward by his belt, smashing their lips together hungrily. The unexpected force goes straight to Jared’s cock and he whimpers, pushing his hips forward to rub up against Jensen’s hipbone. He can feel Jensen’s erection pressing into his thigh and suddenly he can’t wait to feel it in his hand, on his tongue, pushing into his ass.

“Jen. Jesus!”

“God, I want you so much. Fuck, Jare.”

“Yeah. Yeah, Jen. I want… I want…”

“I know.”

He’s still gasping as he stumbles after Jensen who’s pulling him across the living room and down the small hall toward the bedroom by the buckle of his belt. He trips over the rug in the hall and Jensen catches him with a laugh, warm hands on his shoulder and pressing against his stomach.

“Come on.”

No sooner have they crossed the threshold than Jensen is pulling at Jared’s t-shirt, running his hands up his chest and over his shoulders under the thin material before dragging it over his head. Jared’s hair flops into his eyes and he shakes his head and blows it impatiently out of the way. When he looks up Jensen is staring at him with what looks like awe in his eyes.

“Fuck, you’re so goddamn hot, I can’t think straight.”

Jared laughs shakily. “Do you ever?”

“Not when you’re around.” Jensen spins him so they’re facing the mirrored doors of the closet. “I mean, look at you.”

Jared stares at the pair of them in the mirror. His own face is flushed, red patches spreading down to his chest. His eyes are wide and shimmering, his lips swollen pink. Jensen’s hands are on his hips, strong fingers spread over his hipbones. His chin rests on Jared’s shoulder, dark green eyes watching him. He looks like sin incarnated.

“Look at me? Fuck, Jen, look at you.” He swallows, pulling Jensen’s arms tighter around them. “Beautiful. So goddamn beautiful it shouldn’t be legal.”

He can feel Jensen’s stomach bellowing against his back as he looks away from the mirror. “You’re just saying that so I’ll sleep with you, man.” The words are light but his voice is almost shaking.

“Yeah, of course I am.” Jared turns around and slides his fingers up Jensen’s arms and over his shoulders until he’s enveloping that beautiful face in his hands. “In fact, you’re very, very ugly and Chris is paying me lots of money for just hanging out with you because no one else wanted to. It’s such a bitch but someone’s gotta do it.”

Jensen snorts and tries to look indignant but fails miserably. “Is that right?”

“Oh yeah.” Jared kisses him on the nose and the corner of his mouth and licks the dimple on his chin. “And I’m charging him extra for the sex.” He smiles against Jensen’s lips. “Because it’s such a chore.”

“So how much is it?” Jensen breathes. “For the sex, I mean.”

“Oh, about a dollar for each fuck.” He pulls at the waist of Jensen’s jeans, popping the button and sliding down the zipper as he peppers his lips with light kisses.

Jensen’s breath is getting erratic, his words stuttered. “You’re a very… cheap whore, Jare.”

“Consider it charity.”

He presses his lips to Jensen’s, sucking the lower lip in between his teeth and worrying it lightly before letting go and slipping his tongue into the warm mouth instead. It’s insanely hot and wet and tastes of coffee and tuna.

They go from slow to fast in the blink of an eye, clawing at each other’s clothes, fingers digging into skin and taut muscles, lips sucking wet trails of kisses on every surface as it appears. When they’re naked, save for their boxer briefs, Jensen pulls back, breathing heavily.

“I wanna suck you. Okay?”

“Yeah. Christ, yes.” He swallows and clears his throat. “No need to ask. Any time.”

A smile tugs at Jensen’s lips. “Any time? I’ll hold you to that,” he says and then he shoves Jared so he falls back on the bed before sinking to his knees in front of him. His fingers are warm and trembling slightly as they tug at the waist of Jared’s underwear. “Lift your ass.”

He slips the boxer briefs off as Jared raises his hips, breathing deeply when his cock finally springs free.

“Want the plug out now?”

“No. Not… not yet.” He grinds down on the bed, gasping as the plug goes deeper in. “Can you… I mean…”

“You want me to turn it on?”


Jensen reaches for his jeans and retrieves the remote. He gives Jared a smirk and then leans over. As soon as his lips touch the tip of Jared’s cock he pushes the button and the plug starts vibrating. It’s not strong, only at the lowest setting, but it’s enough to have Jared gasping and thrusting into Jensen’s mouth.

“God! It’s so… It’s so good, Jen.”

Jensen looks up at him through thick eyelashes and smiles around his cock then he closes his eyes and wraps his tongue around it. Within minutes Jared’s writhing and moaning on the bed, altering between thrusting into Jensen’s mouth and pushing down on the bed. It’s so much, so damn much and he thinks he might just pass out from the whole thing.

“I’m gonna… Jen, please.”

“Wanna come?”

“No. No, not yet. I want… Come on, Jen. Jesus.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Ok.” Jensen switches off the plug and pulls himself up. “Move further up on the bed, Jare.”

He scoots up until his head hits the headboard, then looks back at Jensen, panting. “Which way? I mean…”

“I wanna see you.”

“Okay. Okay.” He falls back, staring up at the ceiling. His heart is beating frantically in his chest and his palms are slippery with sweat when he runs them down his thighs, unsure what to do with them. “You got… We need condoms, right? And more lube.”

“I’ve got it covered. Just relax.”

He gives a shaky laugh, biting his lip before it turns into a full hysterical giggle. Relax? Right.

Jensen pushes his knees up, parting them gently. “Jared? Okay?”


He braces himself as Jensen pulls on the plug, sliding it out of him before putting it on the bedside table. It’s blue and he can see small beads inside. No wonder it felt so amazing. He’s hanging on to that one, no question. There’s that party at Mike’s next weekend…

He sucks in his breath as Jensen suddenly slips slick fingers inside him. He’s sensitive but not sore and he feels himself relaxing as the fingers stretch him more open. After a while he glances down at Jensen who’s frowning in concentration.

“How… how many?”

“Three.” Jensen looks up at him. “That feel good?”

“Yeah.” He hitches his breath. “Very.”


Jensen turns his hand, curling his fingers slightly and Jared gasps out loud, throwing his head back. God, it’s so very far beyond good, the word is almost insulting. In fact it’s so damn wonderful it deserves its own vocabulary. Words like “Nngh!” and “Godohgodohgod!” come to mind.

“Just like that, yeah. So hot, Jare. You’re so fucking hot. I’m gonna make it good for you, I promise.”

“I… I know. Oh Jesus!” It can actually get better than this?

“You ready?”

“Yes. Fuck, yes.”

The fingers slide out of him and he holds his breath as Jensen grabs one of the pillows and shoves it under his hips before scooting closer. There’s the sound of something ripping and he watches Jensen briefly close his eyes as he rolls the condom on his cock. Then he raises his head and looks straight into Jared’s eyes. Jared gazes back, eyes widening when he feels the blunt pressure. It’s nothing like the plugs or Jensen’s fingers or, Jesus, his tongue. It’s hot and insistent and hard and wet and… Oh God!

Jensen slides in, so slowly it feels like it takes forever, like his cock is a mile long. The heat and shape fill Jared up and he’s caught between wanting to push back and push out. When he’s starting to think he’d seriously misjudged the size of Jensen’s dick he feels the cooler skin of Jensen’s balls brush his ass and Jensen stops. He’s blinking, breathing in short pants and Jared suddenly remembers he’s not the only one entering new territory.

“Oh wow. God.” Jensen swallows, eyes rolling back in his head for a moment. Then slowly they focus again and he gazes down at Jared, all attention back on him. “Ok?”

“Yeah.” Jared breathes slowly in and even slower out, licking his lips and fisting the sheets. “Just… wait a moment.”

“Ok.” Jensen leans over and kisses him. Jared’s cock gets caught between their bodies and he sucks in his breath.

“Oh! Wow.”

“Yeah.” Jensen smiles and kisses him again, his breathing erratic. “Fuck, you’re tight, Jare.”

He can’t help chuckling even if he’s having trouble breathing. “I’m Jared the Clencher. I catch criminals with my ass. Consider yourself under arrest, Mr. Ackles”

Jensen laughs and the movement makes Jared gasp. “Oh God.”

“This is just the beginning. Ready?”


Jensen raises himself up on his arms and then he’s sliding out carefully until only the tip remains inside before sliding back in. It’s agonizingly good, so good in fact that Jared wants to cry and beg for more but instead he just breathes slowly, allowing Jensen to set the pace. He rocks like that for a while, watching Jared’s face for any sign of discomfort and when Jared’s just about to tell him, ‘Don’t be shy, give it to me, bad boy,’ Jensen pulls back and slams back in.

“Jesus fucking Christ! Nguh!”

He grabs on to Jensen’s shoulder and holds on for dear life as Jensen fucks him deep and hard, intense and dark eyes still locked with his. Jesus, that’s… oh, oh… He’s scrambling with his fingertips, leaving scratches and bruises no doubt on Jensen’s skin. His long legs bounce on the bed and he lifts them up, pushing his heels into Jensen’s ass to get him even deeper. It’s almost too much, it’s…

Jensen huffs and bites his lip, then he shifts on his knees and thrusts forward and holy fucking Jesus, Jared swears he can see stars in front of his eyes. There’s a high pitched squealing sound and he suspects it comes from him but it could just as well be Jensen who’s got his mouth open, gasping for breath.

“Oh God… Jen, I’m-“

That’s as far as he gets before Jensen’s lips are crashing down on his, warm tongue fucking his mouth with what almost seems like desperation. They’re both so slick with sweat Jensen’s chest is sliding over Jared’s, his hands are in Jared’s hair, tugging it almost painfully, and his movements are getting more and more erratic.

“Fuck… You’re so…” Jensen moves from his mouth to his neck, dropping sloppy kisses and breathing puffs of air into his skin. “Jesus! Jare…”

“Yeah… yeah… uh, uh…”

“I’m gonna…”

“Yeah.” He wants to feel it. Feel Jensen loose it inside him. To him. “C’mon. C’mon, Jen.”

“No. No, wait.”

Jensen slows down and Jared wants to hit him until he feels a hand sliding in between their bodies and then Jensen is fisting his cock, hard and tight and…

Oh God, just like that he’s coming. Head thrown back, fists clenching, toes curling, biting his lip so hard he can taste blood.

“Oh… Fuck!”

Through a daze he feels Jensen stiffening before thrusting forward two more times with a strangled cry and then he’s collapsing on top of Jared, raggedly sucking in air, whole body literally trembling. Jared manages to lift one hand and pat him weakly on the back. Jensen is heavy, pressing down on Jared’s already oxygen deprived lungs but he doesn’t care. He’d rather pass out than move. Ever.

He feels Jensen move his head, hot breath on his neck and wet lips sliding over his skin. “You…Jare.”

“Yeah,” he manages, sluggishly moving his arms to wrap them around Jensen.

“Love you.” The words are mumbled into his hair. Quiet. Almost inaudible.

“Yeah. Me too.”

Jensen chuckles tiredly, and Jared feels his soft lips smile against his ear. Time slows down. Jensen’s breathing gets slower and deeper. Jared’s starting to suspect he’s fallen asleep and is wondering if he can reach for the covers and pull them over the both of them when Jensen grunts and slides off him. Jared winces slightly as the now limp cock slides out of him and he feels Jensen instantly stiffen.

“Jare? Did I…? Are you hurt?”

“’M okay. It’s good.”

And it is. He’s sore and tired and drenched in sweat and come and it’s the most wonderful feeling ever. He half-opens his eyes and gives Jensen’s worried face a tired smile and a thumbs-up before slipping back into a semi-coma. He feels the bed dip as Jensen gets up and then the bathroom door is opened and closed. That’s probably a good idea. Jared mentally nods to himself. He should get up and shower and brush his teeth and kiss Jensen until one or both pass out.

He falls asleep.


When he wakes up he thinks for a moment that he’s alone and panic jumps up in his throat. Then he turns his head and finds Jensen sitting in the chair on the other side of the room, watching him. The room is dark and he’s mostly hidden by the shadows.

“He-uhuh.” His mouth is dry and he coughs before trying again. “Hey. Whatcha doing?”

“Watching you sleep.”

“Okay.” He rubs his eyes. His hand is sticky and covered in white flakes. Eeww. “Why?”

“Just thinking.”

Jensen shifts in the chair. He’s dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, bare feet crossed at the ankles, hands resting on his thighs. There is silence for a while and Jared can feel a tingle of nervousness start in his belly. Obviously there’s something up and he has no idea what. Unless Jensen’s regretting the whole thing and…

“Did you break up with Sandy?” Jensen’s voice is eerily calm. Almost cold.

Jared blinks. “Er… Not yet.” He sits up slowly, frowning. “I didn’t wanna do it over the phone and I haven’t had time to go down to LA.”

Jensen nods slowly then throws Jared his cell. “She called me, looking for you. She’s in town. Surprise visit. Got worried when you didn’t answer.”

Jared looks down at the cell in his hand. Six missed calls. “Oh.”


“What… what did you tell her?”

“I told her you were passed out in my bed ‘cause I just fucked your brains out.”

Jared freezes in shock and Jensen sighs. “Jesus, Jare! You think I’d do that? I told her you hadn’t been feeling well and were probably knocked out on painkillers. She knew you had to go home so I had to play along with it.”

He gets up slowly, rubbing one hand over his face. “Listen. It’s okay. You don’t have to… This, whatever this is, we can…” He stops and shrugs like it’s nothing.

Oh, so that’s what this is about. Jared shakes his head and swings his legs over the edge of the bed. “Jen, don’t be an idiot. I love you. You.”

Jensen opens his mouth, and then looks away. “Don’t.”

“Don’t? Don’t what?” Jared stares at him incredulous. “Don’t tell you I love you? Screw that. I love you, Jensen. I’m gonna say it all the time now.” He tilts his head, eyes going soft. “I love you, you big oaf.”

Jensen’s eyes shift and he’s looking ten kinds of uncomfortable. “Do you have to…? Christ.”

“Suck it up.” Jared waves dismissively. “You said it to me too so don’t go all Dean on me, man.”

“I was emotional, ok? I just came in your ass.” Jensen blushes but there’s a smile tugging at his lips.

“Such a romantic, Jen.” He rolls his eyes and then gives Jensen a pointed look. “You telling me, you didn’t mean it?”

“No. I’m telling you I…” Jensen visibly squirms. “I don’t do well with saying stuff like that, ok?”

“Ok.” Jared stands up and walks over to Jensen, cradling his head as he pulls him in for a kiss. When they pull apart Jensen’s panting and Jared gives him a huge smile.

“I can say it for the both of us. I love you, Jensen.” He puckers his lips and drops his voice an octave, “Love you too, Jare,” then grins. “See?”

Jensen laughs shakily and Jared kisses him again. “Don’t worry about it. I’m gonna take a shower and then I’m going to call her and go meet her. It will all be okay.”

“Are you gonna tell her? About us, I mean? Because, Jare…” Jensen looks so panicked that Jared wants to squish the fear right out of him.

“No. I’m just going to tell her I don’t see it working between us. I don’t think she’ll be that surprised.” He steps back, face suddenly serious. “But, Jen, if she asks I can’t lie to her. You said it yourself, I’m a horrible liar.”

“Well, I’m stupid. You’re an actor, Jared, you can...”

“It’s not the same. She won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

Jensen rubs his eyes, shaking his head. “Dude, remember Joanna? Broadcasting our sex life all over the damn place. Only reason she didn’t tell people about the fucking strap-on was because she liked it so much herself. How do you know Sandy won’t spill it all?”

“I know. Relax.”

He gives Jensen another deep kiss and a smile before going to the bathroom to shower. He’s still sore and, even if he’s fairly sure he managed to hide it from Jensen, he’s scared out of his mind. He has no idea how Sandy will react. In fact he has no idea what the hell he’s going to tell her. It’s not going to be easy and he has no idea if he can handle it.

He knows one thing though. He’s totally utterly definitely gay.

Or possibly bi.

Not that it matters as long as either option includes fucking and being fucked by Jensen.


genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, ultimate gay test, tv: supernatural, cwrps fic, fic 2007, fic

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