DGM DR: Treadtracking; updated 01.02.12

Dec 03, 2005 00:00


October 2010

( Oct. 19; Horror Hall ) | cardio_swindle
( Oct. 23 ) | bloodyscore
( Oct. 25; Domino Rally ) | historymd
( Oct. 26; Fall Bonfire ) | meansproutling & mutedpleasure
( Oct. 30 ) | binderofxlife
( Oct. 31; Halloween ) | historymd

November 2010

( Nov. 2 ) | butterflystep
( Nov. 2 ) | will_bewaiting
( Nov. 4 ) | astabbingpain
( Nov. 5; Snowball Fight ) | salvationsnox & explosiverabbit
( Nov. 8; Diner ) | besomeothername
( Nov. 9 ) | wont_let_her_go
( Nov. 12 ) | forgotmyhat
( Nov. 15 ) | strangepotions
( Nov. 16 ) | 3rd_time_charm
( Nov 17; Masquerade Ball ) | salutmelodie, besomeothername & historymd
( Nov. 17 ) | manontheinside
( Nov. 20 ) | case_card
( Nov. 22 ) | callmeasinner
( Nov. 22 ) | thewrongname
( Nov. 23 ) | tothelastbreath
( Nov. 23 ) | velocitizing
( Nov. 25; Thanksgiving ) | by_her_grace
( Nov. 28 ) | askmeaboutsex
( Nov. 30; Tea Party ) | besomeothername & sleightofhearts
( Nov. 30; Tea Party ) | findingtrust ( Here ), flowercomplex ( Here ) & technicore ( Here )

December 2010

( Dec. 1; Mistletoe ) | cardio_swindle, tothelastbreath, bartendingclown, dualmelody & darkknighted
( Dec. 1; Mistletoe ) | case_card ( Here ), countess_hearts ( Here ), flowercomplex ( Here ), notpapa ( Here ), outofmyheadlena ( Here ) & payingrespects ( Here )
( Dec. 2 ) | a_royal_terror
( Dec. 4 ) | churchninja
( Dec. 4 ) | lostthecatphase
( Dec. 4 ) | nosybastard
( Dec. 6 ) | halfcocked & shelikestotease
( Dec. 7 ) | matryoshka_book
( Dec. 7 ) | stainedlotus
( Dec. 9; Yule Ball Invites ) | notpapa
( Dec. 12; Snowball Fight ) | case_card
( Dec. 18 ) | crazydrills
( Dec. 18 ) | nomsandflies & manontheinside
( Dec. 19; Yule Ball ) | salutmelodie, besomeothername, crazydrills, historymd & nosybastard
( Dec. 19; Yule Ball ) | belltroll ( Here ), fallenkeytotime ( Here ), gracelessrecord ( Here ), holyconvict ( Here ) & technicore ( Here )
( Dec. 20 ) | astabbingpain
( Dec. 23 ) | cruelharmony
( Dec. 27; Lena in the Tub ) | manontheinside, not_a_vontrapp, halfcocked, besomeothername, fallenkeytotime, crazydrills, tothelastbreath, cursed_clown & notpapa
( Dec. 29 ) | manontheinside
( Dec. 31; New Years ) | fallintomylies

January 2011

( Jan. 1 ) | fallenkeytotime
( Jan. 2; Hedge Mage ) | meansprout & solo_insanity
( Jan. 3 ) | tempersword
( Jan. 3; Vashta Nerada ) | notpapa
( Jan. 4 ) | churchninja
( Jan. 7 ) | inesistenza
( Jan. 7 ) | stillprays
( Jan. 12 ) | caffeineer
( Jan. 12; Sex Shop ) | halfcocked & sellingamore
( Jan. 14 ) | waltzofthewind
( Jan. 15 ) | case_card
( Jan. 15; Dreamscape Redux ) | marreddreams
( Jan. 18; Badges ) | flowercomplex, besomeothername & sleightofhearts
( Jan. 18; Badges ) | stitched_akuma ( Here ) & timelydeath ( Here )
( Jan. 26; Co-Ed Sleepover ) | shelikestotease
( Jan. 26; Co-Ed Sleepover ) | halfcocked
( Jan. 26; Co-Ed Sleepover ) | latenightmoon
( Jan. 29 ) | boundedsong
( Jan. 30; Closet Mistletoe ) | golemtheory, halfcocked & flowercomplex
( Jan. 30; Closet Mistletoe ) | isaiditsallen ( Here ), piufiori ( Here ), bloodyscore ( Here ) & meansprout ( Here )

February 2011

( Feb. 2 ) | 1year_wakened
( Feb. 4 ) | solo_insanity
( Feb. 4 ) | wolfawakened
( Feb. 8 ) | manontheinside
( Feb. 9 ) | dualmelody
( Feb. 9 ) | gunsandcorpses
( Feb. 9 ) | keptwalking
( Feb. 10 ) | latenightmoon
( Feb. 12; Missing Water ) | yuu_chan_kanda & manontheinside
( Feb. 14; Valentine's Day ) | salutmelodie & selfdeluded
( Feb. 16 ) | notpapa
( Feb. 16 ) | awknsnightmares
( Feb. 20 ) | stainedlotus & teasingstar
( Feb. 20 ) | meansprout
( Feb. 21 ) | 49thcrossroad
( Feb. 27; Back from Home ) | arebornstar, callmeasinner, tempersword, innocence_vamp, tothelastbreath, stitched_akuma, stainedlotus, besomeothername, dualmelody, salutmelodie & notpapa

March 2011

( Mar. 8; Help Help Help ) | baker_overlord
( Mar. 12 ) | inreto
( Mar. 13; Handfasted ) | arebornstar, talentings_9, manontheinside & stainedlotus
( Mar. 14 ) | fallintomylies
( Mar. 15; Noah Picnic ) | fantabulously, stainedlotus, notpapa, 1year_wakened, selfdeluded, dualmelody & fanged_musician
( Mar. 16 ) | whackatease
( Mar. 22 ) | mottling
( Mar. 23; Doors ) | flowercomplex, dualmelody, failingfelicity, besomeothername & cengjingfeiguo
( Mar. 23; Doors ) | salutmelodie ( Here )
( Mar. 29 ) | desiresbadtouch
( Mar. 31 ) | teasingstar

April 2011

( Apr. 4; Baking ) | meansprout, manontheinside, waltzofthewind, thedarktrilogy, bloodlessscore, stainedlotus, fallenkeytotime, 1year_wakened, solo_insanity, besomeothername, flowercomplex, shelikestotease & halfcocked
( Apr. 7; Horror Hall ) | withredallover
( Apr. 15 ) | soundonly
( Apr. 15 ) | history_keeper
( Apr. 16 ) | stitched_akuma
( Apr. 27 ) | stainedlotus
( Apr. 29; Tea-Akuma Attack ) | akumabin + countess_hearts

May 2011

( May 5; Akumafied ) | besomeothername, notpapa & dualmelody
( May 5; Akumafied ) | regeneratory ( Here )
( May 10; Storm the Castle ) | 1year_wakened, solo_insanity, usagilovebooks1 & dollmaker_noah
( May 10; Storm the Castle ) | meansprout ( Here )

June 2011

( Jun. 1; Exorcism ) | dualmelody → MUSEBOX
( Jun. 10; Revival ) | stainedlotus, regeneratory, 1year_wakened, stitched_akuma, meansprout, arebornstar, panolethros & besomeothername
( Jun. 20; Beach ) | regeneratory, salutmelodie, prayerofthe14th, 1year_wakened & stitched_akuma
( Jun. 20; Beach ) | meansprout ( Here )
( Jun. 22 ) | wheelsoftime
( Jun. 25; Allen's Birthday ) | besomeothername, selfdeluded & caughtinmemory
( Jun. 28 ) | shelikestotease & failingfelicity
( Jun. 29; False Feast ) | meansprout ( Here ), sonofpianist ( Here )

July 2011

( Jul. 1 ) | stainedlotus
( Jul. 10; Amusement Park ) | halfcocked, stainedlotus, 1year_wakened, regeneratory & arebornstar
( Jul. 14 ) | deadlyfly
( Jul. 15; Marked ) | regeneratory ( Here ), meansprout ( Here )
( Jul. 20 ) | meansprout
( Jul. 22 ) | itisasillyplace
( Jul. 24 ) | meansprout → MUSEBOX
( Jul. 26 ) | waltzofthewind
( Jul. 30 ) | bloodyscore

August 2011

( Aug. 4; Dreams ) | regeneratory, besomeothername, 1year_wakened, stainedlotus & meansprout
( Aug. 9 ) | psychic_psych0
( Aug. 15; Blind Date... ) | meansprout → MUSEBOX
( Aug. 23; Photoshoot ) | regeneratory

September 2011

( Sep. 6 ) | beleven & risolvere
( Sep. 8 ) | fanged_musician
( Sep. 13 ) | rabbitwithwings
( Sep. 18; Horror Hall ) | solo_insanity & 1year_wakened

October 2011

( Oct. 19; Back from Home: Redux ) | bloodyscore, regeneratory, stainedlotus, salutmelodie, meansprout, historyrabbit, killedyuu, 1year_wakened, selfdeluded, inreto & dualmelody
( Oct. 31; Halloween ) | besomeothername, regeneratory & 1year_wakened
( Oct. 31; Halloween ) | therealprotag ( Here )

November 2011

( Nov. 9 ) | scientificlee

December 2011

( Dec. 1; Dreams Redux ) | desiredhumanity
( Dec. 3; Mistletoe ) | halfcocked, stainedlotus, dualmelody, 1year_wakened & tempersword
( Dec. 3; Mistletoe ) | meansprout ( Here )
( Dec. 5 ) | regeneratory
( Dec. 11 ) | arebornstar
( Dec. 21; Yule Ball ) | 1year_wakened, dualmelody & stainedlotus
( Dec. 21; Yule Ball ) | besomeothername ( Here )
( Dec. 23; Gifts ) | bloodyscore & arebornstar → MUSEBOX
( Dec. 25 ) | regeneratory
( Dec. 26 ) | blindedrequiem

ooc: threadtracking, ooc: dgmdressroom

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