
Dec 21, 2011 18:06

[It's 6 p.m. on the dot, and the East Wing ballroom is totally decked out.

pretty picture below )


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fallforthesky December 22 2011, 06:34:50 UTC
[Coming up beside him and tapping his shoulder, lightly, so as not to jar his camera.] Merry Christmas, Lavi.


besomeothername December 22 2011, 06:47:51 UTC
[Grins and replies] Merry Christmas to you, too, Lenalee.

[Just give him one second. A Cross and a Kanda are finally at just the right angle to best shot of the night and-]

[Flash! Gotcha!]

[Hangs the camera around his neck so he can turn and wrap Lenalee in a hug]

I'm glad you could make it.


fallforthesky December 22 2011, 07:05:32 UTC
[She wraps her arms around him in return, squeezing him gently.] I wasn't going to miss this.


besomeothername December 22 2011, 07:12:05 UTC
[Smiles as he steps back to arms length though he still has his hands on resting lightly on her upper arms]

We can do this two ways, yeah. I could steal you away for my spot on your dance card first, or I could point out a certain someone who probably deserves a spot on that dance card more than I.

[Lavi's sure she doesn't need three guesses to think of what he has in mind. Perfectly platonic of course]

[Yeah right]


fallforthesky December 22 2011, 07:51:53 UTC
[Three guesses, but the first two don't count on account of not needing them. Yes. And she goes slightly pink, dodging his gaze. In the aftermath of the mistletoe "mishap", Lenalee is doing her level best to pretend as if Lavi had never made her so confused.

So she's going to smile at him once she's finished with that brief hesitation.]

I think I promised you a dance. It would be rude of me to put you second after doing that.


besomeothername December 22 2011, 08:09:24 UTC
[But the two roommates are doing their very best to confuse Lenalee and Allen. Lavi will admit he got the better end of the deal. Lenalee was more open to the idea in general. Maybe. Possibly. From Lavi's perspective]

No need to be so prim and proper around me, yeah. First dance. Last dance. Twenty seventh dance. They are all the same to me, yeah.

But I would be happy to be your warm-up, yeah.

[Leaning in to place a kiss on her cheek if she'll let him. Quiet little butterfly kiss]

You look extra beautiful tonight.


fallforthesky December 22 2011, 08:38:52 UTC
[WHY ARE YOU BOTH DOING THIS TO THEM. It's almost as though she's been locked in some bizarre, nerve-wracking dance with Mean for weeks now anyway and neither of them know the steps, and now Lavi and Hobo are adding new ones to the mix and-


I want you to have my first dance. [She ducks her head slightly as he leans in to kiss her cheek; she's not pushing him away or trying to shy back, she's just reacting to it with some fluster. Lifts her hand to brush over his cheek, since she's not brave enough to kiss him back when there's no mistletoe overhead.] ...well, I couldn't resist dressing up for a ball like this. [Literally.]


besomeothername December 22 2011, 08:58:13 UTC
[They are just giving advice. Horrible advice, but advice all the same. Lavi a bit more skewed with the shipping rose-tinted glasses than most, but he means well. Or at least he thinks he does]

[Yeah, someone should really throw her a lifesaver]

That's the spirit!

[Completely unaware that she was forced to dress up. Who wouldn't want to dress up? Another one of life's mysteries]

And I would be happy to have the first dance. [Leaning a bit into that touch on his cheek, grinning all the more before he takes her hand and tries to guide her down the stairs]

You're familiar with the waltz, yeah?


fallforthesky December 22 2011, 09:29:30 UTC
[Of course Lavi means well. She's never doubted that for a second- it's just a bit. Overwhelming. To have some of that shipping-glasses focus trained on her for once.

Oh, she likes dressing up as much as any other girl her age; she'd just have preferred something less showy. She feels like she surely must be reflecting the holiday lights with the beading on the gown. But Lenalee follows after him without any noticeable hesitance when he tries leading her for the stairwell.]

Of course. [Jerry taught her! "Just in case," he'd said once, with a wistful glimmer in his eye.]


besomeothername December 24 2011, 07:44:24 UTC
[Lavi likes the beading. Likes it very much. And the length of her hair is just perfect for evening gowns and ballroom dancing and well- being beautiful in his opinion. But then he always did have a thing for girls with longer hair]

[With a reassuring smile, he leads her off to one side of the dance floor. Far enough away that a few missteps would not be seen. And perhaps just far enough away that no one but perhaps another Lavi would be able to tell which Lenalee was on the dance floor this night]

Good. It's the only thing I'm even relatively good at. Well, that and the Lindi Hop, but I don't think your gown would approve of such a dance.


fallforthesky December 24 2011, 20:36:09 UTC
[That's sweet of him to think.]

I could always go get changed, but I think this place might put me right back in a dress if I tried coming back in without one.

[Their place on the dance floor doesn't go unnoticed, and she gives him a small, gracious smile. Even though she knows how to dance, she still doesn't like being in the centre of things. Besides, she'd rather just dance with Lavi than be in the middle of the floor and constantly have to glance around to make sure they wouldn't impede on other dancers.]


besomeothername December 25 2011, 01:33:06 UTC
That is true. And you look lovely as is.

[So without further ado, he'll bow to her graciously and get their positions ready. He guides Lenalee's hand to his shoulder before placing a hand lightly on her waist. He reaches for her other hand, flashes his best and most comforting smile before he steps into the dance]

It isn't so bad, is it? Having to come to the Yule Ball.


fallforthesky December 25 2011, 08:33:55 UTC
[Meets his bow with a slight curtsey. She's very quick to relax into the proper posture and position, squeezing his hand when he takes it. And while she's not as smooth as she could be following him into the steps, that's more because what he's asking surprises her.] I never thought coming to it was bad at all. Good things usually happen.


besomeothername December 25 2011, 18:00:59 UTC
[That makes him smile. That Lenalee wants to come and be here and dance and just have a good time. Perhaps Yupunzel was right, and he was secretly a pessimist under all that (sometimes forced) optimism]

They do. And I hope good things happen to you, yeah.

[Leads her into a twirl before stepping back into the basic step]

Happy early holidays, Lenalee. I'm glad I get to spend today with you.

[And that she came into the DR. And that she seems to be doing better. And that he has such a lovely dance partner]


fallforthesky December 25 2011, 20:22:28 UTC
[There are memories of dancing with her brother and meeting people she loves attached to the Yule Ball. She wouldn't miss this, just as she said. Maybe that makes Lavi a bit of a pessimist, but he's been here longer than almost anyone. The DR does affect him; just differently than anyone else. The people affect him.]

They already are happening. [This dance is a good thing, right? She pulls him a little closer as she comes out of the twirl, leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment.] I'm glad, too. This means a lot to me.


besomeothername December 26 2011, 10:03:01 UTC
[This dance is a wonderful thing. It connects him, grounds him to a bit of home which Lavi has spent the last three years doing his best to float away from. And Lavi hopes that it helps Lenalee too in some way]

[Touches his cheek against her hair and closing his eyes for a moment. This felt nice. Friendly and warm and such a nice break after the whirlwind of the last few months]

I don't suppose I could get your picture later this evening.


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