"Oh, is it my turn? I've been waiting."

Dec 19, 2008 02:10

1. I realise that I need to stop abusing my headphones. Because even though ONE set is cheap enough at $25, the fact that I bought my third one for the year today? Means I've spent $75 so far! WTF. I never MEAN to break my headphones, obviously. But I just... do? And it sucks, because these are the nice clip-on kind, which produce AMAZING-quality ( Read more... )

desperate housewives, broadway, meme, lollerskating brb!!, i fail, meryl streep, music, lj - in48frames, movies, capslock flail

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Comments 113

hecatescurse December 18 2008, 20:02:57 UTC
1. Haha. I used to break my headphones by sleeping with them on, which squishes them. But now, I don't have those bulky ones anymore, which helps a lot. (I have those ones which stick inside your ears.)

6. Well...I am afraid most of the music I listen to is stuff that you already have. I don't have a varied music library. :P

But here's Once Upon a Time from Bare. I've been listening to it a lot lately: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lndiqu


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:02:51 UTC
1. Ha, glad I'm not the only one who goes through headphones FAR too quickly. Faily fail fail is what is mine. The ones that stick inside make my ears hurt after a while though! :(

6. LOL, don't worry, my music library is hardly varied at all too.

I LOVE that song you uploaded. I've not heard it before, but it's gorgeous. Sounds just so... sad, and lyrical. I shall have to hunt down the rest of the Bare recording now!


hecatescurse December 19 2008, 17:45:09 UTC
6. You mean I actually was able to find a song that you haven't heard before? O.O

And you haven't heard Bare before? *dies* I can get you an upload link, if you want it (both to a bootleg and the actual recording).


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:48:43 UTC
6. You should absolutely NOT be surprised that I haven't heard of a LOT of songs. Before musical theatre - and I'm fairly new to that and also tend to get stuck on my favourite performers/shows - I had written off English music. I know NOTHING. *weeps*

Oh, I can hunt it down, but if you have a link to the OCR that'd be great. I'll look into bootlegs at a later point. ;)


irnbruise December 18 2008, 20:10:49 UTC
As I just wrote in Aliisa's journal, I had half a nervous breakdown trying to pick a song for this. How is anyone supposed to represent themselves in only ONE song? I almost just went with my favorite song of the moment but maybe in a month I would regret that choice. So this is possibly my favorite song of the last three years or so:

Marc Broussard - Home

I just thought of another song I should upload so I'm going to post this before I can change my mind. D:


alexia88 December 18 2008, 21:26:34 UTC
One song is far too hard. You picked a great one though!! xD Oh Marc.


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:10:44 UTC
You're not gonna play?! D:

Marc is awesome. I just told Leslie I have to go buy, like, his albums now.


alexia88 December 20 2008, 08:11:17 UTC
Did Meg never hit you up with Marc Broussard stuff? She got me into him years ago at the same time as Gavin DeGraw.

I'm still mulling which songs to give you that I haven't already :P And I'm going home where my iTunes library is later today so will upload for you then ;)


shutterbug_12 December 18 2008, 20:11:18 UTC
...How do you keep breaking your headphones?

I wish people would read/see the play before seeing Doubt in its movie form, rather than being afraid of being "spoiled" for the plot. The play is so, so marvelous and wonderful, and will probably help viewers understand and enjoy the movie even more. *stops before I get carried away*


ellixian December 19 2008, 16:55:32 UTC
... I have no idea? I think when I toss them in my bag, the clip-on bits just get snagged in something and snap off? Or things get dislodged... bah.

Well, ideally, I'd have wanted to see the show onstage, but that's never going to happen for me. So I would just rather remain unspoiled for the plot and enjoy the movie for what it is - John Patrick Shanley's silver screen version of the play. I can read the play after, which I fully intend to do, if I can find a copy, so no worries there.


smokeline December 18 2008, 20:29:41 UTC
See my last.fm top tracks and let me know which ones you haven't heard and then I will pick. (Besides I'll Be Your Eyes because that is a fluke; I have no idea how that happened the song is not quality. And also Loch Lomond, unless you are for some reason curious even though it's not even me.)


ellixian December 19 2008, 16:46:18 UTC
Wow, I haven't heard, like... most of them? *cries* Aside from the Alice song and the Julia/Laura duet... so hit me with whatever strikes your fancy MOST at the moment. :D


smokeline December 19 2008, 21:16:09 UTC
Okay, so I fail at deciding so you get three. XD Number one by a nose is Keep Breathing from Ingrid Michaelson because it contains my favorite line ever in a song, the incredibly emo "I want to change the world, instead I sleep."

The other song that basically describes my life every time I'm on break from school and cannot WAIT to get the fuck out of my house again is the epic Anywhere But Here from JRB's possible future show Honeymoon in Vegas, sung by Laura Benanti.

And then the song that is currently floating my boat (aside from my choir's version of Loch Lomond, which is I think just me being a freak so I won't upload it) is My Heart With You by The Rescues. HARMONIES OMG.

(And this is sort of related, but I am also in love with Kina Grannis. I posted some of her music here, but I don't think we were friends yet? You might enjoy.)


irnbruise December 21 2008, 05:12:51 UTC
This post has so many comments now I couldn't find this to save my life. :P

I am going to be super contradictory and possibly offend 25% of the people reading and say I actually prefer Kerry Butler's Anywhere But Here to Laura's. The song is BRILLIANT no matter who's singing it, and I do like Laura's, but there is too much vibrato going on there for my preferences.

Haha when I am home/with my family I have to listen to like, loud whiny nu metal to get my catharsis out.


inafaugh December 18 2008, 20:51:03 UTC
Okay. Limiting myself to only what is on my jump drive. Skipping anything Murney or Menzel.

One of my all time favorite tunes, which is kinda funny because I am SO very hip-hop (NOT):

Killing Me Softly (With His Song) by The Fugees

Oh, and one more, in the spirit of the season:

Christmas is Coming by Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Scooter, and Robin (Because the Muppets beat all) http://www.sendspace.com/file/70izut


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:13:15 UTC
Yeah, I skipped Murney or Menzel when answering this meme too - I figured the people on my flist who are playing would kind of know them already. I wonder why I thought that...

OOOH. GOOD CHOICES. Lauryn Hill's voice is beautiful. I've always loved that version of Killing Me Softly.

And I JUST listened to the Muppets Christmas song and OMG. CRACKING. ME. UP. Thank you for the songs!! XD


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