"Oh, is it my turn? I've been waiting."

Dec 19, 2008 02:10

1. I realise that I need to stop abusing my headphones. Because even though ONE set is cheap enough at $25, the fact that I bought my third one for the year today? Means I've spent $75 so far! WTF. I never MEAN to break my headphones, obviously. But I just... do? And it sucks, because these are the nice clip-on kind, which produce AMAZING-quality sound and don't annoy my ears. So they're worth the money... but three times over? Faily of me, I know.

2. Also, since Jeremy Piven had to go off and pursue his new career as a thermometer, Norbert Leo Butz and William H Macy are filling in for him in Speed The Plow. Frak. I mean, FRAK. I wasn't going to see this, and my schedule as it currently stands really doesn't allow for it, but OMG - to see William H Macy live? (Also, Raul Esparza and Elisabeth Moss, but mainly for one half of Filliam H Muffman.) AUGH. Yeah, I know. The only way to REALLY resolve this dilemma is, clearly, just to move to NYC. Sigh.

3. MERYL. I need need need to stop watching her promotional interviews and stuff for Doubt, because, argh. Do not need to be spoiled, or have my expectations raised any further. As things stand, I think I got spoilt in a pretty major way for a key plot point when I watched a kind of town-hall-type press conference the cast did for the movie. BUMMER.

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PRICELESS: Meryl talks about how she got some of earlier jobs - including Out Of Africa, OMG - by, shall we say, "padding up" her resume...? XD

I love how she can be SO funny and then just so plain smart and grounded and focused in the same interview. Later in this video, she talks about the habit that she had to wear throughout Doubt, and proceeds to give a HISTORY LESSON about the real-life nun who adopted this particular style of widow's habit for the order her character is from. OMG. O_O

DON'T watch Part 3 of the interview if you want to stay unspoiled for the plot, and stop this video after the cute little fight at the beginning between Meryl and Viola Davis over how to play their scene. BUT OMIGOD I LOVE THE MINI-FIGHT. Because Viola is all, like, I HAVE TO DECIDE ON BENCHES? NOOOOOOOOOO!! and Meryl YELLS in protest that she didn't want L-shaped ones, and it's SO funny, because I think this is where you get the SUPER-SCARY-FOCUSED Meryl directors sometimes talk about - when she's so invested in the project and her character that she gives her unvarnished opinion. It's HILARIOUS. NO BENCHES, EVAR. MERYL IS THE BENCH NAZI. And then poor John Patrick Shanley is all: it seemed like a good idea AT THE TIME. Meryl: YOU = FOR THE LOSE. "I thought I'd be polite and hold back... for once." LMAO. Oh Meryl, why so funny!

And THEN! At the END of this video, they're taking questions from the audience, and at 5:39, she calls for a girl to ask a question: "REPRESENT!!... Oh, they know everything, they don't need to ask anything!" THEN, FIST-PUMPING. OMIGOD. She's SO CUTE. ASLDALDHALHFLAHSDLAS

4. And I also bought Dark Matter when I spotted it in the DVD store - I was looking to see if Mamma Mia was on the shelves, but I suspect it was sold out. Serendipitously, however, I spotted this DVD, and it's one of the few Meryl movies released in the past few years that I HAVEN'T seen, so. :D

5. As I check IMDB to see which ones I HAVEN'T seen - House of the Spirits, wth. I didn't even KNOW this movie existed. Okay, I did, but I didn't know what it was ABOUT. What a weird (albeit awesome) group of actors to have playing... a bunch of Chilean characters. Jeremy Irons? Winona? Glenn Close? I have this book somewhere, waiting to be read. I should get to that.

6. Finally: a meme snagged from in48frames - I'd love it if you guys could spam me with some music! XD It'll be fun!

Friends List Soundtrack Meme

I want to have a complete soundtrack with one song from each of my friends. It can be your favourite song in the whole world, a recent favourite or just a song that you think really identifies you. Upload the song and leave the link in a comment. If you can't upload your song, just post the artist and name, and I'll (try to) download it myself. I'll put a fanmix together with (hopefully) pretty art and post it on my journal for everyone to download.

desperate housewives, broadway, meme, lollerskating brb!!, i fail, meryl streep, music, lj - in48frames, movies, capslock flail

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