"Oh, is it my turn? I've been waiting."

Dec 19, 2008 02:10

1. I realise that I need to stop abusing my headphones. Because even though ONE set is cheap enough at $25, the fact that I bought my third one for the year today? Means I've spent $75 so far! WTF. I never MEAN to break my headphones, obviously. But I just... do? And it sucks, because these are the nice clip-on kind, which produce AMAZING-quality ( Read more... )

desperate housewives, broadway, meme, lollerskating brb!!, i fail, meryl streep, music, lj - in48frames, movies, capslock flail

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Comments 113

llyfrgell December 18 2008, 21:05:49 UTC
1. My headphones got chewed by cats, so I got new ones that kind of suck and hurt my ears. Fail. At least I still have my good airplane ones.

2. David Mamet's quote in that article, wtf. I read it and was just like "...."

5. Read the book before you see the movie! I haven't seen it, but having read it I can't imagine how they will fit everything into a movie in a sensible fashion. Also wtf with casting all the white people.

6. I've been going old-school with this meme, so here's one of my favorites from high school, from maybe my all-time favorite band (one of only two I've seen in concert!).

Effortlessly - Sister Hazel

I really wanted to give you a different song, but it got lost in the Great Data Failure of 2007 and now it's only on my iPod, so fail.


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:21:09 UTC
1. Randomly, I can't steal airplane headphones - at least not from Singapore Airlines - because they make special ones that only work for the airplane. I guess they must have had a LOT of cases of people stealing headphones. :P

2. Hee!!

5. I probably will - I think it's one of those movies that's only on VHS anyway, so I won't bother 'til it comes out on DVD. Besides, cast of weirdness, right?! The only vaguely ethnically appropriate actor in that cast = Antonio Banderas!

6. HI SISTER HAZEL. I was addicted with Change Your Mind when I was younger. ADDICTED. I love this one you uploaded - melodic rock ftw. ♥ Now I feel the urge for ALBUMS.


llyfrgell December 19 2008, 17:31:34 UTC
1. Haha oh, I meant ones I got for use on airplanes, not ones from airplanes. Wording ftl. Mine were a Christmas present last year - Bose ones, and I would have seriously considered giving the cat up for adoption if she'd chewed through the cord on THOSE.

5. Have you heard about that live-action movie based on an anime where all the Asian characters were cast with white actors? So much fail, seriously.

6. YAY SISTER HAZEL. Their album Chasing Daylight came out in maybe my second year of high school and I looooved it. I've seen them in concert maybe four times? Always fun, even though their most recent album isn't as great.


ellixian December 19 2008, 18:11:37 UTC
1. LOL, let's put it down to my reading being ftl too. ;) But, Bose headphones, eek. WANT.

5. I've heard about it! And didn't go to see it, which I suppose is rare. How do they think these things WORK?

6. Very yay!! :D You've seen them in concert a LOT. I approve and that's amazing. I love seeing my favourite acts/singers live. Well, obviously. Julia ♥

This meme is so bad for me, I'm listening to everyone's recs throughout the night and have so many albums I want to buy now!!


vertical_chaos December 18 2008, 21:58:21 UTC
5. The book is MUCH better!! I read it back in high school and have reread it a couple of times since then. I remember being SOOO excited for the movie and then so disappointed in it. :( Sadness.

6. She Keeps Her Love Away which, as I put in my journal the other day I have decided IS my story (other than the thing where I have a bird and not a cat)

*EDIT* Meant to say this too. I have a near perfect recording of N2N from Sunday evening. I know you're not tracking it now, but when you get back, I'll send it. I was front row and there's only like one little sniff/scratch at one tiny point that I'm really not sure what it is. But it should net you some good trades. Short of a soundboard, I'm not sure I can get a better one than this.


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:06:11 UTC
5. I've heard good things about the book too! Like I said, I have a copy somewhere, bought on the recommendation of a friend. So I'll read that at some point. I find the cast for the film just so WEIRD.

6. Great rec, of course. I adore the whole of Everything Fine, and that song is one of the most beautiful ones I've ever heard. Definitely adding this to mix!

Re your edit: SO excited for N2N, my goodness. I'm really glad your recording turned out so well! Once I get back with my OWN audios (I can't believe that's actually going to happen but it is!!), I'll track and then should be able to help you with yours.


vertical_chaos December 19 2008, 20:32:20 UTC
5. Yeah...the casting was the LEAST of the film's problems. LOL.

6. Well, it did say one that identifies me, so... LOL. :)

Cool! Thanks so much. I will be happy with this one and one of the Shrek ones. LOL. :)


timeofyoursong December 18 2008, 22:30:47 UTC
Morgan Karr - Flight. Probably one of my all time favorite songs, regardless of who sings it.


... )


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:30:06 UTC

And Julia!spam is always appreciated. She's PRETTY in these pics! ♥

BUT. I ALSO LOVE THE SONG YOU POSTED. LIKE, A CRAZY AMOUNT. The piano, and the belting and the LYRICS. I need to listen to this one over and over again. THANK YOU for the rec. What else has Morgan done?


timeofyoursong December 19 2008, 19:44:19 UTC
Hardcore facebook stalking. No, really, Scott Alan got tagged in one of Jen Bender's albums from the Broadway in South Africa holiday party thing and I was clicking through AND LO AND BEHOLD, JULIA.

Flight is one of those songs that I will listen to no matter who sings it because the lyrics and the piano and everything GUH (despite being kind of dinosaur-y, Craig Carnelia does write some really awesome songs). I found the versio by Morgan in one of my boredom inspired youtube searches and don't really know anything about him, but I believe that he is in Spring Awakening. His voice is just so hjdsfkask that I couldn't resist and had to pimp it.


ellixian December 19 2008, 20:01:00 UTC
LOL, I should really stalk FB a lot more for these photos, I guess - she and Jen appear to be great friends and take so many photos together! Except, of course, Julia doesn't HAVE a FB so she isn't tagged in them. Fail.

GOD I APPROVE OF THE SONG. It's amazing in every way. Epic times epic. Although I must admit my FAIL in saying that -- I thought Morgan was a GIRL. With a relatively deep voice. *weeps* Omigod. I think Julia has ruined my expectations of people's voices forever.


sapphs December 18 2008, 22:35:57 UTC
I like Viva la Vida by Coldplay atm :)


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:42:28 UTC
I must have been living under a rock this year - I haven't heard this song until now! I LOVE IT THOUGH. It's on such a sweeping, epic scale. Thanks for the recommendation! XD


joyfulxheart December 18 2008, 23:18:08 UTC
1. I just bought a new pair of earphones today. They're about my fifth pair this year. I go through them so fast. I think I burn them out because I use them so much lol.

6. I LOVE THAT MEME. I am totally going to snag it!
My song: Who I Am-Jessica Andrews. This song seriously describes me to a T. It's been dubbed my song in my family for years. :]


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:57:07 UTC
1. LOL, it's so weird how stuff is happening with everyone's earphones now that I've mentioned this - you got a new pair, my friend's pair broke... weird!

6. Thank you for the rec, it's a great song! I love me some country-pop, and Jessica has a great voice. The lyrics are fantastic too; I kind of love that it's an inside joke for your family. SO APPROPRIATE!


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