"Oh, is it my turn? I've been waiting."

Dec 19, 2008 02:10

1. I realise that I need to stop abusing my headphones. Because even though ONE set is cheap enough at $25, the fact that I bought my third one for the year today? Means I've spent $75 so far! WTF. I never MEAN to break my headphones, obviously. But I just... do? And it sucks, because these are the nice clip-on kind, which produce AMAZING-quality ( Read more... )

desperate housewives, broadway, meme, lollerskating brb!!, i fail, meryl streep, music, lj - in48frames, movies, capslock flail

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hecatescurse December 18 2008, 20:02:57 UTC
1. Haha. I used to break my headphones by sleeping with them on, which squishes them. But now, I don't have those bulky ones anymore, which helps a lot. (I have those ones which stick inside your ears.)

6. Well...I am afraid most of the music I listen to is stuff that you already have. I don't have a varied music library. :P

But here's Once Upon a Time from Bare. I've been listening to it a lot lately: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lndiqu


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:02:51 UTC
1. Ha, glad I'm not the only one who goes through headphones FAR too quickly. Faily fail fail is what is mine. The ones that stick inside make my ears hurt after a while though! :(

6. LOL, don't worry, my music library is hardly varied at all too.

I LOVE that song you uploaded. I've not heard it before, but it's gorgeous. Sounds just so... sad, and lyrical. I shall have to hunt down the rest of the Bare recording now!


hecatescurse December 19 2008, 17:45:09 UTC
6. You mean I actually was able to find a song that you haven't heard before? O.O

And you haven't heard Bare before? *dies* I can get you an upload link, if you want it (both to a bootleg and the actual recording).


ellixian December 19 2008, 17:48:43 UTC
6. You should absolutely NOT be surprised that I haven't heard of a LOT of songs. Before musical theatre - and I'm fairly new to that and also tend to get stuck on my favourite performers/shows - I had written off English music. I know NOTHING. *weeps*

Oh, I can hunt it down, but if you have a link to the OCR that'd be great. I'll look into bootlegs at a later point. ;)


hecatescurse December 19 2008, 19:12:41 UTC
This should be it: hxxp://www.megaupload.com/?d=HBDF0MAS

Found it in my file manager on megaupload.



ellixian December 19 2008, 19:15:38 UTC
Fantastic, thank you so much! :D


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