[Thread] A little patch of spring

Nov 23, 2008 19:03

Characters: Takion, Open
Where: Park
When: Middle of the day
Summary: Takion gets tired of the snow.
Warnings: Shouldn't be any.

November snowshowers bring May flowers )

[kagihime monogatari] alternate l takion, [yuugiou gx] saioh takuma, [black jewels] saetan sadiablo, [cowboy bebop] faye valentine, [pushing daisies] ned, *open

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Comments 72

papa_high_lord November 24 2008, 03:55:59 UTC
Unlike Takion, Saetan was rather enjoying the snow. It made for a pleasant change of scene in the compound and in his opinion it made the park look quite pretty. Plus, it brought out a few childish urges in someone even as ancient as he was.

Catching sight of Takion from a distance he had begun to air walk as Jaenelle had shown him years ago, feet hovering just high enough above the snow so as not to make footprints. At the same time he wrapped himself in a sightshield, effectively rendering himself invisible so that when the snowball he launched went sailing towards his lover it would be nearly impossible to figure out where it had come from.


takion November 24 2008, 10:32:53 UTC
When the snowball hit Takion in the back of the head, he jumped up and spun a full circle to find the culprit. Logic would dictate that the snowball came from the opposite direction in which it was thrown, but Takion knew enough telekinetics in Econtra to make that a moot point.

No one was around. Frowning, Takion lifted his gaze to examine the trees. No one up there either.

"Perplexing," the author murmured to himself.


papa_high_lord November 26 2008, 03:24:37 UTC
A typical Takion response. Saetan barely managed to bite back a laugh as the author glanced around himself looking for the source of the snow. An honorable opponent would, he supposed, have revealed himself by this point but launching one more volley first couldn't hurt.


takion November 26 2008, 03:28:00 UTC
This time Takion at least saw the direction the attack came from. Even though the invisible opponent scored another hit, Takion scooped some snow into a ball from the fringes of his patch of springtime and lobbed it back towards where the others had come from.


lady_bounty November 24 2008, 05:12:24 UTC
Bundled up in her gray wool coat and deerskin gloves, Faye was slogging through the snow in the park, on one of her frequent compound-encompassing walks. She had gotten to the point of despairing of ever finding a blind spot in the Keepers' surveillance, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. Also, she had it in mind to take a good look at the banks of the pond and stream....

Fighting her way through a winter that had come, in her opinion, much to soon, she stumbled across a small clearing to which, alone in all the compound, spring had come, much much to soon. And in the middle of it all was Alternate L. Takion.

Well, she thought, smirking, how fortuitous~. She leaned against a tree, crossing her arms, her smirk widening and amusement showing clearly in her eyes. "Well hey there, Mr. Takion... come here often~?"


takion November 24 2008, 10:36:42 UTC
As his teatime was interrupted by a familiar voice, Takion glanced up at the bundled figure and smiled. The last time he'd bumped into Faye, he thought he may have slightly traumatized her with his frivolous imaginings. It was good to see that she hadn't been put off by them.

"Often enough, Lady Valentine," the author said politely. He gestured to his picnic blanket. "Would you like to step in out of the cold?"


lady_bounty November 25 2008, 02:09:06 UTC
Faye had been rather alarmed when she first encountered Takion and his strange powers, but quickly got over it when she recognized their usefulness in certain situations.

Such as this one~. She favored him with a wide smile. "Why, how very kind of you, sir~. I would like to step in out of the cold, thank you~." She stepped into the circle of springtime warmth with a sigh of real bliss, shedding her coat as she sat elegantly on the blanket, being careful to keep her snow-soaked boots off of it. "Mmmm, real warmth!" she exulted. "You are so lucky to have your power, Mr. Takion... and I am so glad you're willing to share~!"


takion November 25 2008, 02:17:31 UTC
"It has its uses on occasion," Takion agreed as he watched Faye maker herself comfortable. Far be it from him to let a woman shiver in the cold while he enjoyed such luxuries. That would simply be bad manners, and Takion had been raised better than that, even if his manners were somewhat antiquated. "Is there anything I can get for you, Lady Valentine?"


ned_piemaker November 25 2008, 01:40:58 UTC
The Piemaker would not have believed it if he had not seen it. Amidst all the snow was a circle of light and vivid spring colors. He felt drawn towards it, though he wasn't sure what could have caused it. Surely some kind of magic, and he would be better off if he didn't get mixed up with it, but he couldn't resist. When he was closer he saw that a man was sitting in the midst of the little anomaly, drinking tea.

"Hello?" he called, stepping closer, hands clasped behind his back, "Did you do this?"


takion November 25 2008, 01:49:47 UTC
Takion glanced at the approaching young man, studying him long enough to recognize that he didn't know him. That didn't bother him, for there were many in Econtra he didn't know. With a welcoming smile, the author gestured for the young man to join him. "I did indeed. I'm afraid that I didn't particularly relish sitting out in the cold for teatime."


ned_piemaker November 25 2008, 01:56:42 UTC
It was a sign of what the stay in Neocontra was doing to Ned that he barely hesitated before stepping into the circle of warmth and flower smells. He was getting more and more used to this idea of other people being able to do magic.

"Why not sit inside?"

He didn't ask it in a snotty way, but out of sheer curiosity, as a conversation-starter.


takion November 25 2008, 02:01:27 UTC
"Because that would be logical," Takion pointed out with a chuckle. He stood and offered his hand to his guest. "Alternate L. Takion. I'm an author by trade. You may know some of my stories - Alice in Wonderland or Alice Through the Looking Glass perhaps?"


tarot_umbrella November 25 2008, 02:33:57 UTC
Saioh did not care for snow. He had liked it as a child, but that had been before he had been forced to leave home in the middle of winter and suffer on the cold streets. At the moment, he was hurrying back to his room with a book he'd borrowed from the library, moving as quickly as he could without actually running.

And then something made him stop and do a doubletake. He stared a moment, then smiled and walked over to Takion's little oasis.

"I should have known you would come up with something like this," he said.


takion November 25 2008, 02:40:15 UTC
From his seat on the ground, Takion smiled up at Saioh. It seemed to him that he didn't get to see his boys enough. They both had a tendency to keep to themselves. Boys, especially teen boys, seemed to require less raising than girls.

"It seemed the best way to deal with the chill in the air," Takion stated between sips of his tea.


tarot_umbrella November 25 2008, 02:46:03 UTC
"It seems a very effective way," said Saioh. "You wouldn't mind if a cold and weary traveler stopped to thaw his hands, would you?"


takion November 25 2008, 02:49:30 UTC
"I would be a poor parent indeed if I left you out in the cold," Takion murmured. "By all means, m'boy, come warm your cold bones."


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