[Thread] A little patch of spring

Nov 23, 2008 19:03

Characters: Takion, Open
Where: Park
When: Middle of the day
Summary: Takion gets tired of the snow.
Warnings: Shouldn't be any.

November snowshowers bring May flowers )

[kagihime monogatari] alternate l takion, [yuugiou gx] saioh takuma, [black jewels] saetan sadiablo, [cowboy bebop] faye valentine, [pushing daisies] ned, *open

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papa_high_lord November 24 2008, 03:55:59 UTC
Unlike Takion, Saetan was rather enjoying the snow. It made for a pleasant change of scene in the compound and in his opinion it made the park look quite pretty. Plus, it brought out a few childish urges in someone even as ancient as he was.

Catching sight of Takion from a distance he had begun to air walk as Jaenelle had shown him years ago, feet hovering just high enough above the snow so as not to make footprints. At the same time he wrapped himself in a sightshield, effectively rendering himself invisible so that when the snowball he launched went sailing towards his lover it would be nearly impossible to figure out where it had come from.


takion November 24 2008, 10:32:53 UTC
When the snowball hit Takion in the back of the head, he jumped up and spun a full circle to find the culprit. Logic would dictate that the snowball came from the opposite direction in which it was thrown, but Takion knew enough telekinetics in Econtra to make that a moot point.

No one was around. Frowning, Takion lifted his gaze to examine the trees. No one up there either.

"Perplexing," the author murmured to himself.


papa_high_lord November 26 2008, 03:24:37 UTC
A typical Takion response. Saetan barely managed to bite back a laugh as the author glanced around himself looking for the source of the snow. An honorable opponent would, he supposed, have revealed himself by this point but launching one more volley first couldn't hurt.


takion November 26 2008, 03:28:00 UTC
This time Takion at least saw the direction the attack came from. Even though the invisible opponent scored another hit, Takion scooped some snow into a ball from the fringes of his patch of springtime and lobbed it back towards where the others had come from.


papa_high_lord November 26 2008, 03:37:13 UTC
Most people would have been able to get out of the way of a snowball thrown in their general direction, but with his bad leg Saetan was not the most spry of opponents. The snowball smacked into his invisible chest, not only revealing his location but getting a soft but distinctive chuckle in his deep voice.


takion November 26 2008, 03:43:10 UTC
Delighted by his success in both scoring a hit and recognizing his mysterious assailant's laugh, Takion grinned broadly. "You ought to take care, love," Takion called out cheerily. "I might have been surprised into spilling hot tea on my lap. And then what would we do later?"


papa_high_lord November 26 2008, 03:51:29 UTC
Saetan suppressed another laugh, instead vanishing the snow that covered him and coming closer, only dropping the sight shield as he brushed his long nails across Takion's shoulders, murmuring in his ear, "Oh, I'm sure we would have thought of some solution."


takion November 26 2008, 03:59:21 UTC
A delighted shiver slid across Takion's shoulders as he turned towards the now-visible Saetan. "Probably a game or three of your version of chess," he responded. "Unless there are other games you have yet to show me..."


papa_high_lord November 26 2008, 04:08:35 UTC
"Aside from snowball fights?" Saetan asked innocently, the mischievous gleam in his golden eyes the only thing that gave him away as he used Craft to scoop up a small handful and toss it teasingly at Takion.


takion November 26 2008, 04:11:30 UTC
Taken completely by surprise, Takion yelped as another dollop of snow struck him. He should have known Saetan well enough to expect something, but had allowed himself to be distracting. "You're certainly in a playful mood. You're almost as bad as those two youngsters we're living with."


papa_high_lord November 26 2008, 04:21:59 UTC
"Personally I like to imagine we're a much more dignified couple than those two." Saetan replied dryly, brushing some of the snow he was responsible for out of Takion's hair as he did.


takion November 26 2008, 04:27:33 UTC
Takion stared off thoughtfully while Saetan brushed away the snow. "Perhaps. It's hard to say, though. I can't recall seeing a single person who tended to act more dignified than that German boy."


papa_high_lord November 27 2008, 03:33:15 UTC
Saetan chuckled softly, quite agreeing with the description of their latest roommate. "Why the patch of spring?" He asked, glancing around them and smiling. "If you're sick of snow already I fear we're going to have a very long winter ahead of us."


takion November 27 2008, 03:42:56 UTC
"No, I'm not yet sick of this weather," Takion assured Saetan. He bent to pluck a flower which he promptly tucked behind Saetan's ear. "I just wanted to have tea outside, but not in the cold."


papa_high_lord November 29 2008, 04:17:41 UTC
Saetan gave the flower a curious glance but didn't protest his new accessory. If Takion had created this bubble of spring then even the smallest flower was precious to him. "Well do you mind if I join you? I promise not to throw any more snowballs."


takion November 29 2008, 13:47:51 UTC
Takion smiled over how Saetan indulged his every tiny whim. It was one of the many things he loved about Saetan. "You, my love," Takion murmured, "are always welcome to join me."


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