Frailty : Chapter 4- Plans

May 23, 2011 17:20

Title: Frailty
Chapter: Quattuor - Plans
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Brittana
Summary: AU Racer!Britt Lawyer!Santana. The thing about herself is that she’s too damn inquisitive; Quinn accepts that and knows it’s what makes her a damn good lawyer. She also loves Santana, her sister in spirit if not blood and so naturally she knows it’s ok to be all up in Santana’s business
A/N: Plot not mine. Originally came from

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Señor Lopez has seen many things in his life, with a daughter like Santana how could he have not. He remembers fondly back in her teenage years when he grossly underestimated his daughters intelligence and honestly feared that she would make him a granddad at a very early age, and he remembers even better her years at college when she finally sorted her life out, got herself that lovely little pain in the arse girlfriend, who despite her faults had managed to do the impossible and got Santana to focus. He was exceptionally grateful when the two of them remained friends, despite splitting because as much as he didn’t like her as Santana’s girlfriend, as friends he knew they could set the world on fire, plus he liked Quinn, she was a decent girl and he hated having to dislike her because of a relationship.

He’s sort of like a surrogate father to Quinn now, because she and Santana are as close as sisters and her own dad refused to speak to her after Charlotte was born. But he loves little Charlotte and he’s more than happy to play granddad to the lively little girl, he was even happier to walk Quinn down the aisle when she married the Hudson boy who wasn’t Charlotte’s father but who loved her regardless. So he’s not surprised when he gets a visit from the family unit, but he is surprised at the reason for the visit. When the three of them sit down, and Charlotte is off outside to play on the swings Quinn gently broaches the subject of Santana. He’s more than amused at what she has to say {Brittany has Santana more than a little riled up} and the stories he hears are just as amusing. {Like Santana once took two days to write a love letter that was less about love and more about hate, so Quinn had taken it upon herself to accidentally ‘lose’ the letter.}

The thing about herself is that she’s too damn inquisitive; Quinn accepts that and knows it’s what makes her a damn good lawyer. She also loves Santana, her sister in spirit if not blood and so naturally she knows it’s ok to be all up in Santana’s business {even if Santana would actually kill her.} It’s why she’s here talking to señor Lopez in the hopes that he might be able to give her the lowdown on this Brittany, and perhaps orchestrate something from the inside to get both of them to sort this strange love hate thing out {because Quinn knows that as much as Santana says she hates Brittany, she knows that she likes her so much more, and she also knows that’s the problem.} But señor Lopez can do nothing but refuse to help, because as helpful as Quinn is trying to be, he’s had a plan from day one, ever since a certain blonde extended a middle finger to his otherwise charming daughter.


Puck felt an overwhelming sense of guilt as he called Artie and Kurt to a secret meeting which purposely excluded Brittany. He had never felt guilty before {even when taking the treasured virginity of a bunch of random girls, or when he stole that wad of cash from one of his pool cleaning clients} but then none of them were his friend and nothing included excluding a close friend from a meeting of the group. But the subject was a sensitive one and everything to do with Brittany and the woman she absolutely could not stand.

The three boys had known Brittany since they were maybe two or three, their parents were members of the same parental support group in a small town somewhere in Ohio, but they never became friends until the age of six when Puck beat the schoolyard bully up for making Brittany cry and for locking Kurt and Artie in a cupboard because they were different and sometimes Kurt liked to wear a pair of tiny heels. So they liked to think they knew her absolutely, and knowing her meant that they were well placed to witness her disdain of the trainer’s daughter. They also knew that such a distraction could throw off her game {they had already noticed some things that would be barely recognisable to other people but to them as clear as day.} She was turning a couple of seconds late so her driving wasn’t as smooth or as fast as they knew her capable off, and her nought to full speed time had gained a few seconds.

So Puck had called this meeting, to come up with a suitable solution to their problem, because there were no solutions to keeping your bosses daughter away from your driver when they knew that sometimes Santana deliberately sought Brittany out. Puck thought about kidnapping the other girl, Artie thought about locking them in a room together until one of them killed the other and Kurt wanted to get them together {he was always the romantic, but of course he should have realised the other two would just laugh at his idea.} Puck was the first one to give in, followed by Artie and for once Kurt thought he had won and operation cupid would be a go {he had quite a bit planned out} but the odds were against him and all for operation Berlin wall {which Kurt thought was an entirely tasteless name for a tasteless plan} keeping the two apart.

brittana, glee

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