Frailty : Chapter 3 - Contact

May 20, 2011 14:09

Title: Frailty
Chapter: San - Contact
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Brittana
Summary: AU Racer!Britt Lawyer!Santana. Plus it helps to see the look on his daughter’s face which he remembers is the look his wife had the first time they set eyes on one another. There’s one thing he knows for sure, it was going to be one hell of an amazing ride not just for him and his new team but for his daughter also.
A/N: Plot not mine. Originally came from Mini chapter because I think it's the natural place to end the chapter.

Part 1 | Part 2

The foursome are packing up their equipment when the trainer approaches them, the woman trailing only slightly behind him. He is all joy and smiles when he approaches the little group and for a second Brittany reconsiders her belief that they came in last, perhaps the machine got it wrong, but there’s a picture on the laptop screen that shows that they did come in second. Kurt thinks it’s mean to come over and commend them on a good race before rubbing it in that a contract close to a million dollars each was far beyond their reach. Puck wants to hit the man for killing their dreams with such a smug look on his face, but he’s stopped by the careful positioning of Arties wheelchair and he knows that hitting such a high profile man would only send him back to prison {and it wasn’t a pleasant experience, so he can’t help but want to be younger because Juvie was an actual riot.}

He doesn’t bring them bad news, because despite the second place win he’s offering them the contract and he’s offering Brittany a chance to work with the one person she used to idolise {now she idolises Garfield, but that’s another story.} They're all cheers and hugs and Kurt does a charming little dance which Brittany joins in with while everybody else looks on in surprise and disgust. Brittany can’t help but notice the look on the dark haired girls face, which if she didn’t know any better was focused so intently on her.

It’s the moments like this {which he’s seen many off} which señor Lopez counts as his main reason for choosing the highly dysfunctional little team, because he can’t help but see himself in the talented blonde. They race for fun, they race for the win, they don’t race for the money or for their own selfish reasons, which he thinks looking round is what the rest of them do. Brittany has a rare quality and one hell of a talent {because she did after all almost beat the unbeatable in her first ever race against professionals} and that is a combination he can’t pass up. Plus it helps to see the look on his daughter’s face which he remembers is the look his wife had the first time they set eyes on one another. There’s one thing he knows for sure, it was going to be one hell of an amazing ride not just for him and his new team but for his daughter also.

Nobody can quite believe their ears as señor Lopez announces the new racer as Brittany, so much so that the true winner of the race reacts quite violently at having the contract yanked away from him when he was the certainty. He approaches Brittany and señor Lopez with words that Brittany had no idea existed, Kurt and Artie thought were scandalous and Puck filed away for later use. His verbal abuse moves onto Brittany and each name he fires off she’s heard before, but she pays him no attention not even when he calls her stupid and she wants nothing more than to cry.

It’s Santana who saves the day, with nothing more than a few vicious words and a promise of violence {that may or may not include removing the parts that make him male.} Santana has one idea why she decided to get involved, but thinks that perhaps she can fool everybody and herself into thinking that she was protecting her father, even if his time as a target had been and gone without so much as a word from her. The other driver relents and Santana hopes somewhere deep within her that Brittany would look at her with something bordering of appreciation or even better worship, although she covers that deep train of thought with a scowl and a shake of her head. Brittany for her part knows she should be thankful to her rescuer, {after all she hates violence and nastiness} but she never expected help to come from the woman who had shown nothing but contempt for her at their last meeting. However it is because of that fact that Brittany doesn’t want to find it within herself to be appreciative and so she resorts to the one thing she absolutely hated, bitchiness.

Brittany doesn’t thank Santana for her help, instead bites back that she was handling it perfectly fine {and she thanks god that nobody knows she was one bad name away from full on tears.} Nobody but señor Lopez knew that this one exchange would set of a chain of events that mirrored almost exactly his courtship with his wife.


Three weeks passed in a blur, and thankfully, Brittany thought without much contact from one Santana Lopez. Once or twice one would catch sight of the other and six times they had met {each time Santana felt the need to add at least one vicious verbal remark and Brittany to counter back in a less vicious way but with decidedly more contempt.}

brittana, glee

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