Frailty : Chapter 1 -Opportunites

May 08, 2011 23:39

The day started out like any other Saturday with breakfast at a small rundown little diner run by a small Jewish family whose head was a boisterous old woman with three grown up kids and a million stories to tell anybody who would listen. The sole waitress was barely even a child, but she always had a smile on her face and a hug ready for her favourite regulars. The cook was a middle aged man with a round belly and slightly stern expression; you could count on him being propped up against the small window between the kitchen and the counter just for something to do and some company. The four of them loved it there, and not just because the eldest son of the family just happened to be one of the four, or that they were the only ones who ever ate there, but because for those few hours everybody in the diner formed a highly dysfunctional little family.

Gossip is traded with Kurt making a show of expressing his feelings for the pastime that linked the four in so many ways. Artie would defended his position like always, that despite a rather nasty collision which resulted in the loss of his legs, his love of driving would never stop and so he would continue to do what he could. Puck would just laugh and slap Kurt on the back before picking at the guilt that Kurt felt for being the reason Artie was in a wheelchair and then Brittany would chastise Puck before slipping in some inane comment designed to instantly break the tension and lighten everybody up. Then they would leave the diner and part ways. Artie, Puck and Brittany would head to the track {that they had spent all week working odd jobs and pooling money together just to rent} for a few hours and Kurt would go to allegedly meet his boyfriend {because he didn’t approve of racing cars}, but he would end up at the track anyway hidden out of sight even when the others finally figured out what he did.

Puck would do a lap of the track just for fun and Artie would ride with him just to get a feel for something he would never do again. Then Puck and Brittany would change places and the game would be stepped up a notch. Everything would be faster, tense and full of tricks and turns that would have everybody hiding behind their hands. Artie would abandon the car halfway through, shaking, dizzy and unable to guide his wheelchair anywhere but into the wall. That’s when Brittany would do the really dangerous stuff, the tight turns and lap times that would leave most professionals in the dust, and that’s where she needed Puck and Arties help the most. They would spend their hours in concentration, guiding there friend around the track each lap going faster and faster, and that’s when they miss Kurt. Before it used to be fabulous and fun, doing runs around the track in a luminous car with some rude or brilliant design etched onto the side. After their allotted times they would climb out of the car in some creation that would put Lady Gaga to shame and they would feel awesome doing it. But now it was all clinical and pushing for the best times and when they would climb out of the car the three would feel less fabulous in jeans.

But they would be forced to forget, to focus on the track because the last time they got lost in memories Brittany nearly missed a turning and nearly ended up like Artie {which coincidently is how they knew Kurt came to the track too}.When Brittany’s out of the car she would silently congratulates herself on what she knew to be her best run ever and then Puck and Artie would join in before the three of them inconspicuously searched out the stands so that Kurt could be included in their celebrations too. He always left before then.

That’s where today starts of being different. This time when the three of the seek out Kurt in the stands he’s still there smiling and crying at the beauty of it all, and it makes Brittany think that maybe things could go back to normal. That’s when the man dressed in black appears, and Puck panics that maybe it’s some law enforcement official finally coming to get him for whatever he’s done lately, and Artie thinks the same as Puck. It’s also when Brittany wonders if perhaps the men in Black have come to get her {she’s so seen that documentary, although she does wonder how Will Smith has the time to juggle an acting career, a family and saving the world from aliens} so that she can talk about the time she was taken aboard the spaceship and probed, which she will tell them was not a pleasant experience.

He talks to Puck and Artie first, introduces himself as some hotshot rich guy who has like his own racing team and everything and Puck and Artie are impressed, so Brittany can’t help but be impressed too even if she thinks it’s not such an impressive thing to have your own team. The offer is laid out on the proverbial table before Brittany can even wrap her head around the wording. Puck and Artie want to accept, but it only extends to Brittany and their not sure if she even wants to go professional despite her obvious talents. Brittany knows she doesn’t want to accept it, she like racing to be sure but she likes doing it for fun even if it hasn’t been fun for a good few years. It’s Kurt who accepts for her, but he’s cleverer that the rest of them and before anybody knows what’s going on Kurt has already accepted with the clause that all four of them are included like one big package. That’s when Brittany no longer wants to say no, because perhaps it will help Kurt get over the accident and then things can go back to being fun and just the four of them.

Part 2

brittana, glee

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