[Open - Event Log] Hogsmeade Weekend!

Dec 15, 2011 18:28

Who: Everyone!
Where: Hogsmeade Village
When: Saturday, December 17th 11:00am - 5:30pm
What: Christmas shopping and tomfollery all around.
Rating: Varying
Warning:  None.

By the time the school clock strikes ten the students and professors who lingered for the holidays are already beginning to fill the halls all of them making their way towards the front ( Read more... )

tieria erde, c.c., takato matsuda, judith, suzaku kururugi, minako aino, hong kong, kallen kouzuki, hungary, russia, !event log, taiwan, minato arisato, lelouch vi britannia, conan edogawa, japan, dave strider

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zeros_requiem December 18 2011, 00:23:49 UTC
[Suzaku, on the other hand, had to be escorted away from the horses by one of the professors. Apparently trying to pet a horse of death was frowned upon by the establishment.

A shame. He was rather fascinated by the strange looking animals, though initially confused as to why no one else seemed to see them, though that part was briefly explained to him. He'll just have to sneak out later and find the stables.

In the meantime, he goes searching for another bony, black haired animal that it probably wasn't safe to pet though Suzaku will likely tempt fate anyway. Checking Gladrags first and coming up empty, he makes his way towards the bookstore next, eventually managing to spot that familiar black hair and making his way over.]

Hey, I'm surprised you haven't blown most of your money on clothes already.


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zeros_requiem December 18 2011, 00:40:50 UTC
Hoping to find an exit?

[There weren't too many other reason to be hanging out in the magical travel section, after all.]


The Three Broomsticks bar latviandere December 18 2011, 00:41:33 UTC
Latvia is looking mighty small sitting at the bar. He tries to prove himself old enough for a stronger drink with little success, his face far too young for that to seem true. In the end he sighs, turning a spare coin in his hands.

"Would you have kvass, then?" His eyes rise again to Madam Rosmerta, a hopeful smile vanishing as she shakes her head. "No?"

In the end, he orders a Butterbeer instead, able to accept that a drink from home wouldn't be common around here. As warm and comforting as his first mug is, after a second he begins to question the use of "beer" in its name. Hardly alcoholic... this year will be difficult if he finds nothing stronger.


za_rodina December 18 2011, 08:53:10 UTC
Russia had gone about the village once already, mostly scouting it out and staring at wonder at the sheer magic it exudes. It's not like Hogwarts itself isn't magical, but to see it in everyday life as well? Well, that's a bit different.

Eventually he meanders into The Three Broomsticks, easily picking Latvia's figure at the bar out from the rest, and settles next to him. He finds it a lot easier to get a hold of some vodka, frowning a bit because the stuff from his land is obviously better than the stuff they have here but he's not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"What are you drinking, Latvia?" It's certainly nothing he's seen before.


latviandere December 28 2011, 05:47:18 UTC
Latvia doesn't notice Russia at his side immediately, frowning a bit at his own mug's foam as the lager nation takes a seat. It's the sound of "vodka" at his ear and the voice attached to it that gets him out of his reverie. Watching the exchange of money and drink, it looks so easy it feels unfair.

But Russia's asked him something, and he's only obligated to answer, "B-Butterbeer, she calls it. It's... alright."

His attention isn't on it at all, however, and he stares at Russia's drink with a certain longing he can't begin to hide.


za_rodina December 28 2011, 06:26:34 UTC
"She wouldn't give you alcohol would she?"

There's a little knowing look, because it's fairly obvious that Latvia looks younger than drinking age and she wouldn't have given him any. Russia chuckles when he sees that Latvia hasn't taken his eyes off of the vodka in front of him and, taking pity on the poor nation, he waits for the barmaid to walk off before leaning over and spiking his butterbeer with practiced ease.

"It is better now, I suspect?"


By the carriages, chilling with the Thestrals bluecurtains December 18 2011, 01:36:35 UTC
[Although at first Minato moved with the crowd of students into the village proper, ignoring the strange horse-like creatures pulling the carriages (he has seen enough bizarre creatures that these are hardly apt to startle him), now that he is done wandering around and has noted that it's nearly time to go, he has returned to the carriages to wait until it's time to go ( ... )


victorybike December 18 2011, 07:43:01 UTC
[Red hovers in the area for a little while, mostly through wandering elsewhere. The longer he notices Minato stare at the carriages, the more he feels he's missing a creature worth a look himself. He knows something's pulled them here, but is it just him...?

Quiet as ever, Red doesn't announce himself or the yellow creature in his hood (his head taken care of with his cap). Instead he goes right to his question, standing some feet away with hands hooked behind his back as if observing a painting.]

What do you see...?


bluecurtains December 18 2011, 08:29:57 UTC
I'm not sure what they are, but... [Although when he begins to speak Minato is still staring at the horse-things, as he goes on, he turns to look at whomever spoke up, and when he does so, he trails off into silence. His eyes are immediately drawn to the yellow furry critter peaking out of the other boy's hood, and he finds that he lost his trail of thought.]

Is that... a Pikachu...? [A unicorn was one thing - that sort of creature might be expected to actually exist somewhere - but a Pokemon (if that really is a Pikachu) is entirely different. Or maybe, he supposes after a moment as the shock slowly eases, it isn't really. It's just that Pokemon are a much more recent story, and maybe in a thousand years, people back home will think of them as old myths.



victorybike December 27 2011, 06:46:12 UTC
[Not too quickly, but still faster than he usually would, Red looks away from the seemingly empty harnesses to Minato instead. Something in his eyes may expose his surprise - pleasant - than someone knows what Pikachu is without the usual distracting alarm. Otherwise, he looks unfazed at the change of subject, only nodding to answer the other boy's question. He's still looking for an answer to his own, and his gaze turns back to his first interest.]

Something's really there?


buildyourworld December 18 2011, 16:20:57 UTC
[He's been looking forward to this trip for the purpose of finding out more about the world he has been kidnapped to. Like many others, he stops by several stores, picking up new bottles of ink, parchments, winter clothes and some useful books. He didn't bother with food as they are provided by the school and he sees no need in wasting his limited funding.

Once he's done shopping, he walks around exploring and asking locals questions. Some answers, others ignore him. But he doesn't give up and continue doing so, hoping to gain as much information as he can.]


zeros_requiem December 20 2011, 18:24:35 UTC

Hey Tieria!

[That's right, Tieria, it's your favoritest person Evar come to bother you.]


buildyourworld December 21 2011, 03:45:55 UTC
[For the love of Veda, not him again...! As much he wanted to ignore Suzaku, he didn't. Suzaku could be a little annoying when he tries prying into his personal matter but he's otherwise an okay person.]

Suzaku. [He looks up from the copy of broom catalogue he's browsing.] Getting your broom for quidditch?


zeros_requiem December 21 2011, 08:51:05 UTC
No. I'm actually going to wait a bit on that. I didn't realize some of these brooms would be so expensive.

What about you? [Yes, Suzaku is eying your broom catalog] I thought you weren't going to try out for Quidditch.


stubborn_throes December 19 2011, 04:10:09 UTC
[She'd been saving up for something like this, made quite obvious by the fact that she has a rather large carrying bag slung over her shoulder filled with various magical fare. But at present, you'll find her just on her way to her next destination. Maybe a little dissonant, but such sluggishness in her kick could easily be attributed to the dreadful weather.

Simple, composed as ever. Even when exploring a totally awesome magic alley.

Shall you approach this flighty dame?]


za_rodina December 19 2011, 06:07:05 UTC
[Flighty dame spotted, do you proceed? Yes.

Russia had spotted Rose earlier as she wandered through the village with the then half-full bag, and he's surprised to see her again with it containing even more items. There's a little uneven quality to her gait and for a moment he wonders if it's simply the large bag she's carrying. He approaches and offers a hand, because even though he can be a jerk he's still capable of being a gentleman at times.]

Would you like some help?


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