[Open - Event Log] Hogsmeade Weekend!

Dec 15, 2011 18:28

Who: Everyone!
Where: Hogsmeade Village
When: Saturday, December 17th 11:00am - 5:30pm
What: Christmas shopping and tomfollery all around.
Rating: Varying
Warning:  None.

By the time the school clock strikes ten the students and professors who lingered for the holidays are already beginning to fill the halls all of them making their way towards the front ( Read more... )

tieria erde, c.c., takato matsuda, judith, suzaku kururugi, minako aino, hong kong, kallen kouzuki, hungary, russia, !event log, taiwan, minato arisato, lelouch vi britannia, conan edogawa, japan, dave strider

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By the carriages, chilling with the Thestrals bluecurtains December 18 2011, 01:36:35 UTC
[Although at first Minato moved with the crowd of students into the village proper, ignoring the strange horse-like creatures pulling the carriages (he has seen enough bizarre creatures that these are hardly apt to startle him), now that he is done wandering around and has noted that it's nearly time to go, he has returned to the carriages to wait until it's time to go.

With nothing else to occupy him (an uncertainty of how this place's currency system operates and how far the monthly allowance would actually get him discouraged him from actually making any purchases, save for lunch and a cup of coffee), he stands a short distance away from them watches, wondering what exactly they are and how much like normal horses they are (not that he has any real experience with normal horses). They remind him in some ways of some of the shadows he encountered in his own home, as well as some of the personas that once occupied his head (though he can't seem to hear them now, though he's not sure if he's surprised by or disappointed about this). Could it be that in this place, some of those mythical beings were fully real and tangible here?

And more immediately, will anyone offer to tell him what the strange winged horse-things are?]


victorybike December 18 2011, 07:43:01 UTC
[Red hovers in the area for a little while, mostly through wandering elsewhere. The longer he notices Minato stare at the carriages, the more he feels he's missing a creature worth a look himself. He knows something's pulled them here, but is it just him...?

Quiet as ever, Red doesn't announce himself or the yellow creature in his hood (his head taken care of with his cap). Instead he goes right to his question, standing some feet away with hands hooked behind his back as if observing a painting.]

What do you see...?


bluecurtains December 18 2011, 08:29:57 UTC
I'm not sure what they are, but... [Although when he begins to speak Minato is still staring at the horse-things, as he goes on, he turns to look at whomever spoke up, and when he does so, he trails off into silence. His eyes are immediately drawn to the yellow furry critter peaking out of the other boy's hood, and he finds that he lost his trail of thought.]

Is that... a Pikachu...? [A unicorn was one thing - that sort of creature might be expected to actually exist somewhere - but a Pokemon (if that really is a Pikachu) is entirely different. Or maybe, he supposes after a moment as the shock slowly eases, it isn't really. It's just that Pokemon are a much more recent story, and maybe in a thousand years, people back home will think of them as old myths.



victorybike December 27 2011, 06:46:12 UTC
[Not too quickly, but still faster than he usually would, Red looks away from the seemingly empty harnesses to Minato instead. Something in his eyes may expose his surprise - pleasant - than someone knows what Pikachu is without the usual distracting alarm. Otherwise, he looks unfazed at the change of subject, only nodding to answer the other boy's question. He's still looking for an answer to his own, and his gaze turns back to his first interest.]

Something's really there?


bluecurtains December 27 2011, 07:08:23 UTC
[Minato continues to stare at Pikachu for another second or two before he realizes that it's probably rude, and besides, there will probably be time to ask about the pokemon later. And so he looks back to the strange creatures, nodding slowly.]

... yeah. They look like -- really weird horses. Black and bony and with wings. You really can't see them?

[He's seen at least one other person who was definitely looking at the creatures, so he's fairly certain he's not imagining them, but at the same time so many people have wandered by without giving them even so much as a glance, and now there is this person...]


victorybike December 27 2011, 07:34:39 UTC
I thought it was just another spell....

[Self-pulling carriages don't sound at all outlandish here, after all. But there's a certain fascination in his voice. He doesn't doubt Minato's telling the truth at all, more interested in what could it mean. The horses are invisible to some, but not others? This is also the second fantastic horse he's heard of so far... the benevolence of these compared to The Unicorn is an unknown to both himself and Minato, it seems. He'll look it up later.

However, he doubts a dangerous creature would be chosen for such a task without a word of caution, and it encourages Red to take a few steps nearer. Unknowingly he finds himself very near a wing, one of the Thestrals stretching. He gives a slight start when he feels a disturbance in the air, as it tucks it back against its body. Pikachu seems to bury further into his hood at that, hiding its face away sleepily.]



bluecurtains December 27 2011, 07:52:47 UTC
Be careful - one nearly clipped you with its wing.

[ Minato offers the caution before following Red closer, moving towards the head of one of the creatures, being sure to move slowly so as not to startle it. He's a bit more wary of its head, because it seems to have pretty sharp looking fangs, but that it doesn't seem agitated by his or Red's approach seems to be a good sign.]

This one's head is up here.

[And he looks directly at it, though he still keeps his distance, wondering if he should offer it his hand to smell or if it would be best to leave the creature alone.]

... I don't have any paper with me, otherwise I'd offer to draw you a picture.


victorybike December 27 2011, 08:10:51 UTC
[It actually makes a faint a laugh escape him. Just standing there invisible and it's already exciting! He takes only half a step beck, watching how Minato moves around it to get a better idea of what's where.]

I'd look forward to a chance to see it, really.

[Still talking, he hovers nearer to the front end as indicated, wondering why it makes no puffs of breath (as far as he can see). Is it like a ghost...?]

Plenty of paper back in the castle.....

[Or should he say parchment now? Same thing - ]


bluecurtains December 27 2011, 08:23:04 UTC
Maybe one of the faculty or someone who's been here longer than I have will be able to tell us?

[Aside from a glance at Red, when he sees him start to move again, Minato keeps his eyes on the Thestral.]

Well, supposedly we'll be heading back there in a little while. I'll draw it for you then.

[He pauses and then finally properly looks over at Red, again, figuring that maybe they should introduce themselves before he sees if the creature will bite his hand off, if he touches it.]

... my name is Minato Arisato, by the way.


victorybike December 27 2011, 08:52:33 UTC
Thanks! I'm Red -

[Any attempt to mention his last name is cut off by a rather loud Pikaaa from behind his back.]

... And that's Pikachu back there.

[After a glance over his shoulder at it, he turns in the Thestral's general direction, hopeful they didn't disturb it. Then it's Minato he stares at. Not too critically, just trying to figure out where he's seen him before... and then he realizes - ]

You're a Gryffindor, too, right?


bluecurtains December 27 2011, 09:11:52 UTC
he has a last name?!

[It's probably a good thing that Minato is skilled in keeping a straight expression, because Pikachu in combination with a boy calling himself Red is a little unreal. But then again, he supposes stranger things have happened, and if it turns out that Pokemon are real in some other world and that in that world people have a tendency to name their children after colors, well... he'll just have to accept it. And really, he thinks it's actually pretty neat. So he smiles a little at Pikachu's enthusiasm.]

Pleased to meet the both of you. And yes... though I only arrived two days ago.

[He glances at the Thestral, again, as it paws the ground, but it's just shifting its weight.]


victorybike December 30 2011, 06:49:41 UTC
If Green can have one, so can he!

Two days... going on three weeks, myself.

[After a friendly nod, Red seems to turn to it, too. Even if he were able to see it, he'd be looking past it anyway, in the direction of the castle. Part of him is still wary of this strange summoning business, and how it hasn't begun to stop....]

Thoughts about it here?


bluecurtains December 30 2011, 07:12:58 UTC
I'm not entirely sure about it yet. But it doesn't seem all that bad. Really, it's just another new school to get used to. ... it is strange to be pulled from another world to be asked to help protect this one, though...

[He trails off, absently scuffing the ground with one of his shoes. It's something he's still mulling over, both to figure out if there's any rhyme or reason to it and where he stands on it. Is there ever an end to things, really?]

... what about you?


victorybike December 30 2011, 07:19:20 UTC
There are places I'd rather be....

[With the rest of his team, for one. Even if it meant bringing them here. He knows they're better off at home, but he can only hope they're with someone he trusts.]

I haven't been to school in a long time, but with what's being asked of us.... Never thought I'd have to learn how to be a wizard.


bluecurtains December 30 2011, 07:32:53 UTC
[ A faint wry smile crosses his lips. ]

I think the same can be said of most of us. But we'll have to make do.

[And then a nod. That's right... He remembers being ten and daydreaming about away and becoming a Pokemon Trainer. No more school. No need to worry about having a home. Nothing but the road, a trusty backpack, a hat and Pokemon friend. He wonders if things happened for Red like in the games, or if similarities are just coincidental. But he doesn't spend long dwelling on it before pulling his mind back to where they are now. He shrugs.]

Things like this do tend to catch one off-guard...


victorybike December 30 2011, 07:54:35 UTC
[Red might be surprised to know just how much of his life Minato's aware of, but that's for another time.]

It hasn't been terrible, I guess. We're even getting a day off like this....

[This world doesn't always seem so far away, in what's fun, what's good, what's bad. But he's never known wartime, either, and so far has imagined the occasional worry in the eyes of professors and students as a thing witches and wizards simply tend to have.]


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