[Open - Event Log] Hogsmeade Weekend!

Dec 15, 2011 18:28

Who: Everyone!
Where: Hogsmeade Village
When: Saturday, December 17th 11:00am - 5:30pm
What: Christmas shopping and tomfollery all around.
Rating: Varying
Warning:  None.

By the time the school clock strikes ten the students and professors who lingered for the holidays are already beginning to fill the halls all of them making their way towards the front ( Read more... )

tieria erde, c.c., takato matsuda, judith, suzaku kururugi, minako aino, hong kong, kallen kouzuki, hungary, russia, !event log, taiwan, minato arisato, lelouch vi britannia, conan edogawa, japan, dave strider

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Comments 463

The Three Broomstick debtsrepaid December 20 2011, 19:19:30 UTC
[ Tyrion finds Hogsmeade to be very quaint, in a good way. And the Three Broomsticks seems to suit his interests well enough, so you might find him sitting at the bar, drinking a firewhisky and reading a book. ]


fruchtig December 21 2011, 04:49:52 UTC
[Austria can be found buried neatly in the stacks of Honeydukes. He has been there all day and currently is jumping back and gasping because, hello, that candy explodes]


tailcrook December 29 2011, 08:09:14 UTC
[Konoe's startled by the sound of the same thing - among other crazy treats floating and glowing around here. His ears turn this way and that, trying to keep up with all the laughter and strange noises in here (he's going to find the source of that odd fizzy sound later if it takes all day). Really he's hopeful to find something in a certain flavor from home, to little avail... but he spots a familiar face! ]

... I know you! We talked about instruments once, haven't we?


ashowman January 5 2012, 00:21:05 UTC
Kaito is over the moon today as he was allowed the one thing he really wanted for Christmas and he's got a hold of her hand and leading her through the streets of Hogsmede. It's his first time here as well but that doesn't slow him down as he's practically dragging her behind him in search of a nice quiet place to get something to drink and possibly a snack. He's not one for pubs and finds himself moving easily into Madam Puddifoot's tea house and holding the door for Aoko.

Seems nice enough, no bar, just... very decorated.


mop_fu January 5 2012, 00:23:28 UTC
"Hehhhhh... This place looks so wonderful..." She's been nicely distracted by just about everything they pass- it isn't until Kaito stops dragging her to open the door that she realizes where they are, looking up at the sign. "'Madam Puddifoot's Tea House'..?"

Ohh..? What's it like inside? From what she can tell, it's a nice little cafe that's gone overboard on the tinsel-pine-mistletoe combination. And oooh, look at that tree..! "Ahhhh!!" Can't even speak- AHH-


ashowman January 5 2012, 00:28:57 UTC
It's nice and cozy which Kaito really likes about it as he pulls her over to a table and sits down, glancing around the room quickly and spotting all available exits. "Well, gotta hand it to them, they certainly know how to get creative with-"

....Is that mistletoe above the table? Right over Aoko? ....His cheeks may or may not be turning a little red before he just kinda turns away.

"-With their decorations."


mop_fu January 5 2012, 00:38:40 UTC
"Eh?" She hasn't looked up. "You didn't know either?" Oh well...

"It's really nice isn't it..?"


steuerparadies January 6 2012, 04:47:20 UTC
[Even being trapped in a world where magic exists, unable to return to where she comes from, Liechtenstein still finds herself awed and surprised the moment she arrives at Hogsmeade.

It doesn't take her long, though, to locate the nearest bookshop. Which is how she finds herself inside Tomes and Scrolls, scanning along the shelves for a title that might catch her interest.]


za_rodina January 6 2012, 04:54:49 UTC
[Russia's been by and peaked inside practially all the store in Hogsmede. You never know what might be useful or interesting! So when he pokes his head in the bookstore and spots Liechtenstein he meanders over.]

What're you up to?


steuerparadies January 6 2012, 05:03:54 UTC
[Of all people, Liechtenstein truly did not expect Russia to be in the shop. She jumps a bit at his voice, then slowly turns to face the other Nation.

She gives a small smile.] Looking for some useful books to read. They might come in handy for spells, ja?


za_rodina January 6 2012, 05:07:08 UTC
[Hey, he's plenty fond of books and their booky-ness. He returns her smile easily and glances up at the shelves.]

Find anything interesting?


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