
Apr 18, 2009 19:27

Who: Hayley (red_vindication), and anyone from Gohl who wants to speak to the captive
Where: Gohl (the cellar, specifically)
When: Back-dated to Friday night
Rating: PG/PG-13 we'll see where it goes from there.
Summary: Gohl has decided to enact their own form of justice, and Hayley was snatched on her way from the clinic. Now she's awaiting punishment.
the log: ( Read more... )

[ kingdom hearts ] namine

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Comments 19

xxadeptroguexx April 19 2009, 03:02:02 UTC
Really, it hadn't taken long at all for a sarcastic scoff to escape Haseo's throat. All this time, and the girl wouldn't cut the water-works. He had reached the final step from the flight of stairs and just glared in the dimmed distance of the room, hearing those fake sobs and just picturing those equally fake tears from the two-faced criminal.

Arms crossed, Haseo stepped across the room and stopped once he was barely two feet away. He crouched down, becoming eye-level with the fourteen-year old.

"That's going to get annoying real fast, so cut it out. You're not getting out of this." He spat "-Maybe you should have thought about this before you messed with me."


red_vindication April 19 2009, 03:26:35 UTC
Hayley heard the steps, eyes glued to the silver-haired brat as soon as he came within view. Out of anyone, Hayley had expected Haseo to come talk to her the most. Because, of course, he had been the target of Hayley's little venture into Gohl the first time around. Now, ironically, she sat in the very same building staring up at the boy she had stared down at only a couple of nights ago. It felt so real at that moment, and Hayley shuddered. Not from fear, although it appeared that way, but from exhilaration ( ... )


xxadeptroguexx April 19 2009, 04:30:43 UTC
If the lights hadn't been so dim down in the cellar, one could clearly see how irritated Haseo appeared. He rolled his crimson-red eyes and spat out a quiet 'Tch' before rising to a straight stance to lean on the wall beside Hayley ( ... )


red_vindication April 19 2009, 05:44:42 UTC
Hayley's face fell at Haseo's response and it dissolved back into self-pitying sobbing. Her gaze fell as well, training itself on the ground before her. She raised her knees to her chest as best she could while tied up. Resting her head between them, her tears never stopped flowing. She seemed to break in front of Haseo; a shuddering, teary-eyed mess. Her bonds scraped against her wrists as she slumped over with the exertion of her crying. It was easy for Hayley to act this way, as she'd had plenty of practice. Hayley looked as though she couldn't look Haseo in the eyes again ( ... )


beanie_pwns_u April 19 2009, 03:07:10 UTC
"Well, well, well, our little culprit thinks tears will save her."

Seifer wasn't going to play nice. He wasn't even all that sure who this culprit was, but she had somehow managed to sneak into Gohl and hurt two of them, and therefore she got no sympathy. No, far from sympathy; she was going to be mocked.

Plus, it was annoying hearing her cry. He was always annoyed when they cried and he couldn't really do anything about it--though more times than not, it was some girl he knew or Olette or someone, not some crying criminal. But if she had the skill to sneak in and the audacity to injure Umi and Haseo, she should at leave have enough courage not to cry like a child put in time out.

And as much as he wanted to say 'suck it up and take it like a man', he resisted. She was an the worst of all lamers right now, so he was going to tease her. "Why, think we'll let you off with a small slap on the wrists if you drown us in your tears? We're not going to pity you, you know."


red_vindication April 19 2009, 03:47:53 UTC
Hayley lifted her tear-filled gaze to the person who entered the cellar. She sniffed pathetically, measuring him up in her mind. Hayley'd seen the other before, but she knew they'd never spoken directly before. Not that it would take much for her to figure him out. It never took Hayley long to figure out how to push a person's buttons ( ... )


seasaltsnack April 19 2009, 03:27:37 UTC
Hayner felt vaguely uncomfortable with the entire situation.

Sure, the girl deserved it for what she did, but the crying was bothering him. Hayner ended up fidgeting his feet and refusing to say anything or even look to the door where the crying could be heard from. Instead, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and let Seifer do all the mocking, occasionally looking down to inspect the dust by his feet.

It's not that this wasn't right-- in fact would let him sleep easier tonight so long as he couldn't hear the crocodile tears. It was just the crying in general. What did she think she could gain by crying?


red_vindication April 19 2009, 04:34:25 UTC
Hayley pretended not to notice the boy's presence at first, looking as though she had been deep in her own sorrows. Unguarded and vulnerable looking, she was the perfect picture of fourteen year old innocence. She didn't fight against her restraints, and was slumped over with her knees to her chest. Tears fell to the floor audibly. She appeared to really be pondering what her worst punishment could be. Hayley already knew that whatever they could do to her, she could most definitely take. they had no idea what she'd been through.

The young girl acted startled when she noticed his presence, starting and flattening herself the wall in fear. She didn't miss his fidgeting as she looked him right in the eyes with her red, watery-eyes. As soon as Hayley set her eyes on the boy before her, she knew the crying was bothering him. So she stepped it up a notch and let another sob escape her before she bit her lip and pretended to try and stop herself from making any noise.


embracethewaves April 19 2009, 06:06:48 UTC
Umi was worried, not just about the girl's dangerous presence but also about what Prydain and the others in the house were talking about doing as punishment for what she did. The whole house had worked hard on making these so-called delinquents --the outcasts, maybe?-- look human. Smart, reliable, resourceful. She didn't want to see what they would turn into if they did something barbaric. To be honest, she felt a little guilty -- this entire stupid situation could easily tear the house apart.

She stood quietly in the open doorway, looking at the girl who was tied up and bawling her pretty little eyes out. It made her feel weird, watching like this, but it felt like the right thing to do. Look your attacker in the eye, right...?

Something like that.

She thought she had known exactly what to say and how to say it when she started down the basement stairs. Now that she was here, she wasn't sure any of it would mean a thing.


red_vindication April 19 2009, 06:44:38 UTC
Hayley was curled up with her knees to her chest, resting her forehead on her knees, when she noticed Umi standing quietly by in the doorway. She didn't look up at first, continuing to sniff and cry more quietly than before. Rubbing her cheeks against her knees to try and wipe the tears away, she only succeeded in making her face redder than it had been before. Finally looking up, Hayley's eyes were red, obviously from crying her eyes out for a while.

Hayley's eyes widened at first, her vision not adjusting quick enough to notice that it was only Umi. Her back hit the wall hard, a painfully audible thump resonating in the cellar. She stared wide-eyed until she realized who was looking at her. Relaxing again, Hayley's tears returned with a slow trail down her cheeks.

"I-I'm still glad you're alright... I totally wasn't lying about that." Hayley darted her eyes away from Umi as she choked back a sob when she spoke. And truthfully, although the mock-surprise had been an act, as was the tremble in her voice and her tears, she ( ... )


dustedsunlight April 19 2009, 06:07:36 UTC
Somehow, none of this felt right.

Of course, Namine knew what they were doing to this girl was the right thing to do; she'd hurt Umi and Haseo, and that was worse than what was happening now. She couldn't condone the others actions in the least, and she deserved punishment. Punishment that would stop her from doing it ever again.

But Namine couldn't help herself in thinking that maybe, some of this was wrong. That maybe their whole judgment didn't deserve any of this, and this was just the wrong thing to be doing ( ... )


red_vindication April 19 2009, 07:05:12 UTC
Hayley looked up at the sound of the girl's voice, immediately finding herself less able to keep up the facade. Her act didn't falter, but she certainly felt like spilling everything. She was sure it was the innocence that she felt from the other. Hayley looked down, letting a few more tears drop before she attempted to raise her voice in response.

"I-I don't remember doing it." She broke down again, sobs wracking her slender frame as tears plopped to the floor. Hayley's voice was raspy from crying, and shook as she spoke. Not having the ability to look the girl in the eyes, she let her gaze remained glued to the ground. She looked so vulnerable and shaken that it was pitiful.

Hayley looked up suddenly, with a frightened expression. "Do you know..." She muttered and glanced away, unable to continue the sentence. Her reddened cheeks were still being overrun with tears.

"Wh-what are they going to do with me?" Hayley bit her lip, and gave the blond a pleading look.


dustedsunlight April 19 2009, 17:45:34 UTC
Namine wasn't sure what to do as Hayley spoke; the continued tears did nothing to help her resolve, but if anything, she wasn't going to cry. If she cried, Prydain would hear and assume it was the girl's fault, and Namine knew she wouldn't be able to bear it if Prydain turned worse punishments on her, even after what she did.

"I... I don't know what they're going to do." She paused, unable to say more as something in her throat tightened for a few seconds. "But... whatever it is, you're still responsible for your actions and what you did. You're... you're just another bully, and you need to pay." Again, she paused, but felt the next line was needed.

"I'm... sorry, you had to get involved in this. But I can't do anything to stop them."


red_vindication April 20 2009, 02:51:16 UTC
Hook, line, and sinker. Hayley wanted to grin, giggle, show any kind of amusement. But she knew that would only ruin her plans. Instead, she chose to quiet her sobbing and slow her tears just long enough to give the other girl a very grateful look. As if she were a starving child and the blond had offered her her last loaf of bread ( ... )


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