(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 19:27

Who: Hayley (red_vindication), and anyone from Gohl who wants to speak to the captive
Where: Gohl (the cellar, specifically)
When: Back-dated to Friday night
Rating: PG/PG-13 we'll see where it goes from there.
Summary: Gohl has decided to enact their own form of justice, and Hayley was snatched on her way from the clinic. Now she's awaiting punishment.
the log:

Hayley had expected something like this to happen as soon as Gohl became suspicious of her. But she considered their methods rather... crude to say the least. Grabbing her off the street like thugs? Tch, she knew she could do better than that. And, really, she'd expected a little more tact. The tears had started when she was grabbed, and hadn't ceased since she was thrown into the cellar, despite Prydain's 'warnings'.

Tied up and under guard, Hayley didn't let her act slip. She stared wide-eyed and teary at the expanse of the underground room. It looked as though she was searching for pity among the shadows. But inside, she was enjoying the thrill. Months of doing nothing but playing nice, someone had finally given her the opportunity to act. Messing with Haseo had been an amusement, but this... now this was exciting. Had she been alone, she wouldn't have been able to hold back her smirk. All the peace had made her restless, but she'd always had her own brand of justice.

Hayley turned her watery eyes towards the door they had brought her through. She wondered if anyone would come to question her, or if they were absolutely sure of her guilt. The fourteen year old sniffed pitifully, her attention fixed on the door. She had to look sufficiently pathetic in case someone else were to walk in, of course.

[ kingdom hearts ] namine

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