[Duet August Issue] For Ohno to be Free

Jul 11, 2010 17:00

I do not provide scans, the thumbnail is merely for reference purposes.
trackback: for Sho to have BBQ || for Aiba to be Happy || for Nino to get Sunburnt (!?) || for Jun to be Active

Do it freely!

The feeling of being free is really good isn’t it.
After finishing off my drama,
I became relaxed, and I feel happy.


Ohno Satoshi's ideal holiday.

Please excuse me, but it would definitely be about fishing. My ideal would be a course of 12 hours from 8am till 8pm. I’ll leave the house at around 6 in the morning at get on the boat around 8. Not just fishing, if I get sleepy I’d just sleep, and eat snacks. You know things like boiled eggs, when you eat it on the boat it’s really delicious, yes it is. Cup ramen is simply the best. With something like that in mind, getting on the boat and spending the day leisurely just the way I want to, it’d just be so awesome. To return to be myself again, that would be ideal (laugh).

Ohno Satoshi’s daily life.

When I was filming for my drama I wake up at around 6 or 7am, the shooting goes on till about 7pm. And, when I go home and read the script… I become sleepy, so I’ll sleep after setting my alarm clock (laugh). If I don’t do that I won’t be able to wake up the next morning. Recently, I fell asleep right in the middle of reading the script. At a really weird timing of around 7pm. Then, I woke up at 9pm, went for a bath, and read my script again. When I finally slept properly I think it was already 2 or 3am in the middle of the night. My meals, when I enter the greenroom in the morning I’ll eat the chocolate bread which my manager bought for me. My lunch would be tanuki soba at the studio cafeteria. It’s cheap I tell you, 180yen! For dinner I’ll just eat something like katsuo at my favourite shop (laugh).

12th June - Day of drama promotion

I woke up at around 5am, and went to NTV. There I became Kaibutsu-kun (laugh), and did the promotion for the last episode of the drama. Though the first one was “Zoom In!! SUPER”, but if you look outside you can see many spectators. There were also people who came with Kaibutsu-kun style.  The staff said “I’ve never seen that many (spectators) before”. Those people cheered for me in support when I came out as “Kaibutsu-kun”, but I didn’t feel comfortable because it was as if I was some kinda big shot (laugh). Because those people came all the way to support me, I tried waving my hand at the audiences, I waved my hand like this (one whole stretch of path with a lot of people by the side) and I was uncomfortable because it’s the thing which only celebrities do. It was embarrassing. But I was really happy they came. Though I appeared on “Sukkiri!”, “PON!” and “DON!”, for the first three months since “Kaibutsu-kun” aired it was kinda under the spotlight. I talked to Terry Itou-san about that too. The live airing ended with “DON!”. After Denpa Jack (Denpa=electric wave, Jack comes from ‘hijack’, in English it’s actually “Broadcast signal intrusion”, I don’t really know why he used this term but according to rockingboat88 who commented below, he was referring to himself consistently appearing on consecutive shows to promote his drama) I went to record for my radioshow, and my work ended for the day. I went home at about 3 o’clock, since there was nothing specific I had to do so I took a bath and went to my favourite shop to have my meal, the day was something like that.

13th June - Day of public shooting

I woke up around 6am, and went to the studio. I quickly became Kaibutsu-kun, and did the public shooting of “Kaibutsu-kun SP” (for TV airing). There was a rehearsal in the morning. I ate Curry Udon during lunch break. After lunch break, it was the real thing. About 100 people including fathers and mothers of children around elementary 3 or elementary 4 gathered together to participate in the public shooting, when the audiences saw the drama their reactions were really interesting. It’s like “oh so you often watch ‘Kaibutsu-kun’ together with your family like this?!”. They laughed quite a lot. Feels like family reunion, it was a really good atmosphere. After seeing that, I thought to myself that it’s great that we did this. The public shooting ended at about 5pm, I chilled out with the staff at the front chamber. Then I went drinking with Ryuu-san (Ueshima Ryuuhei) and the rest at Matsu-nii’s (Matsuoka Masahiro) house. Matsu-nii’s cooking, it’s really good I tell you~. I ate things like shabu shabu, special-made sauce and all, and they were really delicious! Everything tasted just nice. I had loads of fun.

Someday in June - Today

I guess I woke up at around 9am? Took a bath, and came to this studio slightly after noontime. I ate raw spring roll when I arrived at the set, well basically that’s the only thing I ate today. And for the interview for Duet magazine is my third one today. After I’m done with this I have recording to go to. Then, I’ll go for a haircut! I’ll make it short I tell you~ (very delighted). This shall be the last time you see me with this hair length. Though there are people who tell me it’s better to keep my hair a little long, but I will still get it trimmed. It’s pretty troublesome to set my hair if it’s long. Even during live concerts I would appreciate my short hair very much. After going to the hairdresser, I still haven’t plan on anything else yet, so I think I shall go home. When I go home, perhaps I’ll try touching my fishing rod (laugh). I still can’t paint yet. Fishing is my priority! Ah, even when fishing in the afternoon, I’ll apply the sunblock cream properly, so it’ll be fine.

Apparently Ohchan's sunblock didn't seem to work well (or he didn't apply 'properly' if he even did so), it's NOT fine with the proof in the latest Music Station LOL

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ translations

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