[Duet August issue] For Aiba to be Happy

Jul 11, 2010 11:32

I do not provide scans. The thumbnail is merely for reference purposes.
trackback: for Ohno to be Free || for Sho to have BBQ || for Nino to get Sunburnt (!?) || for Jun to be Active

With a Happy feeling!

I want to live this summer feeling happy,
putting everything aside.


Aiba Masaki’s ideal holiday.

I’ll wake up at 6.30am, get out of the house at 7am… and go to the golf court. I’ll play golf till around 2pm, after that, if I still have energy I’ll go for a meal. If everyone’s schedule would allow it, we can go groovy like “let’s go for yakiniku shall we?” (laugh). Then we’ll part around 7pm… I guess? Golfing day starts pretty early, so I’ll head straight to bed (laugh).

Aiba Masaki’s daily life.

My manager picks me up before noon time. When the 5 of us are together we’ll usually have to work till late night, when I work alone it’ll be till around 9 or 10pm. Then I’ll go for supper, and go home around 12 midnight. I’ll go for a bath, try to remember what I have to do for the next day, prepare for bed and sleep around 1 or 2am. In the morning I wake up around 8am, and fall back to sleep (laugh). By 9am I’ll be completely awake. Of course I wake up before my manager comes, but when I’m vibrant I’ll wake up 2 hours before, do the laundry, and clean the house a bit.

24th May - Day of last stage play performance

It’s the end of the stage play performance since 1pm, we had a celebration on it at 7pm later that day. I had quite some time to spare,  and since I had something to do, I went to Chiba. There was a shop I really like, which serves super good miso ramen. Personally I think it’s the best miso ramen in the world, so I though I wanted to let my manager try it, and we went there together. While waiting for the ramen, we killed time by roaming around nearby, and somehow we got kinda hyped up. Then the both of us were in high spirits. With that high spirit we ate the ramen, and went for the celebration. The celebration was held in a shop with a side of its wall made out of a glass pool with fishes swimming inside, how very stylish (laugh). I heard that the staff and my manager found this shop for us. Was there a second party that night?  Since I have work early morning the next day, I took an early leave and went home… it was a day like that.

28th May - Day of fielding

In the afternoon, I started doing field work since 12 o’clock. It’s  been about half a year since then, after quite a while. In a way it was because of the photo shooting for the fanclub bulletin pamphlet. Those soramame and snack peas which I’ve planted last time, I harvested, boiled and ate those right on the spot. It was really fun. After the location shooting at the field, I went straight for the recording of “Music Station” just like that. We sang “Monster” and parted after that because I promised to have dinner with my parents. We ate Korean cuisine. After spending some fun time together, it’s time for me to go home, I changed to used futon cause it’s summer now and just went to sleep (laugh).

Someday in June - Today

When I woke up this morning, I was very hungry, so I went to buy bread. I bought hot sandwich and latte from a coffee shop and went home to eat. When (my manager) came to pick me up it was… already 11am.  By the way I was picked up late today. I went to the shooting studio, and did the coverage for 3 magazines. Duet is the last one, and I’ll go for album recording after this. It is scheduled that I’ll be doing 1 song today. After recording… what shall I do? For now, I haven’t decided anything yet. There is nothing in particular which I have to do at home either… Well, anyway I shall finish up the drink right in front of me, and go for recording with full spirit!

♥ translations

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