[Duet August issue] For Nino to get Sunburnt!?

Jul 11, 2010 21:34

I do not provide scans. The thumbnail is merely for reference purposes.
trackback: for Ohno to be Free || for Sho to have BBQ || for Aiba to be Happy || for Jun to be Active

Get Sunburnt!?

It’ll be interesting if I got sunburnt.
Next month, seriously, I’ll get some tan (not true).


Ninomiya Kazunari’s daily life.

Though every working day is a little different, they usually start around noontime… I sleep as much as possible in the limited time, change quickly, get to the set, and work till 12 midnight comes, something like that. When I go home I'll be dead tired. Recently, I tire out very fast (laugh). I'm already drowsy on the car on the way home. I sleep at 1am the latest by 2am. But, since I wake up at about 10am, I guess I actually sleep quite a lot. It's not that I don't sleep that I'm sleepy, it's because I'm tired that I'm sleepy. When I think "I'm so tired~", I fall asleep the next minute, recently (laugh). My meals everyday, basiacally it's bentou. I eat whatever that's provided in the studio. I rarely go somewhere else to eat.

Ninomiya Kazunari’s ideal holiday.

I want to sleep without thinking about time~. If it’s alright to keep sleeping, I want to sleep for as long as I want, it’s like that for my age. Everyday, I’m living my life in a fixed scheduled time ain’t I? So that is exactly why I want to spend my holidays lazing around. Not even doing the things that I want to do, just blank. I won’t even play games. I want to try spending my day just by wasting time.

Someday in June - Day of “VS Arashi”

Since filming starts at noon, I slept till the last possible minute. Cause you see, I can do the rest in the dressing room right? Brushing my teeth and washing my face kinda thing. So when I wake up I just changed and went out. I don’t have to look good at home anyway. There are clothes provided on the set, sometimes I even go out with what I wore to sleep (grin). Then, in the dressing room I make myself look good, eat, and prepare myself. In the 1st recording Nishikido came. I looked at him and said “Nishikii, you’re really tanned~” (laugh). It seems like he goes to the sea pretty often. It’s been a while since we last met, so we talked quite a bit. During free time I went to TOKIO-big-brothers’ dressing room to greet them. Since I will greet them whenever we have simultaneous recordings, it’s not something I haven’t done in a while (compared to Nishikido). After that I went back to the dressing room and met up for “To be free” I guess. The 2nd recording was to battle IKKO-san’s team. I kinda lost a big part of my energy cause they were so vibrant… (laugh). The 2 recordings were completed like that. When I went home I fell asleep while thinking “today’s pretty tiring”. I’m already 27 you know. Though I think it’s different with people, but this year my body strength is being put to test rather harshly. Maybe it’s because I don’t really move that much usually, and I get tired when I move once in a while (laugh).

Someday in June - Day of “Himitsu no Arashi-chan”

I slept till the last possible minute in the morning, went to the photo shooting studio with my manager, and the 5 of us did a coverage for the bulletin. I was given a bentou there and I ate it. Then, I guess I went to TBS? Nagase-kun and Toma came as guests for “Mannequin Five”, it quite an individualistic fashion, the both of them (laugh). It was great to have them here. So much fun. The recording went on till about 12 midnight, I slept right away when I reached home. My back hurts cause I’ve been standing for a long time. I said to myself “I can’t do it anymore, I’m tired so just sleep!” then right after that I fell asleep (laugh).

Someday in June - Today

I woke up at 10.30am, magazine coverage started at 11am. There are 5 today (grin). Then, after I finish all of them, I guess I’ll go straight home. In the first coverage, I made soba with Aiba-kun, so my first meal today was that soba. We made it quite delicious. I moved from that studio to another, and did a coverage for an idol magazine. The photo shooting for Duet is done outdoors, the construction worker big brother at the mansion nearby said “Ninomiya-kun, please work hard!” in support. So, I said “thank you!” (laugh). Before this when people call me out, I don’t know if I should reply, but recently I’ve come to be comfortable in responding to them… I’ve become an adult now (grin). After this there is 1 more, another coverage, I plan to just go home right after that. I’m thinking to clean up my house today. My house isn’t messy though since I’m not at home often. I said the same thing last month too? Well, nothing changed. I’m still playing games, but I don’t keep playing it. As for the song which I’m writing for the album, I guess I’ll complete it without overstraining  myself?

♥ 二宮禾口也, ♥ translations

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