[Duet August Issue] Ohno in ArashIZM

Jul 11, 2010 22:11

I do not provide scans, the thumbnail is merely for reference purposes. But, warning: thumbnail spam ahead.

Monthly ARASHIZM ver.19.2

A corner to fulfil the little dreams of Arashi. This month we shall have Ohno Satoshi who has just complete “Kaibutsu-kun”! We went to find him a cap to suit his new hair.

To be chic!?

1. Al~right, let’s choose a lot!
2. Dressing
3. A girl!?
4. Captain!?
5. Don’t I look like Kaibutsu-kun?

6. How much could this be?
7. Reminds you of “Kiiroi Namida”?
8. Low places and…
9. Skull Captain!
10. High places too

11. This is good too~
12. This is for Nino ♥
13. Helmet YAY!
14. Sleepy~
15. I got these!

Choosing a stylish cap which I might possibly use.
And let’s get a present for Nino too~!

This time, Ohno suggested “going to the cap shop to find a new cap”. We quickly went to a specialty store. “Wow it’s so stylish” is the feeling this shop gives, when you look around, you’d be surprised. Saying “there are all sorts of things here”, everything from hard solid hats, western hats, caps, even ladies’, he tried them all happily. “Oh yeah, Nino’s birthday present, I haven’t bought anything. Shall I buy it here?” he said that but what he took was a pink cap. “Recently Nino wears yellow caps, but I think pink suits him better” was his rationale, after trying it himself, he decided to buy it. Then, we went to the back of the shop, there was a hat which looks like those of a ship captain’s. “What the, this! They sell this too?” he wore it happily, and gave a salute. There were 2 types which were being displayed, he liked them both just as much after trying them on. But, he did not buy it. Walking around the shop and having seen everything, he went back to the cap corner where he was initially, instead of those he tried before, he started trying out those which are chic and with calming colours, chose 5 caps without thinking much, and went right to the cashier register like a star. As expected (!?) he’s quick in decision.

“Since I am buying them for regular use, I chose simple and dull colours such as black. There are 2 which are khaki. The brim is small and I think it’s really cute. Then I bought one of another colour close to black. And black, I bought 2 more. One of them has a logo printed in white, I bought another red one of the same design for Nino. It’s matching ♥ And then, another black one with fluorescent pink logo on it (“somehow, it’s looks like something you would wear regularly” the manager said). I know right? Seems like something I would wear (laugh). The cap I’m wearing now is deep blue and the back is sorta meshed, it’s something I bought in a general store. This scribble (it was some drawing which was “Kaibutsu-kun”-like), is done by Nara (Yoshitomo)-san. There is only one in the whole wide world, and since it is a cap with Nara-san’s drawing, even if I don’t wear it can’t I use it for decoration? Saying things like that… No? Don’t mind, I’ll wear it everyday. Hey, seems like it’s gonna wear off soon (laugh). The one I bought for Nino, it matches with the pink one I picked just now. Though I considered treating him a meal in place of his present, yesterday, when I talked to Nino, “is it now?” I was waiting for a good timing. This year I shall have a revenge (meal. Note: to ‘take revenge’ here is simply to make things right) with Aiba-chan. Last time, actually it’s been years ago, I did something bad by going straight home without paying. Anyway today, I came here to buy caps, so it’s just great that I can buy Nino’s birthday present too (laugh). I shall pass it to him when we meet next week!” That was all from Ohno, who happily took the bag with 5 caps of his own, and 2 caps of Nino’s wrapped up properly as a present.

Fulfilment of dream for this month: 100%

“This is the first time I went into a cap specialty shop to choose caps properly, it was fresh and interesting. My new hairstyle too, seems like it goes quite well with this stylish town (laugh). And though this is kinda long ago… somehow I remembered the feeling when I was still a Jr.”

I don’t know why, I actually feel a lot for Ohno when he said he remembered the feeling when he was still a Jr. You know the feeling that your heart kinda squeeze a bit when you’re watching some sad love story on the TV or reading about some tragic news, that’s what I felt, and I really want to cry, for no apparent reason. I must be sick, up in the head.

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ translations

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