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Comments 1054

petalwitch January 24 2010, 17:34:02 UTC
Closing her eyes for just a second when being swept up and carried as Cloud lept from the top of the wall surrounding the Recreational Field to the floor of the outskirts hadn't been an action Aerith wouldn't questioned in the past. As it turned out, the very second she felt Cloud set her down on the ground, the very moment she'd opened her eyes, everything had shifted and changed. By the time the flower girl's vision focused again, she was back in her room, safe and sound. Sitting up and frowning, Aerith mentally swore that she would never get used to this schedule. She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. Did they want anyone to get any real sleep around here? Well, at least she wasn't too tired. Besides, she could remain optimistic and pretty sure Cloud and Yuffie hadn't sustained any injuries beyond a pulled muscle for the night even if nothing much had happened. Even then, it was hard not to be a little annoyed and snippy with her nurse when the woman barged happily into her room to announce that it was time to head off to ( ... )


zack_fair January 25 2010, 00:52:55 UTC
Even though Cissnei had warned Zack of the fact that they ended up back in their beds each morning without fail, he hadn't exactly prepared himself for what it would really be like. Blacking out and then waking up in a completely different place was beyond disorienting, and it caused the man to shift around under his blankets for a few seconds before he realized what had really happened.

Blacking out bugged him. It was way too similar to the way he'd been in and out back in the lab, and Zack quickly jumped out of the bed to rid himself of that feeling. He drew a hand through his hair and sighed. And they hadn't even gotten to properly look around before getting cut off, on top of it all! Talk about unfair.

Hopefully Cissnei was all right. There was no reason she shouldn't be, so Zack quickly moved on to the next important fact: his comatose roommate was nowhere to be found. Maybe he'd woken up and headed out early ( ... )


petalwitch January 25 2010, 01:06:58 UTC
The quick tap on her shoulder didn't really make Aerith jump. She'd been looking for Cloud, Yuffie, even one of the Turks. She could've been expected to do the same to get any of their attention herself, knowing the way she was. Prepared to see either Yuffie or Cloud standing behind her (the Turks didn't really seem like the tapping types), Aerith let a typical bright smile cross her face ( ... )


zack_fair January 25 2010, 02:45:33 UTC
It looked like she had thought he was someone else, at least at first. Not that she hadn't called him Sunshine before (she probably had, even if he couldn't remember a specific instance right this second), but the way she'd cut off and that look on her face quickly made Zack regret the way he'd decided to greet her. He should have thought more about how big of a deal it would be to see someone again after hearing no word of them for four years, but ( ... )


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 17:39:11 UTC
Prowl took a while to fully online. Last night had been...fun. In it's own way. He was paying for it now, of course. Today he would train this new body a little and prepare himself for next time. He'd go alone and secure his own weapons and perhaps head out in search of his friend.

He was out early and looked around the few patients that had already arrived. No sign of Ratchet or Lockdown...

Prowl picked his breakfast out and found a table. Time to enjoy a little human experience.


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 19:40:14 UTC
Rrrr. That had been irritating. A whole night, gone in only one small skirmish and a wince-worthy bullet-removal session. No, he was not going to try to immediately find Lugnut and ask him if he was alright. That would be undignified and make it look like he cared. Which he didn't, because he was an assassin droid, and 'caring' was something that happened to other people.

Instead, he spotted trying-to-pretend-he-isn't-Prowl. Pestering commencing in 3... 2...

"Query: So, are you Prowl yet?" He dropped his tray of food (ew) across from the former inorganic and sat down, expression as deadpan as ever.


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 22:25:38 UTC
Prowl looked up from arranging his breakfast, without a smile.

"Not yet. But you'll be the first to know, I assure you."

He moved his food around, cut and ate. He'd left a message for Lockdown but would it be more fun to discuss him now? HK knew Prowl was, in fact, Prowl, but where was the fun in letting this end? Just a few more minutes....


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 22:45:04 UTC
"Sarcasm: Hmm. Now that's odd, because when I directly asked Lockdown, he said you were," HK very nearly sighed, shifting his gaze from Prowl to his plate, poking suspiciously at his food with an eating utensil. After his water attacked him a few nights ago by leaping down his windpipe, he didn't trust this stuff.


not_rly_fai January 24 2010, 18:07:39 UTC
He remembered blacking out in the darkness while being nearly dragged along by Aiden. And before that, the coliseum. Now he lay in bed, exhausted and weak, but at least the pain had diminished slightly. His hand went to the injury at his neck, only to find that it was now bandaged up, treated already. But while he could see easily enough from his right eye, the left was just as dark as before. They'd placed some kind of medical eyepatch over it, which his fingers traced with morbid curiosity.

Yuuhi hadn't been awake for more than a few moments before the nurse came in, fussing and making sure he took some medicine for the pain, offering up encouragement for a speedy recovery from his unfortunate accident. Is that what they were calling it? He followed her numbly, feeling only slightly steadier on his feet. The nurse was kind enough to let him sit once they reached the cafeteria and returned with a tray for him. Food was honestly the last thing on his mind, but he sipped at the juice almost mechanically.

[For Sakura]


giftofstars January 25 2010, 02:43:01 UTC
Waking up suddenly, Sakura groaned as she realized what had happened. She had spent too long sitting around and not enough time moving to where she needed to go. Night was already over, and she had nothing to show for it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat in her bed. If she couldn't even do something as simple as get batteries, how could she help the boys in any other way?

And Fai... Fai was gone. She set her hands over her heart as tears continued to stream outward. She didn't even know him very well, but he paid the ultimate price for her. Maybe people went home after they died. Maybe Fai was happy and back with his family, but that didn't change the fact that he did die while she could only helplessly watch. Why was this such a horrible place. No one ever died like this back in Tomoeda... no one ( ... )


not_rly_fai January 25 2010, 07:13:06 UTC
It was hard to adjust to seeing the world with only half the scope of vision he'd had before. But he still recognized the same people who came to the cafeteria everyday, just like before, and saw that none of them seemed to recognize him, or maybe they just hadn't noticed. Some were smiling and talking with other patients, others saw him for a moment and continued on, unperturbed. It left him wondering if any of it had actually happened or if maybe he was the only one who remembered.

It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice call his name that he looked up and saw Sakura. She seemed alright, not injured visibly at least. Which meant their fight hadn't been completely useless. As long as the others were all safe and well, it didn't matter what happened.

He put on a smile, slight, but friendly and lifted his hand in a small wave. "Good morning Sakura," he replied, hoping he'd made things sound as ordinary as he could.


giftofstars January 26 2010, 04:52:20 UTC
"G-Good morning Fai-san," Sakura, having finally reached him, stuttered. Setting her tray down next to him, she sat down without making eye contact. It really was him right? She stole a glance to the side and verified that it was indeed Fai. He now had an eye patch over his eyes and seemed less animated than usual, but other than that, he seemed fine. Somehow, he was alive. She couldn't believe it. Either he didn't die or he was brought back from the dead, a feat which even magic couldn't seem to accomplish.

She picked up a tater tot and spun it around in her hands before looking up at Fai again. There were so many things she wanted to ask - how he was alive, what really happened two nights ago, what was he doing all of yesterday - yet it all mushed together to form, "H-How are you doing Fai-san?" She quickly popped the tater tot into her mouth, hoping it would help remedy how strange she must have sounded.


buteo_sapiens January 24 2010, 18:11:17 UTC
Tobias really needed to get out more.

Tonight. Tonight he would go out, go flying, monsters and people and everything ignored, just for once, unless he saw someone in need or... no. People here had survived without him, and they'd keep on surviving, even if he took one night to stretch his wings.

But that would be later. For now, he would eat, and talk, and spend another day calling himself by different names on the off chance that some Yeerk or other might, somehow, find out about it, and get word out, even though this was probably a set-up of some sort by someone way bigger than the Yeerks and... man, this Astor thing was getting ridiculous. It wasn't like he'd seen a single sign of anyone who would have any idea who he was, besides...

He stopped at the bulletin board, jotting down a quick note, and breathing a sigh of relief. It might have been the wrong choice, but he'd find that out soon enough.

Step considerably lighter-- either he could get to stop being so paranoid, or someone would attack him soon and he'd know he was in ( ... )


justawaketylor January 24 2010, 23:02:04 UTC
For some reason, he hadn't really expected so many people. The nurse had given Tylor a gentle tap to get him to move forward towards the food, although once Tylor had that direction he didn't hesitate again. Cafeteria style wasn't his favorite, and he thought breakfast should have coffee, but after a little sulking hadn't worked he picked out some juice and a breakfast sandwich, then started to look for a table.

If anybody with a patient's costume knew what was going on, it wasn't really likely, and even if they did claim to, they might have just been the sort of person who really needed a hospital like this. Asking was pointless. If he waited, things would come together somehow on their own. As long as there was food, clothing and shelter, it was at least okay to rest here a while, Tylor decided.

Finding someone who didn't seem too unhappy in expression, Tylor smiled wide and sat down nearby. Even in a place like this, it'd be nice to have friends. "Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?"


buteo_sapiens January 25 2010, 00:49:27 UTC
This guy looked cheerful. Not anyone Tobias knew, but Tobias didn't know a lot of people, here. "Go for it," he said, with a smile back. "I'm Tobias."


justawaketylor January 25 2010, 01:05:44 UTC
"Thanks! I'm Justy Ueki Tylor, age twenty, lieutenant commander of the United Planets Space Force! Nice to meet you." The salute he'd offered with his introduction had been a little too sloppy to fit the military declaration, but it was probably just as well, since Tylor really wasn't supposed to just salute every time he said his name. He just liked it.

It was possible Tobias would think he was crazy, but that was okay too, as long as Tobias was friendly. "Do you like your food?"


composers_proxy January 24 2010, 18:24:51 UTC
Risking his life for what amounted to an armful of art supplies he could pick up for less than ¥2000 was pretty ridiculous, but damned if he didn't hide them away the second he woke up back in his bed the next morning. The only thing lamer than doing it in the first place would be doing it again because some nurse or roommate or something decided to go through his stuff ( ... )


kingdomless January 24 2010, 19:32:52 UTC
( from here)Kairi couldn’t help but pout as she entered the Cafeteria, her stomach instantly grumbling as she breathed in the scent of pancakes and other such things. Well, she was hungry, that was for sure, but ( ... )


composers_proxy January 24 2010, 20:01:59 UTC
Eating alone didn't bother Neku, in fact he was used to it, but the last few weeks and then this place made it feel emptier than it had before. When a flurry of red hair and smiles came running over, it was almost enough to bowl him over. As she got closer, it was obvious the girl wasn't Shiki, but seriously, what the hell was going on with the lookalikes here! This was starting to get ridiculous. Whatever strange dimension he'd been yanked into was seriously lacking in Imagination.

He might've been surprised to see her at first, but he quickly fell into a more thoughtful expression as he sized her up. Besides, he reminded himself, it wasn't like Shiki really looked like this girl. In reality she wore her mousy brown hair short and hid behind a pair of glasses and that creepy pig-cat plushie thing. But the girl in front of him was definitely more like the Shiki he remembered from the game ( ... )


kingdomless January 24 2010, 20:34:14 UTC
“You like music, I take it?” Kairi asked with a smile, feeling pretty good considering she still didn’t know where Sora was and had just been asleep for who knew how long. If there was one thing about being stuck in Landel’s she enjoyed (which was a rare thing indeed.) it was being able to meet all of the new and exciting people. Everyone was from such different worlds, it was all so fascinating to her.

Where were her manners? “Oh,” she said quickly, smiling brightly as she placed a hand on her collarbone. “I’m Kairi, by the way. I didn’t mean to startle you, it was just that … you look like a friend of mine I’m looking for.”

At that, her hand dropped back to her platter, and she looked down at it with a soft smile. “I was apparently asleep for a few days, and I don’t want him to be worried about me because I’m okay now… and I’m sure he was upset that I was gone.”

Sighing, Kairi turned back towards the boy and shook her head. “But that’s not important right now. What’s your name? Can I eat with you?”


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