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petalwitch January 24 2010, 17:34:02 UTC
Closing her eyes for just a second when being swept up and carried as Cloud lept from the top of the wall surrounding the Recreational Field to the floor of the outskirts hadn't been an action Aerith wouldn't questioned in the past. As it turned out, the very second she felt Cloud set her down on the ground, the very moment she'd opened her eyes, everything had shifted and changed. By the time the flower girl's vision focused again, she was back in her room, safe and sound. Sitting up and frowning, Aerith mentally swore that she would never get used to this schedule. She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. Did they want anyone to get any real sleep around here? Well, at least she wasn't too tired. Besides, she could remain optimistic and pretty sure Cloud and Yuffie hadn't sustained any injuries beyond a pulled muscle for the night even if nothing much had happened. Even then, it was hard not to be a little annoyed and snippy with her nurse when the woman barged happily into her room to announce that it was time to head off to ( ... )


zack_fair January 25 2010, 00:52:55 UTC
Even though Cissnei had warned Zack of the fact that they ended up back in their beds each morning without fail, he hadn't exactly prepared himself for what it would really be like. Blacking out and then waking up in a completely different place was beyond disorienting, and it caused the man to shift around under his blankets for a few seconds before he realized what had really happened.

Blacking out bugged him. It was way too similar to the way he'd been in and out back in the lab, and Zack quickly jumped out of the bed to rid himself of that feeling. He drew a hand through his hair and sighed. And they hadn't even gotten to properly look around before getting cut off, on top of it all! Talk about unfair.

Hopefully Cissnei was all right. There was no reason she shouldn't be, so Zack quickly moved on to the next important fact: his comatose roommate was nowhere to be found. Maybe he'd woken up and headed out early ( ... )


petalwitch January 25 2010, 01:06:58 UTC
The quick tap on her shoulder didn't really make Aerith jump. She'd been looking for Cloud, Yuffie, even one of the Turks. She could've been expected to do the same to get any of their attention herself, knowing the way she was. Prepared to see either Yuffie or Cloud standing behind her (the Turks didn't really seem like the tapping types), Aerith let a typical bright smile cross her face ( ... )


zack_fair January 25 2010, 02:45:33 UTC
It looked like she had thought he was someone else, at least at first. Not that she hadn't called him Sunshine before (she probably had, even if he couldn't remember a specific instance right this second), but the way she'd cut off and that look on her face quickly made Zack regret the way he'd decided to greet her. He should have thought more about how big of a deal it would be to see someone again after hearing no word of them for four years, but ( ... )


petalwitch January 25 2010, 03:18:35 UTC
Aerith didn't even flinch when the orange juice splattered up and onto her own pants. She supposed, somewhere deep inside where logic still existed, that it made sense; Zack had been gone for so long, yes, but so had she. If this place could bring her back, then it was certainly capable of reuniting her with Zack. Still, it was a reunion she'd never thought possible, one she'd assumed after four years was never going to happen. No matter what, Aerith had never allowed herself to believe that he was dead, but she'd believed he'd been gone from her life. She'd believed he'd moved on, that he wasn't coming back to her... But here he was. He was back ( ... )


zack_fair January 25 2010, 04:24:45 UTC
"It's no big deal, Aerith!" Zack said with a quick laugh. It was still so surreal to think that he was standing here and talking to her, holding her and hearing her voice. Not that they should be crowding the cafeteria when people were probably trying to move past them, but Zack couldn't be bothered by that right now. He could hear the strain in Aerith's voice, and all he wanted to do was make sure she felt better as soon as possible ( ... )


petalwitch January 25 2010, 06:48:00 UTC
Aerith nodded weakly to the nurse as she walked away with her tray. The idea that they should probably move to a table didn't really cross her mind either, and so she stood there, unable to stop staring as other patients brushed past them. At least she had her voice back. Kind of.

"Wow, you're... It's really you, isn't it?" she started softly, trying to fight back tears. She'd never let herself cry, mostly because she'd convinced herself that he was off somewhere and happy with someone else, that it had just been too hard for him to tell her about it. Four years of not crying made it especially hard to fight them back now. Still, Aerith had always been stubborn, and she was trying as hard as she could. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." She reached up, furiously wiping at the corners of eyes with her left hand. The next laugh sounded a bit more natural. "I think I got some orange juice in my eye." She wasn't going to cry. She wasn't.


zack_fair January 25 2010, 08:03:32 UTC
Once again, Zack couldn't judge too much when Aerith asked if it was really him. While he wasn't sure what else it could have been, one never knew when it came to Shin-Ra and whatever else. He merely grinned in response to the question, figuring that that would be enough of an answer. The question had probably been rhetorical, anyway.

"Neither did I," he plainly admitted, and that was for a completely practical reason. He shouldn't have been able to see her, but he wasn't about to complain now that it had happened. But even if Aerith was trying to act like she wasn't on the brink of tears, Zack wasn't that much of a dumb soldier. He noticed, and he wondered why she felt like she had to hide it. He'd cried openly in front of her before, so why didn't she figure that she could do the same ( ... )


petalwitch January 25 2010, 23:41:31 UTC
The hug was brief, but it was enough. It felt natural for Aerith to wrap her arms around Zack in turn, hugging him tightly as if she were afraid it wasn't real. It was pretty impossible to hide the tears now, and honestly she couldn't tell if they were happy tears or all of the ones she'd locked up inside after he hadn't come back. He was here, though. Really here ( ... )


zack_fair January 26 2010, 07:07:35 UTC
Taking a seat, Zack held back a sigh as he brought one of his legs up so he could start wiping the juice off of his pants as best as he could. It had soaked in pretty well by now, but it didn't look like they were going to get the chance to change. It would dry eventually, though, so he'd just have to deal with being sticky for a while. He wondered when they even got to shower ( ... )


petalwitch January 27 2010, 03:33:24 UTC
Mixed feelings. Aerith wished her feelings were mixed; instead it was all like a sudden onslaught of everything she'd felt for and with Zack coupled with everything she hadn't allowed herself to feel. To sit here and look at him was world shaking in the best and worst of ways. All those letters, and here she didn't know a thing to say to him. She tried to focus on what he was saying instead while still remembering to breathe. Yes, breathing was important ( ... )


zack_fair January 27 2010, 05:48:15 UTC
While Zack could tell that Aerith was doing her best to make light of their situation, there was some truth to her words. Why was it that they had to be reunited in a place like this? He was still bothered that Aerith was even here in the first place, but at least it meant that they had the chance to see each other again. He remembered how she had been one of the only things in his thoughts as he'd dragged Cloud back to Midgar; she'd been his goal. He'd figured if he could just make it back to Aerith, everything would have worked out ( ... )


petalwitch January 27 2010, 20:10:50 UTC
She both wanted to ask and wanted anything but to ask. Why hadn't he called? Why hadn't he written? Had he really been..? Aerith couldn't even think the words. The smile she returned when she realized she'd never be able to say them was a slightly sad one; she'd tried for it not to be, but it was hard to erase every ounce of sadness from it. All at once, she felt like a teenager again.

"...I finally got to see the sky, you know," she opted instead. "It-" reminded me of you "-was nice." Yes, maybe it was best to dwell on happier things. So long as she steered clear of the end of her own journey, things could be less solemn. "I bet you'll be surprised to know I even left Midgar and went on a big adventure of my own." Aerith wanted to ask him what he'd been up to as well, but it was hard; she was too afraid of the answer.


zack_fair January 28 2010, 05:05:27 UTC
That unasked question played on her face, but Zack wasn't sure what to do when Aerith didn't actually get the words out. Maybe she didn't want to know -- or maybe she already knew and didn't want to have to hear it straight from his mouth. She probably didn't want to know the grizzly details; he honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to give them. Who wanted to hear about someone they cared for being riddled with bullet holes, anyway ( ... )


petalwitch January 28 2010, 18:16:18 UTC
"Nope! Not kidding at all." Yes, the happier things were much easier to talk about. Aerith had changed a lot since Zack had last seen her, and there were hundreds upon hundreds of things she wanted to tell him. He'd never believe that she'd seen so much of the world and done so many things. "I've been to more places than I can count on both hands, if you can believe that!" Of course, she couldn't have done all that on her own. Which reminded her... Gaia, she had so many questions.

"I wasn't by myself, though. I had a lot of friends with me. One of them... really reminded me a lot of you sometimes," she finally said, resting her hands in her lap.


zack_fair January 29 2010, 04:02:29 UTC
While Zack could only barely believe it, he knew that Aerith wouldn't lie to him about something so important. Besides, she had to know that he was well-traveled when it came to Gaia, so he would have been able to test her. Shin-Ra had really sent him all over the place, and that was one thing he could thank the company for; he wouldn't have gotten the chance to experience so much without it.

He was genuinely shocked to hear that someone had reminded Aerith of him, though. Zack had been under the impression that he was one of a kind, so it almost bothered him, even though he knew that she couldn't have meant anything bad about it.

"How so?" he asked. "There's no way he could have matched up to my good looks." He leaned in toward her, flashing a smile as if to make his point. He was just going to have to hope that she agreed with him.


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