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kingdomless January 24 2010, 19:32:52 UTC
( from here)

Kairi couldn’t help but pout as she entered the Cafeteria, her stomach instantly grumbling as she breathed in the scent of pancakes and other such things. Well, she was hungry, that was for sure, but …

“Here we go, Claire! I’m sure you remember how things work, right? Enjoy breakfast! I’ll come check up on you next shift, alright?” and with that said, the smiling nuse walked off, leaving Kairi alone to her thoughts once again. After a slight wave after the nurse, she instantly began looking around the cafeteria for a familiar spiky headed boy …

And she caught sight of one. Without even thinking, Kairi raced over to the food line, grabbing a tray as she made her way towards the boy. It had to be Sora! It just had to -

But it wasn’t. Feeling slightly put off and sad, the once princess couldn’t help but let out a defeated sigh.

Oh well, she might as well work with it. She had made the effort to get to the boy (wearing headphones, she noted. Pretty fun looking headphones, too!) and that was that. He looked slightly distracted, too.

Kairi tilted her head down, peering up at the boy as her dark red hair fell over her shoulder. A curious look crossed her face, and she smiled. “What’re you listening to?”


composers_proxy January 24 2010, 20:01:59 UTC
Eating alone didn't bother Neku, in fact he was used to it, but the last few weeks and then this place made it feel emptier than it had before. When a flurry of red hair and smiles came running over, it was almost enough to bowl him over. As she got closer, it was obvious the girl wasn't Shiki, but seriously, what the hell was going on with the lookalikes here! This was starting to get ridiculous. Whatever strange dimension he'd been yanked into was seriously lacking in Imagination.

He might've been surprised to see her at first, but he quickly fell into a more thoughtful expression as he sized her up. Besides, he reminded himself, it wasn't like Shiki really looked like this girl. In reality she wore her mousy brown hair short and hid behind a pair of glasses and that creepy pig-cat plushie thing. But the girl in front of him was definitely more like the Shiki he remembered from the game.

"Hey," he said by way of greeting. At the mention of his headphones, he subconsciously put a hand to one ear, "Oh. It's- classical. Their playlists kinda suck, but it's better than nothing."


kingdomless January 24 2010, 20:34:14 UTC
“You like music, I take it?” Kairi asked with a smile, feeling pretty good considering she still didn’t know where Sora was and had just been asleep for who knew how long. If there was one thing about being stuck in Landel’s she enjoyed (which was a rare thing indeed.) it was being able to meet all of the new and exciting people. Everyone was from such different worlds, it was all so fascinating to her.

Where were her manners? “Oh,” she said quickly, smiling brightly as she placed a hand on her collarbone. “I’m Kairi, by the way. I didn’t mean to startle you, it was just that … you look like a friend of mine I’m looking for.”

At that, her hand dropped back to her platter, and she looked down at it with a soft smile. “I was apparently asleep for a few days, and I don’t want him to be worried about me because I’m okay now… and I’m sure he was upset that I was gone.”

Sighing, Kairi turned back towards the boy and shook her head. “But that’s not important right now. What’s your name? Can I eat with you?”


composers_proxy January 24 2010, 20:45:21 UTC
"Yeah," he replied without putting much thought into it. Music wasn't in the forefront of his mind at the moment. He was too preoccupied with trying to figure out why every other person here looked like someone he knew back home. It was pretty hard to find one without buying into the whole... being crazy thing.

"You too," he said after a few seconds of scratching his head as he looked down at his plate. "Feels like everyone does," he added, though it was more under his breath than the rest.

He missed a few words as she continued on, but managed to catch enough to figure it out. It might've helped to take off the headphones, but the thought never actually occurred to him. Kairi seemed kind of preoccupied, but who knew? Maybe she was looking for Sora or Roxas or whoever the hell else had the same face or hair or whatever that he did.

"You can sit if you want," he shrugged, probably the nicest offer he could manage at the moment. Interacting with people was still something he was having some trouble re-learning. "I'm Neku. Sorry I just... I've been hearing that a lot lately. It's not your fault."


kingdomless January 24 2010, 21:00:02 UTC
“Oh?” Kairi asked, curious. “Really? Do I look like someone you know too?”


“Thank you,” she commented back in regards to him allowing her to sit with him, and she smiled as she took a seat across from him, setting her plate down quietly before picking up a fork and twirling it through her fingers for a bit. It looked at if Neku was bothered by something, but she didn’t know what. Had her comment upset him?

Then again, she couldn’t pass judgment yet - she didn’t even know the boy.

“Oh,” she said lamely, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … I’m just … it’s nothing. Forget it. Let’s talk about something else.”

Kairi reached for her fork and began cutting up her pancakes (with strawberries.) for a moment before looking back up at Neku once again. “Where’re you from? If you don’t mind me asking. I’m just curious.”


composers_proxy January 24 2010, 21:19:23 UTC
"Don't worry about it," he said, waving a hand as if it might help clear those thoughts away. "I'm probably just getting hung up over nothing."

He really should start taking his own advice, he thought as he took another bite of his egg sandwich. Kinda different, but seemed like something they'd serve at Sunshine.

"Shibuya," he answered. Kairi was a Japanese name too, maybe she'd know where that was. Then again, if this place had taught him anything, it was that what ought to be usual or expected, usually wasn't. Hell, he had ninjas and wizards and whatever else, so judging someone on something as trivial as a name was probably a bad idea.

"That's in Japan," he added. Either she'd appreciate the explanation or she'd think he was a colossal dumbass for having to clear that up. Only time would tell. "You?"


kingdomless January 24 2010, 21:40:12 UTC
“Shibuya … oh, Japan! I’ve heard of that world before. A few other people I’ve met are from there too!” she remembered - like Rukia. Except she had never heard of Shibuya before … it must have been a different part.

“I’m from Destiny Islands,” she told him while looking down at her pancakes, a soft smile crossing her lips. She missed her home. “It’s okay if you haven’t heard of it, not a lot of people have. It’s a small place - beaches, paopu trees, seashells … it’s okay.”

She missed home. It felt like ages since she had been able to build sandcastles and feel the sun on her face. How long had she been stuck in Landel’s for? Would she ever see her home again? The feeling was funny - to think, just a little over a year ago, she had wanted nothing more than to leave her home for bigger, better worlds. Destiny Islands had been boring to her once upon a time, but now she longed for it.

“I’ve never heard of Shibuya,” she admitted with a small smile, chewing on a small piece of pancake after she was done speaking. “What’s it like?”


composers_proxy January 24 2010, 23:13:45 UTC
So she was another one of those from somewhere else entirely. How anyone could never have heard of Japan was beyond him, but then he hadn't heard of half the places people told him about either. He shook his head.

"No, sorry. But it sounds cool. I've been to the beach a couple times. Japan's like a big island, so that kinda thing is never more than a few hours away," he took another bite of the sandwich, thinking how best to describe Shibuya.

"It's a city, actually. There's tall buildings everywhere and it's crowded and noisy no matter what time of day it is." People in flashy outfits, loud music, people shouting just to be heard; it was like they all needed something to make themselves stand out, so people would know they existed at all. "I thought I hated it, but I think I appreciate it a lot more now that-... yeah. Anyway, there's never a dull moment in Shibuya, that's for sure."


kingdomless January 24 2010, 23:40:13 UTC
“Really? It’s so similar,” she said with a smile, nodding her head. “I’ve been told I’d like Japan, and I guess I really would. I love the beach.”

Shibuya reminded her of the world that never was … at least, the parts she had seen. Naminé had told her about the rest of the world, and she had seen the large buildings towering over other buildings when she and Naminé had been trying to escape from Saïx, but. She couldn’t imagine a city full of music and bustling people - after all, Destiny Islands was a small place, somewhere where everyone knew everyone else.

“I’m jealous,” she said with a small smile, pushing her auburn hair behind her ear, “Destiny Islands was always so boring. A year ago my friends and I wanted nothing more then to escape our little world and find a different place … somewhere like your Japan. But now … I admit, I miss it more than anything.” A pause, and she sighed. “Once everything you thought you didn’t want is taken away from you, you can’t help but want it all the more.”

But there was no time to be depressed. Lifting her head up, Kairi stabbed a strawberry with her fork and popped it into her mouth, thinking. “What kind of things did you do in Shibuya? To pass the time my friends and I used to just make rafts and other small things. I used to make seashell charms to pass the time.”


composers_proxy January 25 2010, 07:23:00 UTC
"Shibuya is definitely not like the beach, but it's not so bad either. There's always something to do. You'd probably have a good time if you visited. Shibuya gets a lot of tourists," he replied. Even that cheerfulness was an awful lot like Shiki. God, that didn't mean he was like Sora, did it? He wasn't sure he could handle being so friendly all the time. That was an awful lot of work.

Even when she seemed sad talking about her home, it passed in a heartbeat. Hopefully she wasn't doing that girl thing where she pretended to be happy when she was really upset or something. Shiki did that too. Geez! Enough already!

"Nothing like that," he replied, "but Shiki liked sewing and making stuff, that kinda thing. You guys would probably get along." Dammit. What did I just say? He mentally kicked himself, but it was true! Only Shiki was really into that artsy kind of stuff. At least when it came to making anything. "I liked checking out the local graffiti art or the music stores. Lots of places to eat. Tin pin slammers was pretty popular too. Video games, eating good food, just hanging out I guess..."


kingdomless January 25 2010, 23:38:42 UTC
“You think?” Kairi asked, resting her elbows on the table so she could rest her head in her hands. “I’d like to visit one day. You could show me around!”

At the mention of Shiki, her head tilted to the side, and a curious look crossed her face. “Shiki? Who’s that? A girl?” A strange name, but then again, Kairi was apparently a strange name to others too, so she couldn’t judge. Maybe it was because people in Japan had those sort of different names? She couldn’t help but admit that she liked them. “And what’s tin pin slammers?”

Shibuya certainly sounded interesting - the hustle and bustle was something she would like to see, especially since she was so used to being somewhere where there wasn’t really a lot of people. Ever. “Back on Destiny Islands, we all basically hung out on this little island that we all used to play on as children - there are a lot of forts there, and even a hidden cave that we all used to draw in.”


composers_proxy January 26 2010, 02:48:38 UTC
Kairi's enthusiasm brought a lop-sided smirk to Neku's face. Act as tour guide for Shibuya? Not that he cared how cool anyone thought he was or anything like that. He didn't know what it was about her, but her smile was almost contagious.

"Yeah. Well, you know, look me up if you do. I know all the best places," he assured her, finishing off his last few bites of the breakfast sandwich. When she brought up Shiki though, it was hard to hide the fact that he missed seeing his friend. He could get through tough times on his own, but somehow when Shiki and the others had been around, things had gotten easier, not harder.

"Shiki? She's... yeah. A girl I know back home. I don't know if you believe it or not, but ever since I got here, I've been running into people who look like people I knew before," he tried to explain but only seemed to find more reasons why it should be a dream or some really weird trip instead of reality. How else was that possible? It was weird enough when he'd found out Shiki wasn't even really Shiki in the game, but this was a whole 'nother mess of problems that... "You and her could pass for sisters."

He shook his head as if he didn't quite believe it himself. It wasn't like him to freak out like this. He had to keep a cool head or he really was gonna lose it. Best to focus on something easy. "Right, so tin pins. It's a game that a lot of the kids are playing back home. It's kinda lame, but the name pretty much says it all. Slamming pins into each other on a game board to try to knock the other guys off. Last man standing wins."


kingdomless January 26 2010, 16:21:41 UTC
Kairi couldn’t help but smile at the mention of looking him up, and she nodded. “And if you ever somehow end up on Destiny Islands, I’ll show you around as well.”

Shiki and her looked that similar? She tilted her head to the side again, her eyes wide and questioning. Interesting … “More people looking like people you know? Like who besides me?” She couldn’t help but keep that thought alive that maybe one of those people was Sora. After all, she had mistook him for Sora when she first entered the cafeteria, but she didn’t want to ask because she still felt bad for when she had first told him.

“That game sounds kind of … hard,” Kairi admitted, smiling sheepishly. “I’ve never heard of something like that. Have you ever played? We never really had games like that to play on Destiny Islands … when we were younger I used to watch my friends fake fight each other with fake swords … jump ropes … balls…” a pause, and she giggled. “The swords usually won.”


composers_proxy January 26 2010, 17:53:07 UTC
He seemed somewhat distracted, but nodded as thanks. Probably wouldn't be going to Destiny Island any time soon, but didn't mean he wasn't gonna still be nice about it. She'd done the same anyway. Not like he'd get the ability to hop worlds anytime soon, but it was a nice thought.

"My roommate for starters," he frowned slightly, glancing around to see if he could catch sight of the other guy. "His name is Roxas I think. Only his hair is kind of different. Blond and slicked to one side? Then I met another guy yesterday, Sora. Brown spiky hair."

He hadn't actually mentioned one to the other. It was possible they knew each other or were related or something, but if that was the case, he didn't know anything about it. "It's just not everyday you see someone else who could almost be your double. Seems pretty messed up to me. Then the other night there was a guy who looked like Joshua. He's-"

Friend was probably too strong a word, but again, he didn't hate the guy. Just found him hella obnoxious at times. "He's here too actually. Little bit taller than me, hair bleached so white it looks silver. Always has an annoying smirk. But there was some other guy that looked like him. Kaworu? I think?"

He shook his head, "anyway. Yeah, I played a little. There was a tournament that I had to compete in and-... heh. Getting your ass kicked by a twelve-year-old isn't something to brag about, so I'm not all that into it." Kairi's friends sounded much more like the innocent types at least. No video games to taint their pure young minds and whatnot. Just went to show that kids would get into fights, fake or otherwise, no matter where they were from. Everyone clashed, just like Mr. H said.

"I bet," he added. "Jump rope isn't much of a match." Though try telling that to the girl who used a creepy stuffed animals to help fight her battles. Or a cell phone. Or a skateboard. Or...


kingdomless January 29 2010, 00:23:57 UTC
The moment Neku mentioned his roommate, Kairi shot up, her posture suddenly becoming on edge as she listened, her eyes wide. “Roxas? Your roommate is Roxas? I know him.”

And then …

At the mention of Sora, Kairi’s emotions got the best of her. “Sora?!” she practically squeaked, excited and worried at the same time. “Is he okay? He wasn’t hurt, right? He’s one of my best friends … he was here before I fell asleep, and I’m sure I worried him terribly…”

When the head doctor spoke, she could have cried. No! she thought internally as a nurse came over to escort her from the Cafeteria, and she knew it was too late. Sighing, Kairi turned and looked at Neku with a smile. “Thank you, Neku. Let’s talk again later, okay?”

As she was led away, she was lost in her thoughts. So, Sora was still here - she was pleased with that fact, yet sad as well. He hadn’t gone home in the entire span of time she slept? She thought for sure if anyone would have found a way to escape Landel’s it would have been Sora.


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