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stillandstrike January 24 2010, 17:39:11 UTC
Prowl took a while to fully online. Last night had been...fun. In it's own way. He was paying for it now, of course. Today he would train this new body a little and prepare himself for next time. He'd go alone and secure his own weapons and perhaps head out in search of his friend.

He was out early and looked around the few patients that had already arrived. No sign of Ratchet or Lockdown...

Prowl picked his breakfast out and found a table. Time to enjoy a little human experience.


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 19:40:14 UTC
Rrrr. That had been irritating. A whole night, gone in only one small skirmish and a wince-worthy bullet-removal session. No, he was not going to try to immediately find Lugnut and ask him if he was alright. That would be undignified and make it look like he cared. Which he didn't, because he was an assassin droid, and 'caring' was something that happened to other people.

Instead, he spotted trying-to-pretend-he-isn't-Prowl. Pestering commencing in 3... 2...

"Query: So, are you Prowl yet?" He dropped his tray of food (ew) across from the former inorganic and sat down, expression as deadpan as ever.


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 22:25:38 UTC
Prowl looked up from arranging his breakfast, without a smile.

"Not yet. But you'll be the first to know, I assure you."

He moved his food around, cut and ate. He'd left a message for Lockdown but would it be more fun to discuss him now? HK knew Prowl was, in fact, Prowl, but where was the fun in letting this end? Just a few more minutes....


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 22:45:04 UTC
"Sarcasm: Hmm. Now that's odd, because when I directly asked Lockdown, he said you were," HK very nearly sighed, shifting his gaze from Prowl to his plate, poking suspiciously at his food with an eating utensil. After his water attacked him a few nights ago by leaping down his windpipe, he didn't trust this stuff.


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 22:49:45 UTC
"And you think it's wise to trust Bounty Hunters?" Prowl asked, casually. "This is.... delicious. Have you tried it yet?" He looked up, a piece of cheese on his fork.


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 22:55:11 UTC
"Answer: I can tell when they are lying. Query: And why would he lie about that, in that way? There is no motivation to do so. Are you just trying to say it so many times that it becomes true? What is wrong with being the Autobot named Prowl?" If Prowl wanted to be irritating, he would be irritating too.

"Statement: I... do not like the concept of food. I never required an outside fuel source before... this," he gestured to himself with a disgusted tone. Being human was just embarrassing and unsanitary!


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 23:02:44 UTC
"I wouldn't know, I've never met Prowl. I wonder how much you know about him?" Pleasant and polite.

"Mm," Prowl nodded. He almost forgot he was supposed to already know about food. "Think of this as an opportunity. You might really learn to enjoy it."


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 23:30:17 UTC
HK finally broke his stoic expression, a rare thing for someone not used to facial features, taking on an exasperated grimace, a hand going to massage his forehead where it was starting to hurt just from listening to this madness. "Negatory: No, no no." To all of that. Everything Prowl said. Just no.


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 23:41:26 UTC
"You seem upset. Have you ever tried meditation? I find it very beneficial, particularly when I am stressed. Perhaps later I can give you some pointers."

Prowl ate some more. Truly delicious, though if this was all real, he wanted to be careful of clogging the delicate mechanics of a human body. He's taken the muffin and cheese and only one slice of bacon, out of curiosity. The rest was made up of fruit.

"Very impressive," he said quietly to himself.


arc_wrench January 24 2010, 23:47:27 UTC
"Statement: I know how to de-frag a hard drive already," HK replied irritably, glaring at Prowl. "You are being incredibly like a meatbag child about this. Machines should know better." After all, they didn't go through the semi-sentient, barely programmed idiocy that was childhood. They were ready to do everything within their capabilities fresh off the assembly line.

And food was being ignored. It didn't deserve his attention yet.


stillandstrike January 24 2010, 23:51:47 UTC
That was on way of putting it. Prowl preferred call it centering, but each to their own. He doubted HK knew how to relax outside of possibly killing. There seemed to be a constant quiet buzz about him, hidden by a lack of expression.

"Not after so many years in the force. You forget what fresh food tastes like, let alone having the time to appreciate it," he lied, smoothly. This was all good practice for his time here.


arc_wrench January 25 2010, 00:03:23 UTC
"Sarcasm: Yes, indeed. I am overcome with credulity because you certainly aren't lying at all," HK snapped, "And it isn't at all demeaning to be treated like a stupid 5th class drone with less processing power than my sniper rifle." He missed his sniper rifle so much. Making meatbag's body parts detonate at range was one of the joys of being alive.


stillandstrike January 25 2010, 00:07:16 UTC
"Perhaps you shouldn't let it bother you quite so much? I doubt Prowl holds much interest in Lockdown's associates or would wish for his presence to be known by the others here," he said, coolly. He looked at HK, chewed a piece on apple, and sat back.


arc_wrench January 25 2010, 00:14:38 UTC
"Statement: I would if it would go away. And I am designed to keep classified information entirely confidential, I can keep secrets, you know." Several major ones immediately lept to mind. Such as the fact that Lugnut had decided he was a Decepticon, and before that, he had been offering his skills as an assassin to Megatron. He was keeping those secrets quite well.


stillandstrike January 25 2010, 00:19:50 UTC
Prowl looked at HK for a long time. He didn't owe Prowl a promise of secrecy, but seemed willing. And, well, it was probably in Prowl's best interest not to annoy him anymore since, despite everything, HK DID know.

"Very well. I am Prowl."


arc_wrench January 25 2010, 00:27:59 UTC
HK stared back, expression having resettled into a nearly expressionless mask, eyes still carrying more than a hint of irritation.

Finally. "Greeting: Hello, fellow inorganic. Welcome to truthfulness."


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