Day 44: Arts and Crafts Room, Second Shift

Sep 24, 2009 16:08

Astor hadn't talked much after introducing himself, which hadn't bothered Terry. With all the crap their little hospital of horrors piled on the patients, he couldn't blame a guy for not wanting to open up to some stranger. Plus, not talking meant he could get a decent meal in, and then check out the bulletin for the latest in Landel's news and ( Read more... )

sakura, kitty pryde, senna, nightcrawler, dias, nigredo, hanatarou, sora, honey, forte, jun, chise, yomi, sai, claire bennet, peter parker, artemis, falis, shinichi, dean winchester, kanji, hime, terry, brainiac 5

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Comments 169

cryingweapon September 24 2009, 22:25:37 UTC
Chise's cheeks showed evidence of crying, but at least she wasn't bawling her eyes out. The nurse that escorted her to the Arts and Crafts Room gave her a small speech about choosing her friends wisely, and that she wasn't going to recover properly if she was sad all the time.

"Honestly, you should start hanging out with kids around your age. Grumpy old men aren't a suitable companion for a girl your age; they're hardly the ones who have fun!" The nurse added, then left her at an empty table.

Looking at the random pieces of colored-paper, crayons, glue, and scissors brought back memories of her childhood. Of course, she managed to pass that class in highschool...barely. At least she got an 'E' for 'effort'.

She picked up pink crayon and started to draw the same old bear from her dairy, or something that was a cross between a bear and a hamster.

[free~ as a bird]


himetsuru September 25 2009, 02:06:01 UTC
Stepping into the Arts & Crafts room, Falis stopped just inside the door. She wasn't sure what she was going to do there, but she didn't feel like being circled by the vultures overhead. She'd reached a point where the Sun Room wasn't as unsettling as before, but she still didn't fucking like it ( ... )


cryingweapon September 25 2009, 03:54:29 UTC
Chise wasn't expecting to see anyone this shift, and was terribly surprised when somebody called out; she literally jumped in her seat. Whipping her head around she caught sight of the speaker.

"Huh? O-oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice you there." Her mysterious speaker apparently was a mature girl with blond hair and crimson eyes, sporting several injuries(they weren't as visibly severe as hers). "Um...this is suppose to be a bear," Chise replied, and gestured to her pink bear, which now had a jaggedly line running through it when she jumped. " was a bear, eheh. I'm sorry, I'm not good at drawing."

Absolutely no artistic skills at all, but enough to barely pass a class.


himetsuru September 25 2009, 04:00:26 UTC
Jumpy little thing, wasn't she?

"Aa. Don't look like any bear I've ever seen," Falis replied, sitting down without invite. "It kind of looks... cute." Like a child would draw. Granted this girl didn't look that old.


scintillatingly September 24 2009, 22:53:11 UTC
Sora was sad to have to finish his conversation with Scott so soon. While the guy was kind of weird, he was also really interesting and fun to talk to! Still, Sora knew that there would always be a chance to speak with him again. Well, so long as--

But he wasn't going to even finish that thought ( ... )


udo_retrovirus September 25 2009, 03:52:33 UTC
Talking a bit about the circumstances behind the previous night's oddities helped some, even if his tablemate had let him more or less ramble, and being able to actually see Nigredo up and moving around also helped.

Of course, he still hadn't heard from or seen Albedo by the time breakfast was over. He had to be fine, he'd just fainted last night, right? He couldn't die in most circumstances. The redhead had been about to leave a message on the board when he'd spotted his twin in the sun room, looking no worse for the wear physically. He looked kinda quiet, which wasn't too different from how he looked normally but after some of the things he'd said last night and the way things had made him wonder ( ... )


scintillatingly September 25 2009, 05:47:29 UTC
Sora hadn't wanted to spend the shift by himself, so he broke into a large smile when Junior took the seat next to his. "Hey, long time no see!" Well, it hadn't been that long. There had been that time in the courtyard, but they had gotten cut off so quickly that not much had come of it. Maybe they could have a longer chat now.

It was kind of overdue, seeing how Sora had had that talk with Junior's brother and he still hadn't discussed it with the redhead. He had been kind of upset about it at first (or rather, curious and a little concerned that Junior would lie to him), but at this point he just wanted to get the story straight from Junior's own mouth.

Sora knew he could trust him.

He didn't want to just jump into that, though. It had been a few days since they'd seen each other, after all! "How've you been?" he sincerely asked, turning in his chair so that he could face the other boy better.


udo_retrovirus September 26 2009, 03:01:13 UTC
Sora wasn't too far off the mark. Even a few days could seem like a long time, really, since the days seemed to drag out and the nights could seem so hectic that making it out alive without everyone disappearing on you (or dying) was a relief.

"I've been okay." Relatively speaking. He gave Sora a bit of a wry smile in response. "Got kinda banged up last night, but that'll just take time to heal. How about you?"

Okay, so he did owe Sora an explanation, but Junior was glad they didn't have to get into that right off the bat. So many things lately had been heavy topics of conversation, and it was nice to have a break from that every so often.


timeseal September 24 2009, 23:48:34 UTC
The sedative's effects on him from earlier this morning still lingered a bit, but the real reason Rolo was mostly unresponsive when his nurse ushered him into the Arts and Crafts room was because his head was still swimming from what happened between him and Lelouch.

He... he didn't know why Lelouch was saying those things to him again. It still hurt, even if it was the second time over and even if Rolo knew they were lies - they were lies, right? Of course, Lelouch said he lied (and then he said he wasn't, just an hour ago). And... and Shirley? Why was he bringing Shirley up again? Rolo's face twisted slightly at the memory of that girl (always meddling even when she was dead she somehow got between them) before returning back to a neutral, if somewhat saddened look ( ... )


byname_bynature September 25 2009, 00:25:29 UTC
Artemis was both aggravated, and concerned.

As they'd passed between shifts, Artemis had caught sight of Badou--his arm in a sling. Naturally, he slipped away from his nurse and went to interrogate the redhead about it. He got a hair ruffle for his trouble, and a promise that if Arty wanted to nurse him back to health, there was a dress waiting for him. He'd just have to hem it. Artemis may have shot something back about not being raped in the showers ('Men have 'cooties' too, you know.'), but his nurse had caught up with him again and was intent on dragging him off to Arts and Crafts, so Badou may not have heard him.

The distressing thing about a growing empire, Artemis decided, was that when one started to care about the people that it was made of, when things happened to these people, it was bound to upset him. And the sheer number of people he knew meant that he wouldn't be able to protect them all every single night. He wouldn't be able to be there when they might need him. Not that he could do much, but all the same ( ... )


windstwilight September 25 2009, 01:36:27 UTC
She had overslept. How great. The morning she should have gotten up early, checked on Falis, and found out how things had ended up, especially after.... And she had overslept. Her sleeping habits were beginning to ruin her. Especially since she had missed breakfast as well. Given the choice between the sun room and the A&C room, Senna shrugged at the latter. Maybe Momo would be there again, and they could finish discussing yesterday's topics. She hadn't really even got a clear answer, other than Momo thought the same. That Hitsugaya was too new.

The girl yawned, stretching her arms above her head as she considered the room. First Demyx, and the Nobodies, then Momo, for the Shinigami, and... And Artemis, for the human side of things. Huh.

Having not seen the boy since one of her early nights, Senna wandered over, glancing a sketch pad before sitting in a chair opposite. The girl tilted her head at him, friendly smile on her face. "Heya. How are you doing?"


byname_bynature September 25 2009, 02:04:38 UTC
Artemis looked up from his sketching when Senna sat down across from him. He wasn't adverse to company, but he hadn't expected anyone to sit down with him, especially when he was drawing. But he smiled nonetheless and set aside his drawing.

"Miss Senna, wasn't it?" Artemis confirmed, folding his hands in front of him. Her question, however, went unanswered for a moment.

A lot had passed since he and Senna had gone over the wall that night. Renji had died, Hitsugaya had as well, and Artemis was dealing with a whole different sort of trauma now. Looking back, he thought he'd rather go back to the time when Mello had stabbed him--even if it had been painful. He knew a lot more now than he had then, he thought.

"I'm doing better," Artemis finally decided. "It's been a hard week, but I'm doing better. How have you been?"


windstwilight September 25 2009, 02:16:41 UTC
"Hey, hey, don't let me stop you," Senna said, gesturing at the drawing. "But yeah, I am. You can forget the miss, though. And you're Artemis," she went on with a grin. "The 'Fowl boy'." Though that, too, was almost too much, too much like a joke when that Hitsugaya that had introduced them as such wasn't around anymore. When instead... There was a pause there that shouldn't have been, and she blinked, keeping the pleasant look and hoping she didn't give herself away. There was too much going on lately, for her to have people she barely knew worrying about her. There were more important things ( ... )


liveforthispart September 25 2009, 00:37:13 UTC
[for a nurse and, afterward, Kaworu]

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" Kanji yelled as soon as he barrelled in. He'd practically come running from the bulletin board and toward the gaggle of nurses playing supervisor in the Art Room. He'd barely reached them before he started yelling in outrage.

Actually, he was scared; terrified. Naoto was gone. They'd taken her! Or they were doing something to her, even this very moment! Either way, they dared to lay a freaking finger on her!! He had no idea what was happening or if she was okay or even... alive. Anything could have happened. That idea had Kanji scared shitless. No way was he going to sit around and act like everything was fine when Naoto wasn't where she was supposed to be!

He'd been told the nurses and doctors thought they were all nuts, but they had to know what the bastards did with her! They couldn't be that freaking dumb! He was looking back and forth, unsure which nurse to focus his rage on most. "Don't give me any fucking bullshit!! Naoto! Where is she?! Where'd they take her?! ( ... )


damned_nurses September 25 2009, 01:53:33 UTC

The nurse was on her feet and motioning for orderlies to follow her as quickly as possible. "Mark? Calm down. Your friend is just fine. She was released early this morning. Her parents came to pick her up, and they're on their way home by now. So there's no need to worry, and she's not hurt."

She was ready with a syringe and the orderlies, but hoped that would be enough to calm him down first.


liveforthispart September 25 2009, 02:45:31 UTC
Kanji turned his full attention on the nurse that'd come up and the big gorilla lackies she'd brought along. Like he was freaking scared of any of them. Like he was in any condition to be scared of anyone.

It was very obvious nothing she'd said had made him any calmer. In fact, he looked even more pissed off. That was such a bullshit answer!! No one in her family came here to 'pick her up,' and if anyone did, it would have been her grandfather. Even he knew that much. They were right out lying to him!! If she hadn't been a woman, he would have grabbed her by the collar, shoved her against the wall, and yelled in her face until she coughed it up. And damn it all if he wasn't tempted to anyway.

Since he couldn't hit her, he bashed the wall with the side of his fist loud enough to send a loud bang through through the room, glare never straying from her face even while doing so. "Bullshit!! DON'T YOU GIMME THAT!! I know you know what they did with her! You better tell me where she is 'fore I beat the shit outta all of you ( ... )


damned_nurses September 25 2009, 02:57:46 UTC
The nurse couldn't help but dodge - it was pure instinct. Despite that, she winced when the boy's hand hit the wall. That had been a hard hit, and the way it had been done, with that much force might have even been enough to break it. She couldn't get a good look at it now, though, not with him like this.

The orderlies rushed forward without needing to be signaled, grabbing the boy by both arms and holding him still. "Mark. We told you. She's with her parents now. She's at home. She wants you to get better and come home, too," she said, hoping her words would be enough to distract him while she readied the syringe and injected him with the sedatives. "But you can't if you're going to keep acting out like that. Now, let me take a look at that hand, all right?"


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