Day 44: Arts and Crafts Room, Second Shift

Sep 24, 2009 16:08

Astor hadn't talked much after introducing himself, which hadn't bothered Terry. With all the crap their little hospital of horrors piled on the patients, he couldn't blame a guy for not wanting to open up to some stranger. Plus, not talking meant he could get a decent meal in, and then check out the bulletin for the latest in Landel's news and ( Read more... )

sakura, kitty pryde, senna, nightcrawler, dias, nigredo, hanatarou, sora, honey, forte, jun, chise, yomi, sai, claire bennet, peter parker, artemis, falis, shinichi, dean winchester, kanji, hime, terry, brainiac 5

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windstwilight September 25 2009, 02:16:41 UTC
"Hey, hey, don't let me stop you," Senna said, gesturing at the drawing. "But yeah, I am. You can forget the miss, though. And you're Artemis," she went on with a grin. "The 'Fowl boy'." Though that, too, was almost too much, too much like a joke when that Hitsugaya that had introduced them as such wasn't around anymore. When instead... There was a pause there that shouldn't have been, and she blinked, keeping the pleasant look and hoping she didn't give herself away. There was too much going on lately, for her to have people she barely knew worrying about her. There were more important things.

Artemis said better, but Senna really wondered. So much had went on lately--the Institute aside, too many people had fallen or died, and she knew that he had been friends with...--Had he seen him now, spoke with him? Did he come to the same conclusions as herself and Momo? The same. And altogether different. Too much. She swallowed, willing the thought away as best she could. She wouldn't be that good of a happy, friendly person like she was trying to be if she brought up stuff like that. "It... has been," she finally agreed, eyes flickering down and back. Senna shrugged, smiling again. "I'm okay. There's been some stuff, but nothing..." That won't get better.

She didn't know that. Not with Falis or Soma, or the A&C in general. Or anything else. "It'll be okay." It has to be. "Things'll work out." Senna looked at Artemis, something lacing her expression, close to amusement, maybe. "It's not a vacation, but we're doing the best we can."


byname_bynature September 25 2009, 04:38:36 UTC
Artemis nodded. Apparently he and Senna were on the same page in some respect, and he hadn't seen her for a few days. It was almost sad, how in-tune they were, he thought. He wondered if everyone thought that their past weeks had just 'been'.

"Yes, things will work out," Artemis confirmed, pulling his drawing back to him and continuing to add lines and erase them. "The other alternative isn't acceptable, after all.

"Have you still been working with Arts and Crafts?" he asked, not so subtly changing the subject away from what he hoped would be something a little less depressing.


windstwilight September 25 2009, 05:27:27 UTC
It wasn't. It really wasn't. Things would get better because they would make it better, and that was all there was in the end. She hoped Artemis had come to the same conclusion, and wasn't just saying that as a easy line of conversation. The problem, of course, was everything in front of them.

"Ah. Yeah," Senna blinked, thinking for a moment. The correct answer in this was.... Nothing. There was no way that this would end any way other than truthful. She was a horrible liar anyway. "It's been weird. Lately. Things are messy."


byname_bynature September 26 2009, 02:25:16 UTC
Artemis nodded, continuing to focus on his drawing. "I suspected as much. Renji... While Hitsugaya was the backbone of the organization, Renji was its heart. I didn't know if the group would survive their... leaving. But with Hitsugaya back, perhaps he can regain control once he's watched someone else do it for a while."

But who would that be? Momo had left, and wasn't exactly looking back he thought. He'd heard of Rangiku's death as well, which left the group with none of the ladies in charge. Artemis... as simple as it would have been to step in now and assume control, he was focused on commanding his own army. It was a ragtag army, to be sure, but it was his. And he took pride in it.

"Perhaps you should assume control, Senna," he suggested, looking up from his drawing and smiling. "After all, you are a veteran now."


windstwilight September 26 2009, 14:36:03 UTC
"Maybe," Senna answered, mulling over the points. It wasn't just Renji... It was Rukia as well. Her disappearance seemed to spark everything, and maybe that said something in itself. And then Orihime... The people from back there seemed to be more than others here, but damn, this place went through them fast. "And I don't know... If he's really back, you know?" Senna eyes skittered to the side, watching a group of people randomly. "I talked to him yesterday, and it's... different."

If she had been going to explain her words more, the chance didn't come. A touch on her back drew her attention around, and she watched Falis carefully for a moment. After her roommate settled herself, Senna relaxed marginally, smiling over at her and waving. A little girl didn't seem Falis' cup of tea for a conversation partner, but who knows?

She had heard Artemis' sentence as she had been half-turned, and even the delay didn't give her enough time to think of an appropriate response. She faced him again, and tried for a smile. Light. Things should be light. "You know, people keep telling me that," she said with amusement. "But I don't think I'd be too good at taking care of that many people." Senna made a face. "Even if it's a whole lot less lately. And anyway, I can't even, really. I'm not too high on the totem pole."


byname_bynature September 26 2009, 23:19:10 UTC
Artemis looked over where Senna was looking and, not finding anything of interest, resumed sketching. "Yes, I know what you mean," Artemis confirmed, his sketch now expanding to include two adult males standing shoulder-to-shoulder behind Haku. "I spoke with him, and while some things were the same, some things..."

He could barely remember what it was like before he and Hitsugaya had just... clicked somehow. One major difference, he supposed, was that Artemis himself wasn't broken beyond repair. He wasn't hearing voices, he hadn't lost Renji or Hitsugaya yet, he hadn't been there for twenty days yet. Back then... he was fresh and shining. Recently, he felt dull and in need of constant propping up. Sad as it was, he wished he could see Butler again.

Badou and Schuldig were taking shape when Senna spoke again. He looked up to listen to her, nodding briefly. "I understand. It was only a suggestion. You've merely been here longer than Hitsugaya's current reincarnation--and while I trust his ability to lead and to strategize, he is lacking in experience right now. He'd heard about what had happened to me--what sort of relationship we'd had before--but he didn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation. I think you understand that well."


windstwilight September 27 2009, 06:34:37 UTC
"...Yeah," she answered, something almost wistful in her tone. "I understand. There's just... differences." That Artemis had spoke with him gave light to a question she hadn't asked. Why he wasn't actively working with the A&C anymore. It could be for any reasons, but it could be because of that, too. Momo had left, after. It seemed a few people might have. And yet, she was still here, clinging to something for an unknown reason. She didn't even know if it really made a difference. Not now, at least.

And with Hitsugaya back, everything changed. Senna had been getting into a habit almost, getting used to things. And then when Matsumoto.... Senna had still been able to move with it. And then he appeared in front of her like nothing had happened, like nothing at all had happened, and took the reins as quick as possible. She was still reeling. She might be for awhile. "That's what Momo and I thought too. That he didn't have enough experience here right now. It's just..." Senna trailed off, biting her lower lip absentmindedly.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "And yeah. I get that. It was like... He brushed off all mentions of the past... here. The past him. It's..." She shook her head, something bittersweet in her expression. The sentence started remained unfinished. Senna tilted her head at Artemis. "You guys--you were friends before, right?"


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