Day 44: Arts and Crafts Room, Second Shift

Sep 24, 2009 16:08

Astor hadn't talked much after introducing himself, which hadn't bothered Terry. With all the crap their little hospital of horrors piled on the patients, he couldn't blame a guy for not wanting to open up to some stranger. Plus, not talking meant he could get a decent meal in, and then check out the bulletin for the latest in Landel's news and ( Read more... )

sakura, kitty pryde, senna, nightcrawler, dias, nigredo, hanatarou, sora, honey, forte, jun, chise, yomi, sai, claire bennet, peter parker, artemis, falis, shinichi, dean winchester, kanji, hime, terry, brainiac 5

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himetsuru September 25 2009, 02:06:01 UTC
Stepping into the Arts & Crafts room, Falis stopped just inside the door. She wasn't sure what she was going to do there, but she didn't feel like being circled by the vultures overhead. She'd reached a point where the Sun Room wasn't as unsettling as before, but she still didn't fucking like it.

After a few moments, her nurse gave her a gentle push and told her to go make some new friends. Or something. With a grumble, the hunter complied and continued into the room.

Spotting her roommate, Falis gently brushed her fingertips across Senna's back as she limped past the girl in a silent greeting. Aside from the limp and the pair of vivid red scratches on her cheek, there was no indication that Falis had been in a territorial zombie fight the night before. Even the flesh on her arm was intact, the faint bite mark of the zombie visible without the need for a bandage anymore. She was fine - really.

Continuing on, Falis wasn't sure if she wanted to bother talking to someone of just getting some art shit and making something. Then she caught the sight of whatever the fuck some girl was drawing.

Falis stopped and looked down at the pink blob-thing. "The fuck is that?"


cryingweapon September 25 2009, 03:54:29 UTC
Chise wasn't expecting to see anyone this shift, and was terribly surprised when somebody called out; she literally jumped in her seat. Whipping her head around she caught sight of the speaker.

"Huh? O-oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice you there." Her mysterious speaker apparently was a mature girl with blond hair and crimson eyes, sporting several injuries(they weren't as visibly severe as hers). "Um...this is suppose to be a bear," Chise replied, and gestured to her pink bear, which now had a jaggedly line running through it when she jumped. " was a bear, eheh. I'm sorry, I'm not good at drawing."

Absolutely no artistic skills at all, but enough to barely pass a class.


himetsuru September 25 2009, 04:00:26 UTC
Jumpy little thing, wasn't she?

"Aa. Don't look like any bear I've ever seen," Falis replied, sitting down without invite. "It kind of looks... cute." Like a child would draw. Granted this girl didn't look that old.


cryingweapon September 25 2009, 04:30:25 UTC
Picking up another sheet of paper, Chise started to draw a new bear. Might as well draw it as Mr. Kuro while he's not around.

"It's actually a super-deformed bear that was designed to look cute." The basic bear template was finished. It was time to add in the physical characteristics of Mr. Kuro. Angry eyebrows first~

Oh, she forgot to introduce herself again. Pausing in the middle of her drawing, she bowed in greeting. "I'm Chise by the way. Um, nice to meet you."


himetsuru September 25 2009, 04:34:34 UTC
What the fuck did super-deformed mean? It sounded like it might be an insult. Calling something cute or anything like that was pretty fucking offensive to some people. It made Falis wonder what the bear had done to become... super-deformed.

"Oh good. I don't have to make up a name for you," Falis replied, sounding almost disappointed. It'd been a while since she'd done that. She was going to have to fix that. Tomorrow.

"I'm Princess Alita Forland. What nasty beastie chewed on you last night?" Those wounds looked pretty interesting. Whatever caused them might be worth hunting.


cryingweapon September 25 2009, 05:18:48 UTC
And voila! The Kuro-bear now has black hair and a sword.

Chise lifted her head up when Falis mentioned making up a name for her, and was instantly reminded of the horrible nickname Badou gave her. But that memory was washed away when Falis introduced herself as a princess. She was actually a real princess!

"Y-you're a princess? O-oh, I'm sorry I didn't know that, and,'s an honor to meet you Princess Alita!" Chise's eyes were literally sparkling in awe. Then it came to the topic of 'what happened last night', and those sparkles disappeared. "I...wasn't attacked last night. I just had a few...complications at the time. It's nothing serious."


himetsuru September 25 2009, 05:25:40 UTC
Oh, great. Another one that thought being a princess was all sunshine and daisies. Seriously, why do these girls all think it's such a grand thing to be one? They didn't understand the hassles, the stupid rules and the torture devices disguised as clothes not to mention the weird eating rituals. It was enough to make someone not enjoy the finer things of life. Like sleeping naked. Since princesses weren't allowed to do that, according to old decrepit butlers with nothing better to do than irritate a princess.

"Eh. It's not like this is my kingdom and everyone knows me on sight. Don't fucking worry about it," Falis replied. She then raised an eyebrow. "And I believe that fucking load of horseshit.... why?"


cryingweapon September 26 2009, 00:59:23 UTC
Drats! The girl didn't buy her lie, and such a harsh language! But Chise was used to it.

"Um...because I don't want you to worry about me?"


himetsuru September 26 2009, 01:04:10 UTC
Falis let out a snort and then laughed. "What made you think I was worrying about you? I just like to know what nasty beasties are about to see if any of them are worth my time."

Which was mostly truth. Though Chise was young, Falis didn't know her, so she had no cause to be worried about anything concerning the girl at the moment.


cryingweapon September 26 2009, 03:24:45 UTC
Because half of the people she's met were always worried about small girls like her. Technically, it was the older guys that worried about her. Maybe she should make friends with other females from now on.

"In that case, I am absolutely positively sure that I wasn't attacked last night," she replied with confidence. It was the truth.

But why would a princess want to hunt down monsters here? Didn't she want to escape and return to her kingdom?


himetsuru September 26 2009, 03:27:20 UTC
"Uh-huh. And you just got those wounds because you sat in your room all night playing with glitter."

And Falis was a fucking witch in disguise. Riiiight. She barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes.


cryingweapon September 26 2009, 04:01:19 UTC
"But--but it's the truth! I get injuries like these all the time whenever I work and it doesn't hurt at all! And I wasn't in my room last night, the nurses took me into a different one."

Satisfied with her explanation, she continued to finish her pink Kuro-bear.


himetsuru September 26 2009, 15:40:44 UTC
Now that was certainly a revelation. Falis leaned forward like a hound that had caught first scent of its prey. She set her hands on the table, her lips curling up into a knowing smirk. There were only two reasons the vultures dragged people to rooms that weren't their own at night.

"A different room, eh?"


cryingweapon September 26 2009, 20:05:44 UTC
Chise fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat when the girl leaned towards her. What was the princess thinking about? Chise didn't like where this was going.

"Y-Yes, but I don't remember much of it. It was really scary..."

And now the Kuro-bear was finished, complete with a sword and an angry 'GRRRR!'


himetsuru September 26 2009, 21:41:38 UTC
"If you don't remember, how do you know it was scary?" Falis' smirk grew, the white of her teeth becoming visible.

"Did you just let them do what they did to you, or did you fight back?"


cryingweapon September 27 2009, 02:53:11 UTC
Busted. There was absolutely no way Chise could tiptoe around the subject, and Falis's smile was menacing.

"I...I don't know exactly what happened," she replied while drawing another bear with a yellow crayon. "The only thing I clearly remember is attacking people outside of the institute."


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