Aug 31, 2009 00:45

[ from here ]Instead of another hallway like he was expecting, Rolo was surprised to find a cool breeze flowing in as soon as he opened the door, gazing out into the darkness that blanketed what looked like to be a field of sorts. The beam of his flashlight didn't go very far, and all Rolo could tell was that this looked vaguely familiar - perhaps ( Read more... )

grell, jun, chise, fai, heat, rolo, chekov, gale, minato, edward cullen, kurogane, teresa, souji seta

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Comments 117

number1smiley August 31 2009, 05:17:32 UTC
[from here]

The crisp air that reached Teresa as she left the building was refreshing. Even more important, the feeling of youma disappeared, as if the clean air had blown the creature's stench clean away. Taking a deep breath, she remembered why she'd rarely ever spent more time in the barracks or the Organization's main buildings more than absolutely necessary. She preferred the outdoors.

The wind blew, pulling her long wavy blonde hair before her as she looked around. It was just enough to obscure her vision in the darkness that she did not notice the human until just before he walked right into her chest. Cocking her head, she looked at the human - he had to be a human - with silver eyes, not caring one bit about him having had direct contact with her breasts.

"Some women would take offense to a greeting like that," she said to the human.


timeseal August 31 2009, 05:22:55 UTC
Funny, Rolo's very thought was about how he probably should have been more cautious about turning around. His carelessness caused him to run right smack into something, the sudden collision feeling like he just hit a wall or something.


The suddenness of it caused Rolo to not just stumble back, but fall over completely, crashing down on the (thankfully) soft grass. What the hell?! When did a wall appear before him?!

Then the wall spoke, and Rolo looked up to find that he didn't run into a wall with cushions, but a tall, well-built woman. Probably out of gut instinct, the teen reached behind him to grab one of the pens he stuffed in his pocket. Of course, logic ran it's course and with his Geass out of commission, and ... Rolo realized this was a fight he wasn't going to win.

"... I'm sorry," He didn't want to instigate one either, mumbling an apology as he got back to his feet.


number1smiley August 31 2009, 05:34:30 UTC
When the human's hand moved, Teresa's eyes narrowed as she wondered exactly how foolish this boy was to try and pull a weapon on her. Did he not see what she was? Out here the moonlight reflected quite brilliantly off her silver eyes. That alone should be enough even if he didn't notice the crude metal weapon longer than he was tall across her back.

Hmph. He stopped and got to his feet instead.

"You are lucky," Teresa replied. In more ways than one. "I am not a typical woman."


timeseal August 31 2009, 05:41:25 UTC
Now that he got a better look at this woman, Rolo could tell he made the right choice. She was armed (with something, but it was better than what he was currently equipped with), and she seemed very unamused. Maybe it was just him, but Rolo felt like she actually noticed when he moved his hand back. She certainly wasn't a typical woman, like she said. He also noticed her eyes, silver and unnerving. This was normally not someone Rolo would risk being around with.

But this was also not a normal situation for the teen and he knew he had to choose his words carefully with this person, because his only way of escaping should things go wrong currently was sealed off to him. In more ways than one.

"I'm... I'm lost, actually. Do you have any idea what's going on here?" Though it was a little late, Rolo tried to make himself look as non-threatening as possible, straightening himself up and keeping his hands where she could see them. Maybe she would prove to be more helpful than his roommate.


idontregret August 31 2009, 09:59:36 UTC
[from here]

The outside, it seemed, wasn't quite out of the bounds of the "Institute." The walls were hardly daunting, however, and he and his comrades shouldn't have any difficulty getting over them. Unfortunately, he'd still seen no sign of a single Embryon since he'd left his room, and it might be time to turn around and head back in to search. Getting out here wasn't difficult, and he was sure they wouldn't leave the grounds without him.

They didn't need another incident like before, where they were separated with the destruction of the Junkyard. The others had to be nearby. He lingered near the doorway, uncertain. This didn't look like it was the only entrance onto the field, and if he'd found his way out here, then couldn't the others do the same?

Dammit, this was frustrating!


vayu_pavana August 31 2009, 11:53:17 UTC
[ from here ]

The doors to the other hallway pushed open and Gale stepped out into the night air. He was not used to being without his hood, so he distinctly felt a breeze along the back of his neck, threatening to make him shiver.

Critical eyes went right for the shock of red that stood out against the green and gray of the surrounding area. Gale would know Heat anywhere, trademark cape or no. His comrade had a distinctive air to his presence. Different now then before, but Heat was still Heat.

"Heat!" The tactician started towards his comrade at a quickened pace. Argilla hadn't mentioned him, so it's likely she didn't even know he was there. The same could hopefully be said for the others as well.


idontregret August 31 2009, 18:38:46 UTC
At the sound of his name and the familiar voice, Heat spun to face the new arrival with a relieved smile. Even if Gale was alone, without the remainder of their tribe behind him, he was still a very welcome sight.

"Heh. Figures I'd run into you first." The red-head smirked, taking in the man's appearance with a nod of his head. While he'd opted to throw off the shirt completely, Gale had just turned his inside out. Now that he was outside and realizing how chilled the air was, he was beginning to think that may have been the better option. Not that he was going to admit it. "Hope you can still function without your hood."

He stuck his hands on his hips, shifting his weight off one foot and onto the other, and took one more look around the yard. "Should we wait out here for the others, you think? I don't know if this is the only way out."


vayu_pavana September 1 2009, 06:10:00 UTC
Heat was met with a rare, small smile that was reserved for the other members of the Embryon. The two of them had been through rough times, Heat especially, but he had never ceased to be Embryon, never ceased to be important. Gale ran his fingers through short cropped hair, exposed possibly for the first time in his short existence. "I will manage."

He folded his arms across his chest, leaning his weight to one side and tilted his head. "I ran into Argilla not long before we were forced into those rooms. She mentioned Roland, but not you. I do not believe they know you are here as well."

For a moment he shook his head, then looked back towards the building. "The announcement spoke of intensive testing. If they brought us here against our will then I do not believe participation in these tests will be optional. It would be wise to locate our comrades as quickly as possible."


contentincloset September 1 2009, 04:00:39 UTC
[from here]

There didn't seem to be any fights in progress on the field when Kurogane entered it, but that meant little. Outside there were always dangers, no matter what twisted place they ended up in. Nighttime meant always being on guard against whatever could strike.

Kurogane was not itching for a fight with anything, and kept to the wall as he moved for the other doorway. As he went, he watched the field and those present, just in case something decided to target either him or them.


contentincloset September 1 2009, 04:04:31 UTC
[gone here]


guyslikegames September 1 2009, 07:33:17 UTC
[from here]

Now that they were outside, Yousuke quickly scouted the area (two men a ways down, but no one else he could see) then made an abrupt turn to the right, following the wall down to where it met with the one that divided the Rec Field from the Courtyard. Only there, secure in a corner where nothing could sneak up behind them, did he believe it safe to talk. Even then, he kept his voice low.

"Look, this place... it doesn't always pull people from the same time, even if they're from the same place. Naoto and Kanji don't remember anything after November. Well, the first couple days of December in Kanji's case." He swallowed. "And I... I had to tell them I didn't remember any more than that either... even though I'm from the same time as you."


no_arcana September 1 2009, 08:05:43 UTC
This was... rather odd. Yousuke was acting like there was some incredible secret that he had to share, and so Souji followed along, blank-faced and baffled. In a corner, outside, with no one nearby, and well-nigh whispering? Souji couldn't say that he'd ever encountered this sort of thing before, especially not from Yousuke.

But then he explained, and Souji's eyes brightened. That made sense. If the other people didn't know, then there would be no reason to tell them... indeed, without understanding the context and the circumstances, then even Souji might second-guess himself. But leave it to Yousuke to remember something like that. He nodded quietly, then returned in that same low tone, "Hey, it's all right. I remember everything."


guyslikegames September 1 2009, 08:26:45 UTC
It was comforting to hear Souji say that, very comforting, except that he still hadn't told him everything. They couldn't go anywhere until his best friend was aware of the real danger. "There's something else." Yousuke closed his eyes for a moment. He could only blame himself for this. If Souji had run into Adachi first, there was no doubt in his mind that he would have handled things infinitely better.

"Adachi is here. I don't know if you saw him." There were so many people in the Institute and the shifts had been so divided today that he might not have. "Souji, he's... he's from a time earlier than I thought he was and now he knows that I know. He's threatened lives if I tell anyone, but now that you're here..."


cryingweapon September 1 2009, 17:22:40 UTC
What started as a low hum of static noises escalated into a high pitch frequency, such that everyone in the Recreational Field can hear it.

Why are you here? You shouldn't be here. Go back or I'll kill you.

[ooc: not an attack, but a warning. Go here at 2:53 for the actual pitch effect]


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sanguinario September 3 2009, 03:42:23 UTC
Out of the frying pan, into the fire. That was the saying, wasn't it?

Once the crisp cleanliness of the outdoor air hit his senses, his muscles relaxed, if only minutely. A lingering thirst would stay with him as long as he was surrounded by humans, but even blood in an area this large would affect him little. That was a small bit of comfort in an entirely uncomfortable night -

Until the screech hit his senses, and like his sense of smell, it made the sensation twice as painful. Like Jane's power, it inched and wormed its way into his mind, splitting his head open with the frequency of its pitch.

He had been through much worse, this was nothing.

Edward didn't bother trying to cover his ears, knowing it wouldn't help. Instead he dug his fingernails into his temples, giving himself a simpler pain to focus on.

"There's a shed," he said through grit teeth, only guessing as to what the building across the field was. Though the darkness was thick, the small shack's walls were white, making it easier for him to see with what paltry ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

sanguinario September 3 2009, 05:00:07 UTC
How fast could he run? Here? Normally, he knew. Now he was completely unsure. With the message that seemed to be planted through the entire field - if not directly into his mind - it seemed the choice was literally kill or be killed. Could he get through the other hall without losing control?

Possible. But not probable.

But his thoughts echoed his companion's: this situation was worse than what they had escaped.

"Fast," he said, but he gathered it wouldn't be fast enough. Something was different about the girl the words had come from; while he "heard" a quiet static from Jun and the other humans, this girl was completely blank. Absolutely nothing - she might as well have not been there ( ... )


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