Aug 31, 2009 00:45

[ from here ]Instead of another hallway like he was expecting, Rolo was surprised to find a cool breeze flowing in as soon as he opened the door, gazing out into the darkness that blanketed what looked like to be a field of sorts. The beam of his flashlight didn't go very far, and all Rolo could tell was that this looked vaguely familiar - perhaps ( Read more... )

grell, jun, chise, fai, heat, rolo, chekov, gale, minato, edward cullen, kurogane, teresa, souji seta

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idontregret August 31 2009, 09:59:36 UTC
[from here]

The outside, it seemed, wasn't quite out of the bounds of the "Institute." The walls were hardly daunting, however, and he and his comrades shouldn't have any difficulty getting over them. Unfortunately, he'd still seen no sign of a single Embryon since he'd left his room, and it might be time to turn around and head back in to search. Getting out here wasn't difficult, and he was sure they wouldn't leave the grounds without him.

They didn't need another incident like before, where they were separated with the destruction of the Junkyard. The others had to be nearby. He lingered near the doorway, uncertain. This didn't look like it was the only entrance onto the field, and if he'd found his way out here, then couldn't the others do the same?

Dammit, this was frustrating!


vayu_pavana August 31 2009, 11:53:17 UTC
[ from here ]

The doors to the other hallway pushed open and Gale stepped out into the night air. He was not used to being without his hood, so he distinctly felt a breeze along the back of his neck, threatening to make him shiver.

Critical eyes went right for the shock of red that stood out against the green and gray of the surrounding area. Gale would know Heat anywhere, trademark cape or no. His comrade had a distinctive air to his presence. Different now then before, but Heat was still Heat.

"Heat!" The tactician started towards his comrade at a quickened pace. Argilla hadn't mentioned him, so it's likely she didn't even know he was there. The same could hopefully be said for the others as well.


idontregret August 31 2009, 18:38:46 UTC
At the sound of his name and the familiar voice, Heat spun to face the new arrival with a relieved smile. Even if Gale was alone, without the remainder of their tribe behind him, he was still a very welcome sight.

"Heh. Figures I'd run into you first." The red-head smirked, taking in the man's appearance with a nod of his head. While he'd opted to throw off the shirt completely, Gale had just turned his inside out. Now that he was outside and realizing how chilled the air was, he was beginning to think that may have been the better option. Not that he was going to admit it. "Hope you can still function without your hood."

He stuck his hands on his hips, shifting his weight off one foot and onto the other, and took one more look around the yard. "Should we wait out here for the others, you think? I don't know if this is the only way out."


vayu_pavana September 1 2009, 06:10:00 UTC
Heat was met with a rare, small smile that was reserved for the other members of the Embryon. The two of them had been through rough times, Heat especially, but he had never ceased to be Embryon, never ceased to be important. Gale ran his fingers through short cropped hair, exposed possibly for the first time in his short existence. "I will manage."

He folded his arms across his chest, leaning his weight to one side and tilted his head. "I ran into Argilla not long before we were forced into those rooms. She mentioned Roland, but not you. I do not believe they know you are here as well."

For a moment he shook his head, then looked back towards the building. "The announcement spoke of intensive testing. If they brought us here against our will then I do not believe participation in these tests will be optional. It would be wise to locate our comrades as quickly as possible."


idontregret September 1 2009, 07:06:57 UTC
"Testing?" Heat's smile instantly became a snarl. Over his dead body... though that wasn't the best of analogies at this point. He'd missed that particular announcement completely; it must have been before he'd woken up. What a mess. "I'm not real sure about anything. I've been awake here less than an hour, I think. Was already locked in the room. What is this place, Gale?"

Argilla and Roland were not the entirety of their tribe. At least Cielo should be there as well. Seraph's absence would be understandable, even if it would leave Heat feeling somewhat hollow. This wasn't how he'd imagined things would be.

"I came from over there." He glanced briefly back over his shoulder toward the doorway he'd come out of. "Didn't see anyone on the way out."


vayu_pavana September 1 2009, 10:37:58 UTC
"Landel's Institute, though it's true purpose remains to be seen. The announcement mentioned something called the I.R.I.S and behavioral testing." One he had no clue about, and the other sounded like something he would greatly wish to avoid.

While the rest of his tribe's origin had began under different circumstances, the sole purpose for Gale's existence was due to an experiment in creating the perfect soldier, then again with the demon virus. They had carved a reality for themselves, and given their lives meaning beyond that of killing.

It didn't need to be said that they'd fight tooth and claw to keep what they earned.

"I passed a number of people on the way out here, though none of them were familiar. At least we know we are in the same place, if not together. I am certain they would be looking for us as well."


idontregret September 1 2009, 12:58:09 UTC
I.R.I.S? Right, that was the name of the system that had begun speaking once the lights went out. He'd heard that much at least. "But how did we get from where we were," Heat pointed upwards meaningfully, "to where we are now?" From being about to rejoin the flow of data to a facility that dealt with behavioral testing? Where was the sense in that?

And had any time passed that they were unaware of? The ground beneath Heat's feet was covered in grass, where before it would have been nothing but cracked and barren soil.

Well, they could stand and ponder this all night, but they had comrades to find. "Whatever. You've been around the building at least a little, right? Is there a better spot to meet them than this?"


cryingweapon September 1 2009, 16:42:02 UTC
[sorry to rain on your future parade, but 'goo baaaack']

It never fails, she was cursed to be clumsy for all eternity. She should've woken up when they told her to. Now it was all her fault that three units had escaped. I'm sorry Shuji...b-but I'll make it up to you this time. I won't screw it up!

"I-I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be here," she spoke while approaching the pair. "Please go back to your rooms, it's for your own good." Two other units where in the area as well, so she'll have to deal with them later if they didn't go back.


vayu_pavana September 2 2009, 20:40:19 UTC
"I do not know. When I spoke with Argilla she said she has been here for quite some time. The last time this happened we were separated by merely distance, not time. Unless we were kept somewhere else until now." But for what reason, if that was the case.

His time in the 'Real World' taught him that the improbable and impossible were more likely then he'd imagined. Their very existence was proof of that, more so now then before. Gale stopped speaking when he sensed the other person, turning to meet her as she approached.

"Who are you?"


idontregret September 3 2009, 04:44:29 UTC
Heat had been about to ask the same question as Gale, albeit with an extra expletive for emphasis. The girl had come out of nowhere, and if she thought she didn't owe them any explanation for what she was telling them to do, she was wrong. He took in her whole appearance with narrowed eyes. Unlike them, she wasn't wearing the standard gray. Did she work for whoever ran this place?

The demon raised an eyebrow. "Why's it so important we go back? It's not like there's anything worthwhile out here, right?" There was nothing particularly threatening about her, apparent age and size not even being factored in. The field itself was outside the building, but it wasn't as though they'd scaled the walls yet. The door leading out hadn't even been locked. Of course, if that was due to the power outage then this could be backup protection.

While Heat was itching for a fight, he wasn't sure this was the best target for it. Young girls like her reminded him too much of Sera.


cryingweapon September 3 2009, 05:45:53 UTC
Now there was a total of six units within the field, two of them were near the wall that separated the Rec Field and the Courtyard. She'll have to deal with them later.

"That is of no importance to you," she replied and sent another warning message. She knew they had strictly told her not to kill anyone, but a little lie wouldn't hurt, right?

Go back or I will kill you.

"I gave you two a warning, go back," she repeated, and then her body started to glow an eerie blue as mechanical wings sprouted from her back. Shortly after, a complex cannon grew from her right arm and she aimed it at the two. "Don't...don't make me level down this entire place."

Hey, can I kill you now?


vayu_pavana September 3 2009, 10:41:30 UTC
Gale watched the strange girl's transformation without so much as blinking an eye. He'd faced off against far more intimidating things, one of which was standing at his side. The most he did was draw in an even breath and glance over towards Heat.

"A fight will only draw unneeded attention." It was said mostly to Heat, but to the girl as well. They still needed to find the others before attempting to fight their way free of this place, and there were tribe mates still unaccounted for.

His attention turned back to the girl a moment later, watching her carefully. "If we agree to return to the building without trouble, would you answer a few questions?"


idontregret September 3 2009, 12:36:29 UTC
That shouldn't have been unexpected, given what they'd been through, but somehow it was. Rather than demonic in nature, this girl's transformation seemed completely robotic - it was all metal and wires. (Fairly inedible, and they could consume just about anything.) Heat scowled, but let Gale do the talking.

For once, the tactician's advice wasn't necessary. Backing down was frustrating, but he couldn't even assume his demon form. They were still searching for the rest of their comrades, and dying here would be a pointless waste. Though unhappy with the circumstances, the red-head raised both arms in surrender and took a single step back toward the door.

Unfortunately, in the position they were now she didn't have to answer any questions. She held all the cards.


cryingweapon September 3 2009, 19:10:40 UTC
So they were willing to go back, a smart choice. It made her job a whole lot easier. She didn't care if she attracted attention towards herself, it would just serve as another warning to any escapees.

"If an enemy asked you the very same thing, would you answer? I think not," she coolly replied. "Even if I did, I wouldn't know anything about it. Classified information. Now, off to your rooms. If I catch you two out here again, I'll...I won't hesitate to attack you."

Maybe I can kill you then.

She hovered a few feet into the air in preparation for the other two in the field.


vayu_pavana September 3 2009, 20:00:51 UTC
Gale hadn't expected to get any real answers from this person, but that didn't mean he wouldn't learn something from her reaction to his question. Enemy. Not merely prisoners, or even patients. That certainly changed things, brought up even more questions.

I'll kill you. Likely what she was going to say, before she changed her mind.

He said nothing, simply turned his gaze to Heat and gestured back towards the building with a slight nod of the head.


idontregret September 4 2009, 05:16:07 UTC
At Gale's nod, Heat turned and began walking back to the door. He kept his eyes focused over his shoulder until they reached it, in the event that the girl decided to play foul. His teeth were clenched tightly in aggravation at his inability to do anything else.

Damn this place and its lack of answers.

[back to here]


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