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Comments 1268

theroadsofar May 11 2009, 15:12:33 UTC
[Pulling a time warp - will come in after Sam's done with his business with Lelouch]

Dean Winchester woke up. Really woke up.

Okay, more like woke up feeling like shit, his head pounding. But he woke up as himself.

Even if he didn't know it.

All he could remember was going to sleep last night, mostly to avoid having to talk with Angel and clear up how things went with the "Emily twins", and then...Dean had no idea. Must've overslept, but you weren't supposed to wake up feeling even crappier than before. This wasn't just a case of sleeping in a bad position or on some run down bed (he'd had enough experience to know when it was that or something else). Dean lay there, eyes open in the dark as he cataloged everything that felt wrong. Head and face felt like they'd been run through a meat grinder, breathing stiff like he'd been punched hard with something in the chest. Nose? He didn't think it was broken, but he did know what it felt like when you'd taken a hit smack in the face and that was pretty much was how it felt the morning ( ... )


theroadsofar May 11 2009, 15:13:03 UTC
The hunter, sneaking a glance at Hello Nurse's retreating back, hurriedly began to take a peak at his hand injuries. Didn't seem like he'd had anything broken, but if he had to wake up with his ass beat down for no good reason, then he was gonna find out just how bad he had it. Dean winced as he unwrapped some of the bandages on his right hand. It looked...well, okay, it could look worse, he guessed. Least no breaks. There were all kinds of weird cuts and abrasions, some of the skin on his fingers and palms rubbed raw and glistening in the cafeteria's overhead lights. Nevermind the split knuckles. Definitely seemed like he'd been in a fight - and fought back - but Dean couldn't remember a thing about last night. He re-wrapped the bandages before Hello Nurse came back with that glass of water ( ... )


allroadslead May 12 2009, 08:31:01 UTC
[from here]

About two seconds after Sam walked away from Lelouch, he spotted Dean settling down at a table a ways off. Even from here, he could see how bad his brother looked. He winced internally. For all that Lelouch had been the one to have kick started the whole situation in the first place, Sam was aware that he was directly responsible for taking those hits at Dean. And yeah, there hadn't been a lot of options, but still.

He didn't hesitate to make his way straight over, though on the other hand, he wasn't exactly eager to figure out what he was going to tell Dean about his blanked out memories. A part of him was tempted to just say that Dean got knocked over the head and that was that, but given the fresh set of bruises and whatnot, that wouldn't work. He could play the possession angle except most possessed people knew what had happened. They weren't always awake the entire time, but generally the part where they got black smoke jammed down their throat-they remembered that. He remembered it. Hard to forget ( ... )


theroadsofar May 12 2009, 08:46:19 UTC
Dean looked up ( ... )


host_club_honey May 11 2009, 15:29:59 UTC
Honey was kind of disappointed when he found himself right back in his room first thing in the morning. They hadn't made it very far at all before night ended. He really hoped they'd had better luck in the other group. Honey rolled sleepily out of bed and wrapped up what was left of the cake, picking the strawberries off before they went bad, then pushing the rest under his bed for later.

He took Usa-chan with him and sleepily followed the nurse to breakfast. She made a tray for him and found him a seat, but once again there were very few sweets to be had. Honey sighed and sipped at his juice. It was going to be a long day.

[Free for threading. Limit: any. May or may not be pounced by Mori sometime along the way.]


madeinthehrl May 11 2009, 16:10:05 UTC
Before Soma could respond to Hinamori, she had found herself in her bed. It was as frustrating and sudden as it had been the last few times it had occurred; she hadn't even managed to see any more of the town! She'd seen enough to pique her interest, though. She knew perfectly well where she'd be headed tonight, provided the Arts and Crafts group allowed her. There was something wrong with those ruins, and she wanted to find out what.

She shoved her weapons under her bed (why were they still here? were they toying with her again?) just before the arrival of her nurse, who put up a cheerful stream of nonsense as they headed to the cafeteria. The woman left with yet another admonishment to make more friends, and left Soma to her own devices.

Taking a plate of pancakes and eggs, she took a seat near a boy who couldn't have looked older than fifteen and set her tray down. "Good morning."


host_club_honey May 11 2009, 16:32:07 UTC
He smiled brightly when a girl sat down near him. She even greeted him first! With all the unfriendly people here, that was a real treat. Honey would make sure to be really nice to her in return.

"Hi! I don't think I've met you before. My name's Honey and this is Usa-chan!" he told her, scooting closer. "It's nice to meet you."


madeinthehrl May 11 2009, 16:37:10 UTC
Soma was a little taken aback at the boy's reaction; she hadn't expected such an enthusiastic response, given the general mood of the rest of the patient population. Apparently he was the exception to the rule.

...and the rabbit. She hadn't noticed the rabbit, either. Perhaps she'd gotten more than she'd asked for by saying hello. Her experience with children back home had been minimal, to say the least. Still, that was no reason why she shouldn't be polite.

"My name is Soma Peries." Perhaps she should leave the rank off for now. "It's nice to meet you too, Honey, and - ah - Usa-chan."


bitpartgod May 11 2009, 15:34:03 UTC
In the short time since he had woken up, Kibitoshin had learned several things. The first of these was that he was not dreaming. The second of these was that he was in some kind of mental asylum.

The third of these was that there had been a terrible, terrible mistake.

The nurse who had found him was very kind, showing him around and explaining to him that he was here to get better. But he wasn’t insane, was he? A little highly strung, he could admit that, but… but not crazy! Hopefully the note he’d left on the bulletin board would let whoever ran this place know that something wasn’t right. There was no point in panicking just yet. It was all just a big misunderstanding, right ( ... )


unmocked_lawr May 11 2009, 16:45:50 UTC
Well, that hadn't been a bad night at all. He could really get used to this ( ... )


bitpartgod May 11 2009, 17:35:06 UTC
Come on, come on... why couldn't he get a signal? This place looked like Earth, and that nurse looked an awful lot like an earthling, so why was he having so much trouble sensing anything at all? He'd never had any kind of trouble finding Kaioshinkai while on Earth before. Oh, geeze. Now he was starting to panic. And when he panicked he couldn't concentrate, and if he couldn't concentrate he couldn't-

"Huh?" There was, Kibitoshin suddenly noticed, a man sitting next to him. He flushed and dropped his hand as if it were scalding hot, realising just how bizarre he must have looked- and then recoiled. That uniform... he was a patient! Which meant that he was probably crazy!

Still, it would be rude to act strangely around him. And even crazy people sometimes made sense, right? Wait, was it rude to call them crazy? Never mind. Head to one side, Kibitoshin blinked at the man curiously. "What do you mean, no effect during the day?"


unmocked_lawr May 11 2009, 18:41:34 UTC
The nurse hadn't been joking when she'd said the man was new. Javert didn't bother to hide his amusement.

"Judging by what you were doing and the expression on your face, I'd venture that you were trying to invoke some special power or whatever it is that passes for special powers where you're from. Trust me, it won't work. Nobody's powers work during the day, and they only just work at night."

He stuck out a hand. Might as well introduce himself. "The name's Javert. My esteemed companion - " a jerk of the head at his departing nurse - "called you Mr. Williams, but that's not your real name, is it?"


not_rly_fai May 11 2009, 16:13:08 UTC
Yuuhi woke, feeling achy all over. He wanted to roll over and sleep for a few more hours, but the nurse had other ideas. At least his legs had been wrapped, so they felt a little stiff when he walked, but it wasn't intolerable.

He followed her to the cafeteria and picked up a few things for his tray before sitting down. Ururu was already talking with one of the other patients, which was something of a relief. She seemed to be alright. No sign yet of Kurogane though. Had they managed to undo that spell?

[Free for threading. Limit: any]


cryingweapon May 11 2009, 19:56:50 UTC
[Mind new daughter?]

She was just about to walk back into the institute when she suddenly found herself back in her room. Well, at least she managed to accomplish one of her goals last night. Her right shoulder was still covered in bandages, but the rest were gone.

Upon entering the cafeteria her nurse once again placed a tray into her hands, encouraging Chise to make more friends. Looking around, she walked over to the closest person.

"Um...I'm sorry but, is it alright if I sit here?"


not_rly_fai May 11 2009, 20:52:04 UTC
It wasn't long before someone approached him. She looked familiar, hadn't she been talking with Kurogane just the other day? The one that he'd made cry, wasn't it? Kuro-rin really wasn't cut out to be a father at all it seemed. That or he just needed more practice.

"Go ahead," he said with a smile, picking at his breakfast, but sure to drink all of his juice. "I'm Fai, what's your name?"

[not at all :D]


cryingweapon May 11 2009, 22:10:14 UTC
"It's Chise, and thank you for letting me sit here," she replied, glad that Fai was okay sitting with her. He seemed liked a friendly type of person. Cutting up her pancakes into small shapes(more western food again), she faintly remembered Kurogane sitting with a blond man at lunch yesterday. There was a chance that Kurogane was familiar with Fai.

"Can I ask you something?" she continued, "Do you happen to be friends with a mean and scary looking man named Kurogane?"


gentiana_clusii May 11 2009, 16:48:20 UTC
The last thing Ken remembered before he'd passed out last night was the sharp pain as the mimic's fangs pierced skin, pressure as his blood was drawn out--and desperation. He'd been too close to unconsciousness to fight back, even if he could, the thing had already had its mouth on his neck--one short bite would be all that it needed to tear his throat out. He'd been paralyzed with fear, indecision. He was lucky to still be alive after that. (Or distinctly unlucky, dependent on how cynical he felt like being that day ( ... )


guardiancomplex May 12 2009, 07:52:55 UTC
[Man with a Guardian Complex? 83]

Touya awoke in his room, frowning a little at the ceiling. He'd missed talking to Yukito, and no doubt now Yue had returned with a vengeance. Well, hopefully Yuki would have a talk with him, and there wouldn't be any of this 'I haven't found a way out yet, so it's useless' bullshit.

His nurse babbled about how well-behaved he was as she escorted him to breakfast, and how if he kept up this behavior, he'd be out in no time. Cooperation was key! Touya found himself rolling his eyes.

Tray in hand, he began to scan the crowd for Yue. However, his gaze fell on someone else first.

"What happened?" Touya asked, rushing up to Ken, looking completely floored. "You were fine when we saw you last!"


gentiana_clusii May 12 2009, 08:13:08 UTC
[Woo! \o/]

"That changed," Ken mumbled into the tabletop, before pushing his head up to look at Touya and trying a careless grin. It really didn't work too well, he was too tired and sore to fake any sort of believable cheer. "But it's not as bad as it looks. Nothing's broken." Just very bruised, torn, and chewed on. "And my shoulder was already injured. Just tore it up a little again."


guardiancomplex May 13 2009, 01:18:04 UTC
Touya looked skeptical, but he also looked a little disturbed by the fact that Ken had been fine, and now he clearly wasn't. What if he'd died? What if Touya and Yue and Pocket Protector had been the last to see him? The idea was too strange for serious consideration.

"There are a lot of worse things than getting a broken bone," Touya said, taking a seat. "And tearing up a shoulder in the process of healing isn't good either. What happened?"


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