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Comments 1268

see_my_back May 11 2009, 14:26:34 UTC
Night was over before they'd gotten anything done except for that code for the bulletin. She stared with half-lidded eyes at the ceiling for a few minutes before forcing herself to get out of bed and hide her various weapons before the nurse arrived.

It was still difficult to completely put aside what she'd learned last night, but as more time passed, it became easier. She would just be a little more volatile than usual for a while. The urge to punch the first thing that annoyed her was far from gone, at least.

She picked up her tray without comment and found a seat. Not many people were here yet and for the moment, she didn't mind some time to herself.

[ Free for threading. Limit: any]


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 14:36:00 UTC
Ryuk had had the room to himself. He'd figured he knew boredom pretty damn well, but apparently not. He thought he was going to go mad. Actually mad. Stark raving lunatic. Homicidal maniac. Wait, the last one... well, it wasn't TRUE true. Just... whatever.

Point was, his foot hurt and he was scared of Winchester his roommate was missing, so he decided to stay in. And he got bored. He ended up doodling in his journal. He never knew how artistic he was. Or wasn't. It was all opinion anyway, right?

Knowing the drill by now, the cruel, painful drill, Ryuk tried to ignore the apples and let the bitch behind the counter fill his plate with whatever. A brief warning from his nurse about how he had to eat (but NOT apples) and she left him with some pink haired little girl with a Japanese name.

"What you look so miserable about?" he huffed. How dare anyone pretend THEY had problems when he wasn't allowed a goddamn apple. That and the fact that he was seeing less and less of the people from home these days. That was no fun.


see_my_back May 11 2009, 14:43:25 UTC
Why was it she seemed to only attract the ugly, obnoxious men? Notably, the trend had changed slightly in this place, but her luck could only hold out for so long. She pushed back her hair and sent him a cold look, not at all amused by his anger or sense of humor, whatever he was going for.

"What do you want?" she asked.


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 14:48:07 UTC
"Geez, what's your problem?" he asked. Freaking women. The lot of them.

"Me? I want an apple. What the hell do you want?" Ok, he knew that wasn't what he was asking, but...you know...he was willing to try anything. Maybe she'd get him one to leave her alone?


high_prosecutor May 11 2009, 14:30:33 UTC
Edgeworth had half-expected Renamon to still be by his side when he woke that morning, and it was almost a relief to be back in his own bed. He breathed out a long sigh. Morning meant that she would have been attended to by the true medical staff, and those injuries treated. He made a mental note to check on her that day if he could, then sat up in bed.

He was immediately hit by a loud noise and a single, sharp bolt of pain in his head, one that almost forced him to lie back down from the shock of it all. Are you back in this place, Manfred von Karma? If not, then...who? He didn't have time to think about it long, before his nurse came in. "Good morning, Mr. Pierce. Are you feeling all right ( ... )


pleading_ngri May 12 2009, 04:20:34 UTC
This wouldn't have been better if Maya was here, Phoenix told himself, when he caught himself getting homesick in the food line yet again. Her ability to perform otherworldly feats extended to a positively supernatural ability to land herself in the worst kinds of trouble. His stomach did maneuvers he really didn't approve of when he imagined what sort of things could happen to her here, where there were people whose intentions toward him he couldn't discern, along with, possibly, one person still lurking and actively plotting his demise. It was better if she wasn't here.

Great, now I just feel selfish for missing her. Thinking about her was almost a distraction from thinking of Godot, though, which was something he didn't want to do until he was in a better mood. When he'd agreed to a chat, he hadn't thought he'd been signing on for a full night of smashing his head against a brick wall of insults and circular logic. It wouldn't have been so bad, if a stubborn optimist streak in him didn't keep insisting that there had to be a way ( ... )


high_prosecutor May 12 2009, 04:29:29 UTC
Miles let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding when he saw Phoenix. That discussion about people missing time and the like before disappearing had more of an impact than he'd first thought, and while it had been easy to push that aside in favor of tending to a severely wounded friend at the time, the morning had meant all of that worry could come crashing back in.

"Morning," he replied, nodding with a relieved smile on his face. "I was worried," he admitted. "It's not like you to miss appointments normally. I'm not trying to be overly possessive, but I had a rather tense discussion with a friend last night. She mentioned a pattern to disappearances, which I put on the board this morning."

Something else seemed off, though, about him. "What happened?", he asked, in a voice that he hoped was staying firmly in the 'concerned' area and not drifting off into the 'way too overpossessive' area.


pleading_ngri May 12 2009, 04:47:28 UTC
Phoenix nodded, sitting and taking a long drink of this morning's grape juice. He hadn't noticed anything from Edgeworth on the board this morning - just the usual primer. He must have tucked it in there.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting," he apologized, and sat back and took a drink of that morning's grape juice - if only because it kept his hand from reaching out reassuringly to any part of Miles. He wasn't sure he had to enough pens to list all the reasons why anything even vaguely approaching a public display of affection was a bad idea here. "I just- the talk with Godot didn't go as well as I would've liked." He released a short, unamused huff along with the ensuing smirk, glancing at Edgeworth from the corner of his eye. Sarcasm and quipping at the truth were easier than coming at it head-on, in this case. "I hope you don't fly into a jealous rage at the thought of another prosecutor refusing to let me leave his bedroom," he muttered under his breath, beginning to saw his pancakes into lopsided squares.


full_score May 11 2009, 14:38:28 UTC
They hadn't made it to the basement.

With a frustrated groan, Claude slid out of bed and began hiding his things. His leg was nice and bandaged now, and the affects from the poison were completely gone, but the bitter taste of defeat wasn't something that was so easily brushed aside. Granted, their situation could have been a hell of a lot worse, but it still pissed him off that he hadn't even been given the chance to properly fight back. Not only that, but he'd pretty much been reduced to dead weight for a good portion of the night. How embarrassing!

Well, there wasn't much for him to do except move on, he supposed. Still, he was fairly reserved once his nurse showed up and began leading him to the cafeteria. She'd asked if he'd needed a crutch, but he declined the offer. His leg was pretty tender, but as long as he was gentle with it, it was probably fine.

Frowning to himself, the blond grabbed a tray and stepped in line. The fresh aroma of pancakes was pretty enticing, and his stomach gave a quiet growl.

[First post ( ... )


ran_on_empty May 11 2009, 23:09:37 UTC
He didn't get to go to the basement ( ... )


full_score May 12 2009, 01:40:03 UTC
A strong wave of anger washed over him as soon as he caught the head of green hair from the corner of his eye. It was everything he could do to keep himself from shoving the boy away from him, but in the end he just fixed Sync with a nasty scowl.

Just great. This was the last person he needed to see right now.

Claude tried not to pay Sync too much attention as they went through the line, but just being in close proximity like this was enough to make him feel sick. Once he'd gotten enough to tide himself over until lunch, he gave Sync a belated, albeit pointed, "You're not welcome," before storming off. Maybe he could try to lose himself in the crowd, and lose Sync in the process.


ran_on_empty May 12 2009, 02:56:32 UTC
Sync could practically feel Claude's scowl on the back of neck, yet he paid no attention to the latter's foul mood as he went about his business. It was obvious enough that he didn't really care what food he got, absent-mindedly tossing whatever was nearby on his plate before grabbing a glass of juice and making his way out.

Ah, and there it was. The God-General had to keep himself from tossing Claude a dirty smirk as he followed the latter with a perplexed expression.

"What's wrong?" Sync asked worriedly, trying his best to sound concerned.

"Did something happen last night?"


fourtharcana May 11 2009, 14:41:46 UTC
Oh shit, shit, shit. We're all going to die because we weren't expecting that goddamn bear to still be alive, and what the hell is going on with the Evoker not working? Akihiko closed his eyes, trying to think of a plan ( ... )


bewarethecute May 11 2009, 14:56:02 UTC
Ururu didn't have any time to react to Ken suddenly falling; just as she was about to yell, or to drop everything to try and catch him, the night ended, and Ururu was back in her bed. The girl didn't exactly realize what had happened at first. She sat up, very confused, especially when she saw she still had Ken's flashlight and spear. Once she did understand, Ururu was at least a little glad that she had kept her promise ( ... )


fourtharcana May 11 2009, 15:30:54 UTC
Akihiko wasn't expecting -- wait. Little girl, about Ken's age or a little younger. Was this that friend of his that had contributed so much to the bulletin mess? Well, only one way to find out, and either way, it was a distraction from thinking about last night. So, he'd take it, either way.

"Oh, sure," he said, mustering up a smile and gesturing for her to take a seat. "I'm Akihiko. What's your name?"

He paused for just a second. "This might seem like an odd question, but. You don't happen to be a friend of Ken Amada's? I'm his senpai, if that's the case," he said, that smile turning a little more awkward than it had been.


bewarethecute May 11 2009, 17:03:14 UTC
Ururu didn't immediately realize she had been led to one of Ken's friends. She remembered Akihiko's name though, from the bulletin about the boxing club. Before she could say that, however, he asked her about Ken, and said he was one of her friend's senpai.

This might not be so good.

"I'm Ururu." The girl moved into the seat across from Akihiko, looking nervously at him. "You aren't still mad at Ken-kun, are you? He was only trying to help a friend, but then we got confused. Please don't stay mad at him. This time, we're looking in books, so it'll be better than asking on the bulletin. Okay?"


2cute2bkira May 11 2009, 15:03:04 UTC
Misa sighed as she was led to the cafeteria. She didn't recognize anyone there - none of her friends, no Ryuga, and most importantly, no Light. She was close to tears as she settled into a seat, an American-styled breakfast of pancakes in front of her. What was this place? Why was she being called Miranda?

...where was Light? She scanned the faces in front of her. Names came to her eyes - a Leslie Tickle there, an oddly familiar-looking Bob Loveday there, a very angry-looking Wilhelmina von Richter there, a Courtney Marsh and Thomas Appleby, Peyton Reynolds, Thomas Pierce...and they all had numbers under their names. She didn't exactly know what they meant, but the fact that they were there at all...

She bit her lower lip anxiously, again twirling her hair around her finger worriedly. This wasn't good. Not at all.

[first post reserved for Matsuda! If someone else that knew Misa before wants to jump in after a few posts, feel free.]


showtime_matsu May 11 2009, 16:13:15 UTC
Somehow, Matsuda had slept through the night for the second time in a row. It was safer, maybe, but it wasn't really a good thing to do. It made him feel like he was just letting everyone else do everything for him. Not that finding out anything new, and keeping an eye on Mikami, would be any easier without most everyone, but he had to make his contribution. This time, for sure, he'd get something done.

Starting right after breakfast, of course. The cafeteria was still just filling up when he got there, and he spotted a familiar face rather easily. A familiar face that he'd heard about, but hadn't seen yet; she hadn't answered when he'd asked for her on the board, either. She was really okay? That was a huge relief.

Matsuda hurried through the line, not paying too much attention to what he picked up, then went to go take a seat across from her. "Misa-Misa!?" he asked, incredulously. "It's good to see you're alright! I'd heard you were here, but I thought something had happened to you."


2cute2bkira May 11 2009, 16:59:05 UTC
"Huh?" The word was out of Misa's mouth before she could stop herself. She quickly put on a smile, though. "Um, hi," she said, keeping that lock of hair turned around her finger. What was that about having been here before? She had no idea what the guy was talking about. And...something happening?

"Uh. I'm Misa-Misa," she said, that smile turning a little awkward, "but I don't think we've met before. And I definitely haven't been here." What in the world? She'd keep smiling, though she wouldn't deny that she was completely and totally confused.


showtime_matsu May 11 2009, 17:17:00 UTC
Oh no. That couldn't be right. He had to have just misunderstood her or something. Except that he'd run into something similar with Ryuzaki, but it was easier with the new-Ryuzaki (or whatever he wanted to be called) to tell that something was wrong. Misa looked as cute as always, if maybe a bit younger than he'd last seen her, but even so...

Dammit. This whole time thing was really annoying. "O-oh. You don't remember...?" he trailed off, then shook his head, giving her an equally-awkward smile. "Sorry. You just got here?"


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