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see_my_back May 11 2009, 14:26:34 UTC
Night was over before they'd gotten anything done except for that code for the bulletin. She stared with half-lidded eyes at the ceiling for a few minutes before forcing herself to get out of bed and hide her various weapons before the nurse arrived.

It was still difficult to completely put aside what she'd learned last night, but as more time passed, it became easier. She would just be a little more volatile than usual for a while. The urge to punch the first thing that annoyed her was far from gone, at least.

She picked up her tray without comment and found a seat. Not many people were here yet and for the moment, she didn't mind some time to herself.

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bored_todeath May 11 2009, 14:36:00 UTC
Ryuk had had the room to himself. He'd figured he knew boredom pretty damn well, but apparently not. He thought he was going to go mad. Actually mad. Stark raving lunatic. Homicidal maniac. Wait, the last one... well, it wasn't TRUE true. Just... whatever.

Point was, his foot hurt and he was scared of Winchester his roommate was missing, so he decided to stay in. And he got bored. He ended up doodling in his journal. He never knew how artistic he was. Or wasn't. It was all opinion anyway, right?

Knowing the drill by now, the cruel, painful drill, Ryuk tried to ignore the apples and let the bitch behind the counter fill his plate with whatever. A brief warning from his nurse about how he had to eat (but NOT apples) and she left him with some pink haired little girl with a Japanese name.

"What you look so miserable about?" he huffed. How dare anyone pretend THEY had problems when he wasn't allowed a goddamn apple. That and the fact that he was seeing less and less of the people from home these days. That was no fun.


see_my_back May 11 2009, 14:43:25 UTC
Why was it she seemed to only attract the ugly, obnoxious men? Notably, the trend had changed slightly in this place, but her luck could only hold out for so long. She pushed back her hair and sent him a cold look, not at all amused by his anger or sense of humor, whatever he was going for.

"What do you want?" she asked.


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 14:48:07 UTC
"Geez, what's your problem?" he asked. Freaking women. The lot of them.

"Me? I want an apple. What the hell do you want?" Ok, he knew that wasn't what he was asking, but...you know...he was willing to try anything. Maybe she'd get him one to leave her alone?


see_my_back May 11 2009, 15:06:31 UTC
Her problem? Seriously, her problem?! The main problem was sitting right in front of her. Ugh! The little voice in the back of her head was already pissed off, she didn't need some asshole trying her patience on top of that!

"Do I LOOK like I have an apple?" she replied. If she did, it would've already been hurled at the man's face.

I'll tell you what I don't want. I definitely DON'T want to spend breakfast with an ugly weirdo who asks stupid questions! As much as she wanted to scream right now, she also didn't want to get herself sedated first thing in the morning. Especially when there was so much they had to get done.

"Fine. Let's try this again," she said flatly, poking at the eggs on her tray. "I'm Sakura. You are...?"


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 15:26:10 UTC
"Hey, I never said you did!" he said, putting his hands up in defense. Dammit women were- wait, what...

"I'm...confused. Why you bein' all nice now?" Maybe she realised he was pretty handsome. Hm. "Hey, look, no offense, you're probably attractive but...I ain't interested."


see_my_back May 11 2009, 15:37:03 UTC
Sakura put a hand to her head, clearly frustrated. Why did this guy have so much trouble getting it?

"Ugh, whatever! It's too early in the morning to argue, okay?" she declared, picking up her fork again and stabbing a piece of sausage. This guy had to be even dumber than Naruto! Geez!

"And there's no way in hell I would date you either, so you don't have to worry about that."


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 15:44:39 UTC
"You know...an apple a day keeps...something away. I dunno what. Maybe it'd put you in a better morning mood. You're pretty nasty. Do you get nicer or are you one o' those girls- the always nasty sort? Because they're only fun to watch from a distance..."

Ryuk had a lot to learn about human interaction, let alone talking to girls.


see_my_back May 11 2009, 16:01:31 UTC
Was this guy a complete and total moron? The more she talked to him, the more she was sure of it. It was like when she'd first met Sai, only uglier and a lot dumber. At least he'd been tolerable because he was good looking.

"I," she emphasized, "am a perfectly sweet and nice girl. I've just got a lot going on right now, alright?" Her tone was tight and clipped.


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 16:05:27 UTC
"Uh huh," he nodded, dumbly. What was that thing with women and reproduction, the thing that made them really angry? Whatever. He wasn't gonna ask if that was the problem, it sounded gross.

"A lot, huh? Anything interesting, 'cause I'm really bored. Maybe I can help."


see_my_back May 11 2009, 16:21:00 UTC
"It's none of your business," she replied. Why was he asking? Did he seriously think she was here just to entertain him? Idiot.

"You haven't said your name yet," Sakura commented, more than happy to get the attention away from herself. Besides, she had a right to know who she might be yelling at later.


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 16:44:50 UTC
"So?" Life was easier when you could just watch people. Interaction totally sucked. "Ain't anybody's business until you tell 'em, right?"

"Oh right. Bob." Shame she'd told him her name, he could freaked her out. 'Course, there was always the family name, right? "Why you got pink hair?" he asked. Maybe she was a model like Misa.


see_my_back May 11 2009, 17:03:40 UTC
"Well yeah," she said uncertainly. This guy had no tact at all! Why was he so interested anyway? "But that doesn't mean I wanna tell you."

"Bob huh," she repeated, not bothering with any honorifics. She couldn't really say she was happy to meet him either. And--

"What's wrong with pink hair? It just happens to be my natural color." Honestly! Did he have any idea how hard she worked to maintain this kind of color and luster in her hair?


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 17:58:50 UTC
Ryuk shrugged. He was only bored so he wasn't going to work hard for something to do. Anyway, generally annoying her was enough for now. He just hoped she didn't get violent or anything. That could ruin his day.

"Uh huh. Bob."

His hands flew up again and he said, "Nothin'! Nothin' wrong with it...but it ain't natural. Nobody ever had naturally pink hair. In the h- actually, nah. Nowhere." He eyes her roots suspiciously. "Unless you're an alien or something. Like in the computer games."


see_my_back May 11 2009, 20:23:58 UTC
This Bob guy was getting on her nerves. She made a thoughtful noise and raised an eyebrow as she re-focused on her meal. It seemed like the usual stuff and she wasn't all that hungry so early in the morning, so she only picked at it here and there.

And why was he picking on her for having pink hair?! It wasn't like HIS hair was all that great! Somewhere in the back of her mind though, she was thankful he'd noticed the color much sooner than he'd noticed how big her forehead was. "I'm not an alien, I'm a ninja. And some of us have naturally pink hair, okay? It's pink. It's always been pink. End of story."


bored_todeath May 11 2009, 20:27:24 UTC
"Nope. No way," he said, settling back as though decided on something very important. "I'm tellin' ya. I never seen anyone with naturally pink hair. Doesn't happen on earth. So you're either a liar or you ain't human. Weird if you're a liar, though." Most people here lied about their names, but she'd been perfectly honest.


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