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Comments 1268

littlestrawdoll May 11 2009, 18:01:26 UTC
[Free, no limits.]At the very least, there’d been more progress than the night before ( ... )


fyeonly May 11 2009, 18:48:58 UTC
The first thing Naomi did on entering the cafeteria was to pause and scan the crowds. She hadn't left her room yesterday, some sort of 24 hour bug had knocked her on her back. And how many people had disappeared in the time she was unconscious? How much had changed ( ... )


littlestrawdoll May 11 2009, 19:36:26 UTC
The doll looked over as someone came over, fork still stuck in his mouth. There was a familiar face, and thankfully, the woman seemed to be going against the norm and hanging in there. It’d been, what, a week since just the last time they’d talked? That was some kind of milestone on its own, not that he hadn’t seen her here and there in the meantime, reassuring him she hadn’t up and vanished.

But she gave off that survivor vibe, which might’ve deserved some of the credit.

Taking the utensil into his hand, he swallowed, and gave his own greeting. “Hey,” he said, cheerily drawing the word out over two syllables, “Maki-san. It’s been a while. Good morning… or something like it.”


fyeonly May 11 2009, 20:19:50 UTC
"Is there ever a good morning in this place?" she asked, wryly. She was sure everyone here had heard something similar before, but rhetoric was rhetoric for a reason.

"I've been a little...indisposed. So how have you been?" she asked, her mind forced to calm itself some to focus on normal conversation. And one thing Ren was always good for was a little bit of normal conversation.

Besides that, he could have important news or developments that she'd missed.


oldest_man May 11 2009, 18:01:27 UTC
If Methos had been surprised on other mornings to wake up again in his bed with no real warning, it was nothing compared to his surprise as Friday morning dawned. He and Jones had only made it into the front hall, not even to the exit of the building; there was no way the night could possibly have ended so soon. Had they been on to something, he wondered, and been put down early because of it? It seemed a likely enough assumption, and more plausible than other fanciful possibilities springing to mind. He still couldn't remember how he'd been knocked out, though, and this fact grated on him no less than it had the previous three mornings.

He was uncommonly quiet as he was ushered into the cafeteria, allowing the nurse to prod him into the line for breakfast, and then abandon him in favor of more volatile charges once he'd loaded his tray with enough food to satisfy her. He took a seat at one of the less populated tables, not quite deeply enough lost in thought to be unaware of his surroundings.

[Free, limit 3]


should_be_dead May 11 2009, 20:16:22 UTC
[ooc; would you mind a ninja?]Instead of being brought to a place that would somehow clarify what predicament he was in, the man and woman instead brought Tenzen into a room full with other people. Eating meals. They had brought him to an communal eating area. At the very least, the woman had not been lying about breakfast ( ... )


oldest_man May 12 2009, 16:21:29 UTC
Methos watched through veiled eyes as the strange man was ushered about, and the nurse trekked off to bring back a tray. That was peculiar enough; he'd seen similar treatment of the seriously injured, but not of healthy patients. It was possible the other man was one of the few people there who genuinely seemed to need to be, but he thought it equally likely it was just the staff's particular way of getting to someone. He wouldn't put it past them to tailor their responses.

He waited for the nurse to head off for what was probably the last time before speaking, voicing in lieu of greeting a mild-voiced and pleasant, "You're new today, aren't you?"


should_be_dead May 12 2009, 17:12:56 UTC
"New?" Tenzen repeated. "You mean to say that people often wake here without knowing how they had even arrived?" It sounded ridiculous, but this was what had occurred. The tone of his voice was fairly calm, yet still held a hint of annoyance.

The word also signified that - aside from sounding as if he had just joined some group - there were also those that weren't new. He didn't see why anyone would stay here willingly, unless...

"Are we held captive?"

He still ignored his breakfast, instead glancing at the man sitting across him. He took note that - like the nurse - this man looked...foreign. Had he somehow ended up in some foreign country? The thought on itself was more than laughable!


ruthless_hunter May 11 2009, 18:17:05 UTC
As usual, Lockdown kept silent as the nurse took him to breakfast. He had tried asking her why his vital fluid-stained coverings were completely clean when he woke up, though. To his chagrin, she had just smiled and remained silent.

The bounty hunter grabbed him some flat circular objects (pancakes?), bacon and what he assumed were 'scrambled eggs'. He observed the humans putting yellow stuff and some sort of clear, thick liquid on the pancakes, so he did likewise. After getting a glass of his usual orange juice, Lockdown parked himself at an empty table and, as usual, started his meal by taking tiny nibbles out of his bacon.

[Free, limit 1]


roger_hug May 11 2009, 18:23:40 UTC
(A bubbly bounty hunter okay?)

Bridget woke up in a fantastic mood, the bats he'd picked up last night at his side. Had to hide those before the nurse showed up....

The walk to breakfast was filled with his cheerful chatter, the nurse pleased to see Bridget so happy. He'd been upset lately.

Filling up his tray with lots of food, Bridget looked around for some friends, but his nurse began to herd him towards a stranger. "Here you go," she said.

Bridget smiled at the large man and sat down where the nurse indicated.



ruthless_hunter May 11 2009, 18:32:33 UTC
(a meeting of bounty hunters, how fun XD)

Lockdown glanced at the human who had sat down with him. Yellow hair, young, eyes a blue-green color, and appeared to be female. Lockdown had talked to both genders of human enough so that he felt he was comfortable telling the difference.

However, this human also seemed to be almost as annoyingly cheerful as the nurses here. Still, Lockdown knew that during the day he had to behave, lest the nurses stick a needle in him.

The bounty hunter retained his frown when he asked, "Who are you?"


roger_hug May 11 2009, 18:39:05 UTC
Well. That was ... abrupt. Still, he wouldn't let it bring him down!

"I'm Bridget! What's your name?" The young bounty hunter smiled, hoping that this wouldn't be a meal filled with him being cheerful and this man just looking at him the whole time. "Have you been here long?"


notmyfather May 11 2009, 18:37:27 UTC
[For Keman!]

Valyn wasn't sure entirely what had happened over the last two days. He knew that a day or so had passed because the nurse that roused him had mentioned it. Something about being ill. He couldn't quite remember being ill - and elves didn't get sick anyway - but his room was different and time was strange and he was too tired to worry about it.

He didn't feel ill, but he did feel tired. He was rather certain nothing had been done to him, and he felt fine other than that. He supposed it was another odd quirk of this hellish place.

Ah well, it wasn't as though anything had changed drastically, at least from what he could tell. And he was starving, he realized, as he was escorted into the dining hall. He grabbed his breakfast, found an empty seat and sat down.

Hopefully a familiar face or two could assure him he hadn't lost too much time....


(The comment has been removed)

notmyfather May 11 2009, 19:31:02 UTC
"Ancestors, no," Valyn said, shaking his head and looking startled. "I've...been sick, apparently. With what, I've no idea, but elves don't get sick. They moved me to a new room, I think I've been asleep for days even though I feel like I haven't slept in days...."

He shrugged, as apologetically as he could manage. He didn't rise to Keman's anger, for once. He felt badly that he'd made the dragon worry. Especially as he was beginning to think they were all they had left.

"I don't even know how long it's been, Keman. I'm sorry to have worried you, but it was out of my hands."


(The comment has been removed)

feartehreaper May 11 2009, 18:52:15 UTC
As Haseo was escorted through the institute, he became certain of one thing. He was not one of the crazier ones playing 'The World,' and therefore something was wrong with the explanation this overly-kind nurse was trying to provide. Her insistence on the name "Kai" didn't help, and even though the first few times he dismissed it, when he finally realized she was trying to apply it to him had finally shaken him free of his anxiety. His name was definitely Misaki Ryou in real life. Even if this woman was completely incompetent at kanji, there was little chance she'd be able to get something like that out of it. Even if she had only ever heard it aloud. To boot, his correction had pretty much been laughed off.

Now entering a large, bright room, he eyed the other people present with narrowed eyes, noting that they were all wearing the same grey uniform, and that most of them were accompanied by a nurse in the same fashion he was. Something was definitely off with him too. He felt weird. He was getting more irritated by the second ( ... )


oftemptation May 11 2009, 19:35:03 UTC
Just as Endrance was about to turn away and chalk that weird feeling up to nothing, he heard a voice he'd recognize anywhere. He was out of his seat and running towards the doorway before anyone could stop him from doing so, the action more out of instinct than anything else. "Haseo!", he called out, ignoring how much that short sprint had actually hurt ( ... )


feartehreaper May 11 2009, 21:36:59 UTC
Had there been no interference, Haseo likely would have been in far more trouble than he knew what to do with- providing an example of why he had once been so widely known as the "Terror of Death" would have quickly spelled disaster and sedation. Fortunately, that was not the case. Upon hearing his name, Haseo broke his glare to whip his head around, recognizing at once the voice and the man it belonged to.

"Endrance!" he exclaimed, and then with nothing better to do, fell silent to witness the encounter between his would-be savior and the nurses. At least his level of tension was relieved at least slightly to see someone he recognized, although he wasn't sure what to make of being likened to a flower. Or for that matter, why Endrance sounded like he already knew what had happened. Haseo had just been with him- he was certain they had warped out at almost the exact same time ( ... )


oftemptation May 11 2009, 22:08:44 UTC
That silent meaning wasn't lost on Endrance - that look meant one thing and one thing only. Where the hell are we, and how do we get back? Unfortunately, there wasn't a simple answer to either question. After a moment's tense silence, the orderly seemed to be easing up, and that was Endrance's cue to move on and start trying to answer things ( ... )


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