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Comments 1268

forgot_my_life May 11 2009, 19:24:47 UTC
Takaya scowled, but whatelse was new? This time though, the expression was less out of anger, and more thoughtful. They hadn't gone very far last night, but at least they had made it out of the room. Entering the cafeteria, he glanced around, spotting familiar faces, new faces, and wondered, not for the first time, when he would be one of those that didn't return after the night was over. Would anyone miss him? Probably not. He allowed the nurse to press him with food and usher him to a seat.

He just stared at his breakfast, trying not to allow depression to over take him again. He couldn't give Kagetora any excuse... A whole night without him, maybe he was getting better at control?

(Free; limit:open)


fencing_captain May 12 2009, 01:01:01 UTC
Apparently, she'd slept through the night. Juri woke up feeling rested but filthy. Weren't they ever going to be allowed to bathe in this stupid place? She noticed her roommate's side of the room seemed particularly clean and tidy. What's with that? she wondered as she stretched and ran her fingers through her hair.

By the time the nurse came, she'd looked through the other girl's desk. Empty. A set, sour expression on her face, Juri followed the nurse. She did not ask about her roommate. She didn't even know the girl's official name here. Since she didn't ask the woman questions, Juri learned she was going to get to shower today. Right after breakfast, in fact. Despite the nurse wanting her to eat more, she choose fruit and milk for breakfast and looked for a free seat. There was a grim and unhappy looking young man, looking to be close to her age, or at least like he might have gone to Ohtori if she pretended hard ( ... )


forgot_my_life May 12 2009, 08:19:20 UTC
Takaya glanced up when the girl came to sit near him, then winced when a nurse stepped up behind him. "Alan," she scolded. "Please eat. I don't want to have to resort to less pleasent means." Takaya sat up and took a bite of his breakfast, making the woman nod and walk off to annoy some other poor sap. He turned back to Juri.

"I'm Takaya," he said, after washing the small bit of food down with some water.


fencing_captain May 12 2009, 14:28:46 UTC
"You must be a trouble-maker if they're threatening to force feed you," Juri said. The more she studied him the less pleased she was, and it showed in her face despite her obvious effort to seem pleasant. There was still some part of her that insisted that troublemakers should be kicked out, and this guy would never make the grade at Ohtori, or so she thought just from looking at him.

"I know the food here is less than appetizing most of the time, but why don't you eat enough to--" Not be a trouble maker. She frowned, more annoyed at herself than anything because she didn't mean to broadcast her disapproval so clearly. She glanced away across the cafeteria, clenching her fist under the table for a moment, then resumed her task of chopping the cold melon chunks into bite-sized pieces. "Isn't it easier just to listen to what they tell us? I doubt they can read our minds to know we don't believe them." She shrugged, a deliberate show of indifference.


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gottabetactile May 11 2009, 21:42:27 UTC
[Thanks for the guilt trip there :<]

Kon yawned hugely, finally dragging himself back to the land of the living and out of the deep - almost to the point of being comatose, though that was nothing new - sleep he'd spent the night in. He was starving and- it was morning? Had he slept through the whole night ( ... )


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wing_head May 11 2009, 23:37:35 UTC
[One stars 'n stripes father figure with a shoulder to cry on?While his nurse had seemed intent on getting Steve directly to breakfast, he had managed to talk her into letting him take a look at the bulletin board. Steve had only quickly glanced over it, though when he spotted a note addressed to him and the other people he knew here he paused to read it. The news hit with an almost physical impact. Harry was dead. It was a little difficult to believe at first, news like that always was. There was an odd time lapse between reading the news and actually feeling it. After that, Steve didn't even bother with the rest of the board, just giving it a quick glance to make sure there was nothing else important that he needed to see ( ... )


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allroadslead May 11 2009, 21:13:41 UTC
Adrenaline still running high, Sam awoke with a start. His hand flew to the side of his neck, expecting to feel the slip of blood beneath his fingers. Instead, there was a thin raised line, a few inches in length. A slip of the blade at most, though still deep enough to be visible and too close to hitting the jugular for comfort. No dried blood flaked away at his touch, either. Someone had obviously cleaned the cut. It and the gash near his side, he realized, when he felt the stitches pull as he propped himself up on one elbow. He had no idea who had done that, but his head was fuzzy and he felt like he had a massive hangover, but with more pain, and so it didn't seem worth it to question who had saved him the trouble of having to stitch himself back up.

He gingerly pushed himself to a sitting position, lifted his shirt up to eye the bandage. The novelty of close calls had worn off awhile ago, but even so, he was pretty damn lucky to get away with only a couple of flesh wounds considering his brother had tried to stab him and slit ( ... )


allroadslead May 11 2009, 21:16:09 UTC
The second he hit the cafeteria, his eyes immediately sought out Dean and found nothing. An automatic spike of panic rose though he knew it was early yet and Dean, in all likelihood, wasn't gonna spring right out of bed. Not exactly the best of shape, either of them. Besides, as much as he would've felt better if he could've seen Dean first, this at least meant he could talk to Lelouch. It was something he'd far rather do on his own. Last thing he wanted was for Dean to get hit with that crap again. He still wasn't a hundred percent certain of his immunity-there was something off about Lelouch, the weird red glow not the least of it-but his chances were way higher than Dean's.

Sam ditched his tray the first chance he got. Eating was the furthest thing from his mind. Lelouch wasn't hard to pick out from the crowd and he strode over as soon as he did, trying to hide as much of his limp as he could. He was probably gonna pay for it later, putting the extra weight on his knee, but like hell he was gonna stumble his way over ( ... )


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no_barbarian May 11 2009, 20:20:33 UTC
Oh, what had he been on? Luckily the night had ended before things got any worse, but still...! He didn't even have the excuse of being drunk; it was just...sad. Was he really that desperate?

At least he had his file now, though at kind of a high price. Mortified and full of regrets, Teisel hauled himself out of bed and let the nurse herd him to the cafeteria. There was bacon again today, and he helped himself to several pieces along with a couple pancakes, leaving the quickly-cooling eggs alone. He'd learned his lesson about those wastes of plate space. He slumped into the nearest empty seat, gloomily nibbling a strip of bacon in the hope that it'd cheer him up a little.

...This problem was too large for bacon. Well, the admiral seemed like a pretty posh guy. People like that knew how to be discreet, right? They'd come to a sort of understanding, in private, and that's where it'd stay. In private. Even if he was regretting the whole mess now, it wasn't anything anyone else would know about, right? At least there was ( ... )


alwayscomesback May 13 2009, 01:36:33 UTC
[Here, have a hungry teenager!]

He hadn't gotten very far. Again. Maybe this really was some reoccurring nightmare that he was trapped in. He'd have to take the next night, if he was still stuck here, to see if he could break out of the cycle. Maybe that would wake him up.

Since he'd be trying that tonight, Sokka was going to be sure to stock up on a good helping of the bacon stuff before then. "Breakfast is he most important meal of the day," he told himself, cheerily piling the bacon on. The lady behind the food insisted on him getting more than jut meat, so with a little bit of eggs and pancakes also in tow, Sokka made is way to the closest table and had a seat.


no_barbarian May 13 2009, 03:16:27 UTC
Ugh. Another kid. Why were there so many of them in here? It was downright disturbing.

Teisel had more important things on his mind than some punk teenager. Giving the kid a brief glare, he went back to his breakfast.


alwayscomesback May 13 2009, 05:49:55 UTC
Hey, at least Sokka was a kid that could mind his own business for at least the first half of his meal. He munched on bacon for a while, feeling better and better about his looping dream fate until he took the time to look around and spotted his table mate. No sense in being rude.

"Hey, how's it going?" he greeted, holding his hand up (some bacon still held there) in a wave.


longlivetehking May 11 2009, 20:27:00 UTC
Tonight, aside from chit-chat and the butchering of already-decaying dogs, had gone absolutely nowhere. Morning came, Scar moved out of the bed he had no recollection of ever going into (as always) and was ushered to the cafeteria for breakfast. Somewhere along the way he noticed he was rather hungry, though he supposed that would pass as soon as he lay eyes upon his meal for this morning.

And this morning, they were having pancakes. Oh goody, he could identify a single meal.

With a bored sigh the King picked an empty seat and began attempting to eat his breakfast. He had been here for a while, but the basic act of consuming food still remained a hassle.

[free to anyone, limit: any]


toxicspiderman May 12 2009, 23:15:34 UTC
His head was still pounding, his sinuses still felt like he'd shoved concrete up both nostrils in a misguided attempt to stop the madness, and the world was still spinning slightly around him instead of its axis. And his side felt like someone was stabbing him with something ineffectively blunt and metal.

S.T. reached down a hand and found he'd woken up cuddling his toolbox. Oops. At least he still had the thing. And a nurse, standing over him and clearing her throat. What the fuck?

He shifted, trying to cover for the added lump in the bed. "Aspirin?" he croaked, trying to sound pathetic. It wasn't hard. Hell, he was pathetic. Sick, exhausted, depressed. A royal flush in the shit sweepstakes ( ... )


longlivetehking May 13 2009, 16:02:17 UTC
"Seen better days, by any chance?" Scar commented dryly, observing the patient plopping down across him. He had seen the man coming, and considering eating by oneself was more of an exception than anything else it wasn't too surprising.

But despite his question, the King wasn't genuinely interested in whatever this fellow had done last night to end up in such a state (though he could guess), but that didn't mean he couldn't attempt to have some sort of conversation that wasn't about the weather for a change. They did get old after a while, and such conversations were about as useful as Ed was in a discussions about the Value of Life or some sort.

He took another bite from one of his pancakes, deciding he wasn't too fond of the sticky...stuff they had added to it. It was simply too...sticky for his tastes.


toxicspiderman May 13 2009, 23:43:06 UTC
"What gave it away?" he asked. The caffeine-deprivation thousand-yard stare? The apathy towards the use of fine motor skills? The fact that there was still bacon on his plate and he'd been sitting there for at least a minute?

"You? Food not your thing?" He speared a piece of bacon and took a bite. One piece still smelled like he'd walked into an international bacon bake-off, but it was no longer a downer.


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