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Comments 670

F20 theycutitout August 22 2007, 14:58:48 UTC
There was a busy night in store for a girl, a busy night that Miranda was all too glad to inform her nurse about quite cheerfully as she was escorted back to her room. Miranda often spoke of 'missions' as it were, so the woman wasn't put off more so than usual. Left alone, for the time being, when the door closed behind her, the girl sat down, staring curiously at her food for a second before taking a seat on her bed and beginning to consume it slowly ( ... )


F19 she_bloomed August 22 2007, 15:04:55 UTC
What a day ( ... )


Re: F19 queenpeacecraft August 22 2007, 18:51:04 UTC
All things considered, this day could have been worse. While Duo thought she was crazy, according to Quatre, he would meet with her and Quatre tonight. she hoped the blond pilot would calm down in the over-protectiveness. Perhaps he and Duo could teach her some self-defence while they were out tonight.

Relena hid her surprise that Sakura had beaten her to their room. "It's good to see you're safe," she said softly, sitting down at her own desk to eat. She stubbornly left the peas where they lay and focused on the meat, potatoes, and the salad she had selected.

Idly she considered drawing a map of the areas she had explored with the others. She did have the time right now, after all.


Re: F19 she_bloomed August 22 2007, 19:30:30 UTC
Sakura seemed less than her usual, exuberant self, though she did offer a greeting in the way of a tired smile as her roommate entered some time after her. She stared back through the closed door as she heard locks clicking, signifying that it was time for nightly "lock-down".

"Same to you." Green eyes turned back to the plate of half-eaten steak and untouched veggies. How long had she been stabbing the meat with her fork instead of actually eating it? After forcing another bite down, not that it was bad or anything, and of course waiting to swallow beforehand, Sakura glanced back at Relena.

"I'm sorry I wasn't around las night. A... friend of mine was in trouble here, and..." Sakura's voice trailed off as she realized she really didn't want to continue along that line of thought. Taking on a more peppy tone, she grinned at the other girl. "Find out anything interesting last night?"


Re: F19 queenpeacecraft August 24 2007, 03:36:27 UTC
"I met some new people last night, and I believe we found some sort of locker room." Relena smiled at Sakura, hoping to reassure the other girl. "And two of my friends have shown up here today." She had mixed feelings on that. Though it was wonderful to have Duo and Quatre here to help her, she didn't want them trapped here as she was.

She frowned at the mention of Sakura's friend in trouble. "Which friend of your's? Is he all right?" she asked, hoping for a positive answer. Hopefully it wasn't Naruto, as he had seemed fine when she saw him from afar, but looks could be deceiving. "Is there anything I can do to help?"


F27 ex_northswai344 August 22 2007, 15:10:36 UTC
Ashe was at least grateful to have been gifted with some time to collect herself before her escort came to retrieve her for supper. That she would only be forced to share it in the presence of one, other person could also be counted as a blessing. The princess was hardly in the mood to deal with the hustle and bustle of those crowded, eating quarters; having to deal with one, other woman would not be unbearable.

The meals they were given at least seemed wholesome enough, and after scarcely getting down most of her lunch, Ashe found that she was indeed rather hungry. As there was not a proper table present, the young woman took a seat at the desk, stiff, regal posture never failing even when she happened to be dining alone, and began to eat the steak and vegetables that had been provided.


Re: F27 nadine_he_loves August 22 2007, 19:27:43 UTC
They ate dinner in their rooms? Oh great. Nadine - or Lilith, when she was careful with her thoughts - slunk into the room looking a touch put off. Though with her wildly roving eyes, it was difficult to tell what sort of mood the woman was in at any given time. Her white and gray streaked hair was already tangled and frizzed, and she stared at her dinner - not the other woman in the room - with a blank expression.

"I used to hate meat," she said, with no lead-in or other explanation.


ex_northswai344 August 22 2007, 19:40:46 UTC
When the door opened, the princess was entirely prepared for introductions of some nature to be exchanged. Even in dealings with other patients and even before this the Rebellion, it was expected, commonplace. When the other woman simply sat down, scarcely paying Ashe any attention as she seemed to be inspecting her dinner, it was a bit flustering. She certainly looked the part of one meant to be confined in such a place.

"Is that so?" she found herself saying awkwardly, manners apparently quick to catch up where they had failed moments ago. "Was it simply the taste or were there moral issues involved?" Ashe inquired in the spirit of conversation.


nadine_he_loves August 22 2007, 19:47:07 UTC

Nadine looked up, as though just noticing the woman now. "Oh, I don't even remember. Probably misplaced morals."

Steak. Larry had made her steak, that night in New York. But Larry wasn't real. He felt real, in her memories. Sweet, kind, stupid Larry. He'd made her steak by candlelight.

"Just run it through a warm room," Nadine muttered, remembering. But they weren't her memories, they were delusions. And it was better that way. Even if it meant Larry wasn't real, because it meant he wasn't real, either. And if he wasn't real, he couldn't hurt her.


M87 hellmunchkin August 22 2007, 15:34:00 UTC
Phibrizzo poked a spoon into the soup he had requested and watched it swirl. Humans ate so many meals within a short span of time. Wouldn't it have been more prudent to spread them out a bit more?

Whatever the case, the soup was only just tolerable, the potato was bland, the peas were disgusting, and steak...well, it was delightfully a dead animal, but the seasoning really wasn't doing it for him. If Excel hadn't eaten his lunch, Phibrizzo would hardly feel driven to try ANY of the items on his plate.

At least the juice was sweet. He took a sip and waited for the meal to end.


Re: M87 mylackofeffort August 22 2007, 21:45:52 UTC
Quatre entered the room with a sigh. Then he noticed that someone else was in the room and instantly a smile hit his face. It wasn't entirely fake, but he wasn't sure he could trust this person right out, so he was cautious with how friendly he was being.

"Hello," he said, moving to his side of the room to examine his dinner. He hadn't eaten during lunch, but he wasn't really in the mood to eat right now either. "You must be my roommate. My name is Quatre Raberba Winner."


Re: M87 hellmunchkin August 22 2007, 21:55:38 UTC
Roommate? It made sense, as there were two of everything, but this meant that he wouldn't be getting a moment of peace and would have to keep his act up all the time. That was going to get annoying and tedious FAST.

Refusing to let his irritation show through, he greeted Quatre with a huge smile. "Oh, hello! I'm Phibrizzo!"


Re: M87 mylackofeffort August 22 2007, 22:00:15 UTC
"It's nice to meet you Phibrizzo," Quatre said politely with a slight bow to his head. Then he sat down and examined his meal more closely.

It was possibly drugged. He wasn't sure he should even try any of it. He poked at it with his fork and frowned.

He didn't meant to ignore his roommate, but he wasn't sure how open the other boy (or at least he appeared to be a boy to Quatre) would be to being questioned. Quatre figured he would find out more about what was really going on tonight, when he would finally be able to speak to Relena.

His thoughts were consumed by what he was told would happen at night. He was worried about his friends. He needed to find a way out. He didn't completely let his roommate's movements go unnoticed (after all he might be an assassin or something equally dangerous) but for the most part he gave Phibrizzo some peace.

Of course, if there was a conversation started in the room, Quatre wouldn't have protested joining it.


M42 stray_shinigami August 22 2007, 15:40:13 UTC
Dinner probably should have been the last thing on his mind; there were just too many thoughts bouncing around in his head, and they were all in conflict. But Renji had already missed two meals, and old habits took over. It tended to be like that; the more stress he was under, the more he fell back into behavior that had helped him survive, long before he was ever a shinigami. And part of that behavior said eat, before it gets taken away.

He sat at his desk and ate.


Re: M42 somber_secret August 22 2007, 18:30:12 UTC
Hisoka wasn't sure what he was supposed to feel as his nurse escorted him back to his room. He was angry (oh hell, he was pissed) but at the same moment he was sick and scared and with everything else combined, he was left shaking from it all.

His nurse was sympathetic, therapy was always an ordeal, and Hisoka pretended to care that she pretended to understand.

Thankfully, as soon as Hisoka stepped into the room, the woman decided to leave him alone. For once, the boy was actually looking forward to having a roommate who wanted nothing to do with him. It meant that Renji wouldn't ask or prod him into conversation because right now, Hisoka wasn't sure if he could talk. Comprehensibly anyway.


Re: M42 stray_shinigami August 22 2007, 18:34:47 UTC
Habit also meant that he ate quickly; he was almost done by the time Hisoka was brought to the room. He finished the last few bites, then stood, and headed over to lay down.

Hisoka looked like hell. At this point, it was a kind of hell that Renji was familiar with.

After a long moment, a long look, he finally said, "If you feel like talking, I'll listen. Otherwise I'll leave you the fuck alone and take a nap."


Re: M42 somber_secret August 22 2007, 18:52:34 UTC
Hisoka found himself unable to respond, the words a cluttered mess and all lodged in his throat. If he tried talking now he was afraid they'd come out as something else and not all of them words. Hisoka swallowed, almost hoping to clear the mess.

No such luck, he couldn't fall back on the biting sarcasm right now, the strain would have been obvious. Instead, he merely walked over to his own desk and blindly peered at his dinner as if Renji hadn't spoken at all.

Food had never looked so unappetizing before.


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