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F27 ex_northswai344 August 22 2007, 15:10:36 UTC
Ashe was at least grateful to have been gifted with some time to collect herself before her escort came to retrieve her for supper. That she would only be forced to share it in the presence of one, other person could also be counted as a blessing. The princess was hardly in the mood to deal with the hustle and bustle of those crowded, eating quarters; having to deal with one, other woman would not be unbearable.

The meals they were given at least seemed wholesome enough, and after scarcely getting down most of her lunch, Ashe found that she was indeed rather hungry. As there was not a proper table present, the young woman took a seat at the desk, stiff, regal posture never failing even when she happened to be dining alone, and began to eat the steak and vegetables that had been provided.


Re: F27 nadine_he_loves August 22 2007, 19:27:43 UTC
They ate dinner in their rooms? Oh great. Nadine - or Lilith, when she was careful with her thoughts - slunk into the room looking a touch put off. Though with her wildly roving eyes, it was difficult to tell what sort of mood the woman was in at any given time. Her white and gray streaked hair was already tangled and frizzed, and she stared at her dinner - not the other woman in the room - with a blank expression.

"I used to hate meat," she said, with no lead-in or other explanation.


ex_northswai344 August 22 2007, 19:40:46 UTC
When the door opened, the princess was entirely prepared for introductions of some nature to be exchanged. Even in dealings with other patients and even before this the Rebellion, it was expected, commonplace. When the other woman simply sat down, scarcely paying Ashe any attention as she seemed to be inspecting her dinner, it was a bit flustering. She certainly looked the part of one meant to be confined in such a place.

"Is that so?" she found herself saying awkwardly, manners apparently quick to catch up where they had failed moments ago. "Was it simply the taste or were there moral issues involved?" Ashe inquired in the spirit of conversation.


nadine_he_loves August 22 2007, 19:47:07 UTC

Nadine looked up, as though just noticing the woman now. "Oh, I don't even remember. Probably misplaced morals."

Steak. Larry had made her steak, that night in New York. But Larry wasn't real. He felt real, in her memories. Sweet, kind, stupid Larry. He'd made her steak by candlelight.

"Just run it through a warm room," Nadine muttered, remembering. But they weren't her memories, they were delusions. And it was better that way. Even if it meant Larry wasn't real, because it meant he wasn't real, either. And if he wasn't real, he couldn't hurt her.


ex_northswai344 August 23 2007, 12:50:00 UTC
"I see..." Ashe's voice trailed off; strangely enough, the princess didn't feel particularly in the mood to discuss the morals of consuming meat. She took another small bite of her steak, hardly tasting it at all as she swallowed it hard, almost as though it had been a bit of stale roll or prison gruel.

When the other woman muttered something, she looked up, hoping she wouldn't seem rude by not quite grasping what she'd said.

"Forgive me. I did not hear what you just said. I'm afraid my mind has been wandering as of late," Ashe apologized a bit stiffly; there was an oddness about this other woman...


nadine_he_loves August 23 2007, 18:14:06 UTC
"Just...something from a dream." Nadine shook her head, turning hastily away from the plate of food as though it frightened her. It was just dreams. It was all just dreams. Dreams that seemed real, dreams that she'd lived as though they were real, but they weren't real.

"I...I... I can't eat that," she said, her voice stilted as she held up a hand, as though warding the food away. The way she moved - quick and almost jerkily - and the wild cast to her eyes gave the impression of a woman long mad.


ex_northswai344 August 23 2007, 18:34:36 UTC
Apparently there were some truth to this institution housing truly insane individuals, though Ashe herself could not speak for having met any of this particular variety. She assumed that the best course of action would be to remain calm, as though none of the woman's erratic actions or behavior seemed the slightest bit abnormal. Turning away from her own dinner, Ashe sat, legs crossed at the ankles, and faced the other woman, her roommate ( ... )


nadine_he_loves August 23 2007, 18:38:51 UTC
"I don't know," Nadine said, throwing up her hands. "Nadine...Lilith... I don't know. I can't tell what was real and what was in my head and they won't give me any medication and I need my pills."

She'd feel better if she could just have a pill. Anything. Valium, vicodin, lithium, she didn't care. Just something. Where was the little plastic cup with the pills? Why didn't she have one?

"There's supposed to be medication with my dinner."


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