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F19 she_bloomed August 22 2007, 15:04:55 UTC
What a day.

Sakura really didn't leave the showers in a much better mood then she'd been in after lunch. Sasuke-kun wouldn't find himself useless. Wonderful. It still didn't put her fears to rest that, before he'd discovered this, he'd been so ready to just give up. She was torn between wanting to check up on him and not wanting to be any more of a bother. Sometimes it was hard not to feel like one around Sasuke and Naruto. It seemed that neither of them really believed her to be on the same level as they were, or at least that she deserved special treatment. It was Naruto Sasuke had asked to test his sight, and it always would be. Sakura would always just be that girl, the girl that couldn't be trusted for serious matters or to lean on when they couldn't walk.

And then there had been that weird, little girl in the showers... What was with this place? Now she was sulking.

With a sigh, Sakura decided to at least make a good show of not letting it get to her as she settled down to their meal for the night. The green peas looked questionable, but everything else seemed appetizing enough. Munching idly on her dinner, she sat back and contemplated just what to do with herself this evening...


Re: F19 queenpeacecraft August 22 2007, 18:51:04 UTC
All things considered, this day could have been worse. While Duo thought she was crazy, according to Quatre, he would meet with her and Quatre tonight. she hoped the blond pilot would calm down in the over-protectiveness. Perhaps he and Duo could teach her some self-defence while they were out tonight.

Relena hid her surprise that Sakura had beaten her to their room. "It's good to see you're safe," she said softly, sitting down at her own desk to eat. She stubbornly left the peas where they lay and focused on the meat, potatoes, and the salad she had selected.

Idly she considered drawing a map of the areas she had explored with the others. She did have the time right now, after all.


Re: F19 she_bloomed August 22 2007, 19:30:30 UTC
Sakura seemed less than her usual, exuberant self, though she did offer a greeting in the way of a tired smile as her roommate entered some time after her. She stared back through the closed door as she heard locks clicking, signifying that it was time for nightly "lock-down".

"Same to you." Green eyes turned back to the plate of half-eaten steak and untouched veggies. How long had she been stabbing the meat with her fork instead of actually eating it? After forcing another bite down, not that it was bad or anything, and of course waiting to swallow beforehand, Sakura glanced back at Relena.

"I'm sorry I wasn't around las night. A... friend of mine was in trouble here, and..." Sakura's voice trailed off as she realized she really didn't want to continue along that line of thought. Taking on a more peppy tone, she grinned at the other girl. "Find out anything interesting last night?"


Re: F19 queenpeacecraft August 24 2007, 03:36:27 UTC
"I met some new people last night, and I believe we found some sort of locker room." Relena smiled at Sakura, hoping to reassure the other girl. "And two of my friends have shown up here today." She had mixed feelings on that. Though it was wonderful to have Duo and Quatre here to help her, she didn't want them trapped here as she was.

She frowned at the mention of Sakura's friend in trouble. "Which friend of your's? Is he all right?" she asked, hoping for a positive answer. Hopefully it wasn't Naruto, as he had seemed fine when she saw him from afar, but looks could be deceiving. "Is there anything I can do to help?"


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