Nightshift 25: M21-M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 16:23

As soon as the doors had unlocked, Xemnas already headed outside. His amber eyes scanned the dark hallway, but there were patients nor monsters lurking within the darkness. Keeping his flashlight off as to avoid any unwanted attention, the Superior quickly proceeded ( Read more... )

kyon, homura, edward elric, hinamori momo, larsa, sora, roy, valyn, tsuzuki, tamaki, reno, hiei, gremio, kurikara, hitsugaya, gabranth, signum, artemis, hughes, greed, renji, xemnas, kurama, sanzo, alucard

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byname_bynature July 15 2007, 22:38:09 UTC
(From here.)

"M21... M22," Artemis quickened his pace until he stood in front of M28. Who knows if anyone was actually in the room--but for now he was content to wait for Renji and the other students. If he got bored he could always knock on the door and see if the occupant wanted some company.


lost_metal July 17 2007, 22:34:37 UTC
Ed nodded, a wry smile on his lips at that. Yeah, he'd taken terrible news without flinching. It hurt, but he kept going. He hadn't even cried at her funeral, hadn't cried or screamed when the automail had been fitted. "Yeah. I've been through lots of stuff that most adults couldn't handle."

He glanced over to the door, hearin the noises now that he was listening to them. "Probably cats or something. They come out at night." A frown crossed his face. "They normally don't come so close to the rooms this early though."

He went to the door, listening until the noises died down,screams of pain showing that whatever the creatures had been were defeated. He turned back to Artermis and pushed the door open again. "I have to go fetch Adel, but I'll drag him back here since the metal's here. I'll be back soon."

He felt a little guilty leaving Artermis to Renji's tender mercies (and oh hell, wasn't Tamaki with Renji tonight?), but he'd promised Adel he'd help him again.


lost_metal July 17 2007, 22:47:20 UTC
[To Here]


byname_bynature July 17 2007, 22:53:41 UTC
"And then there was one," Artemis said with a sigh. He sat down in the desk chair, massaging his forehead. All of this discussion and waiting around was making him agitated. He wanted to do something tonight. Something that didn't involve metal or bathrooms.

I haven't even seen the second floor yet, which is of the most interest to me.

But once I have proper training, I should be able to be put on map-making duty.

But collecting materials is so much safer...

He growled in frustration, "This is getting me nowhere..."


stray_shinigami July 19 2007, 02:19:30 UTC
[from here]

Renji made sure the kids stuck with him the whole way. He paused long enough to tap on the door before just walking in. Ed wasn't there. Which was fine with Renji, mostly; he didn't want to get in another damn argument.

He walked into the room, and perched on one of the desks. He twisted to look at the annoying wound on his arm. He couldn't see it all that well; after poking experimentally at it with his fingers, he looked at Artemis. "C'mere and help me with this," he said. "Did Ed say where he was goin'? Might need to rip the sheet off one of these beds. I don't want to leave a fuckin' blood trail."


byname_bynature July 19 2007, 18:57:40 UTC
Artemis' eyes nearly popped out of his head when Renji came in the room, followed by two boys Artemis hadn't seen before. "My..." The boy looked down at Renji's arm, his face going white. The one time he'd personally had an injury this bad, he'd promptly passed out. Not at the sight of blood, but simply because his broken rib had punched through his skin. He furrowed his brow and covered his mouth with his sleeve. "I-I suppose one of you is Suou?" Artemis swallowed, "Forgive me, I'm suddenly not feeling very well ( ... )


the_clown_king July 19 2007, 22:33:28 UTC
"I'm Suou Tamaki," Tamaki said, inclining his head to the younger boy. He had been very pointedly ignoring the blood on Renji, not wanting another incident last night. Blood still made him feel quite light headed and woozy. He looked at the wall until the other boy - what had his name been? It had been on the bulletin! - asked for help.

"Ah.... what do you need?" he asked, still looking at the wall. He did want to help Renji, but....

Oh really, he just needed to suck it up.


bored_narrator July 19 2007, 22:57:15 UTC
As Kyon was led into the room down the hall, he stopped barely a step in and leaned against the door frame. The scene he was looking at reminded him oddly of some kind of resistance secret meeting before the group attacked and maimed the evil king, or something like that.

Not really being a apart of the group, Kyon didn't have much to say, so he decided to just listen to what was going on.

When the other boy asked for help, and his new aquantance looked less than enthused, Kyon shrugged and said, "Sure." He'd seen worse blood in the past.


stray_shinigami July 19 2007, 23:06:18 UTC
Renji smiled slightly, strangely amused at the way both Artemis and Tamaki were acting. Both of them must have had it easy growing up, that was for sure. He grunted when Artemis mentioned helping him; if the boy picking splintered teeth from his arm bothered him or hurt in the least, he showed no sign. "Don't worry about it. There were only three. Easy stuff." He was nice enough - and gods alone knew why he still felt like being at all nice to Artemis - not to point out that Artemis would have just been dead weight. He shrugged one shoulder - not one the side Artemis was working on. "What's done is done ( ... )


byname_bynature July 19 2007, 23:33:19 UTC
Artemis stared, gaunt-faced at the shard of plastic. He entertained the thought of healing Renji without his consent, but didn't know how well that would go over. After all, he had no idea if a healing target had to be willing or not. "I-I'm afraid I haven't studied wound suture, but I'll do the best I can." Quickly, Artemis undid the wrapping on his left hand--he would need full mobility for this. He selected a thread from the sheet-strip bandage that looked clean enough, then pulled it out. Artemis carefully tied the thread to the plastic shard as tightly as he could without snapping it ( ... )


lost_metal July 20 2007, 00:01:22 UTC
[From here]

Ed's fury was near palpable when he reached the door to his room. He stormed inside, barely acknowledging that there might be anyone else in there, so he was a bit startled to find the room a little crowded. The smell of vomit assaulted his nose. He nodded to Tamaki and Artermis, glowered at Renji and gave the other guy a quick once over before reaching for his journal.

He'd have to make do with a katana. He didn't have the patience to draw out another array, and with his mind in such a state, he couldn't trust that he'd get all the symbols correct first try. He grabbed some of the metal and set it down on the floor on top of the array and began the reaction without any warning.

It was more difficult to concentrate now that his mind was so focussed on something else, but he managed it with a little effort. It left him half collapses on the bedroom floor, panting heavily and squeezing his eyes closed. He'd regret this come morning, he was sure.


screwthegods July 20 2007, 00:54:36 UTC
Homura had to keep up a brisk pace to not lose Ed in the dark hall, with little more than the sounds of his footsteps to tell the demi-god where the boy was. Thankfully, his stride was long and quick, Homura appearing in the doorway scant moments after Ed had preformed his transmutation ( ... )


the_clown_king July 20 2007, 03:08:48 UTC

Tamaki rushed over to the other boy, putting a comforting hand on his back. "Ed-kun, what's wrong?" All the rest of the people in the room were ignored in favor of Ed, Ed who looked so full of rage and so exhausted looking as he slumped onto the floor like that. He ignored even the reek of foul intestinal emmisions, concerned only for Edward.

Now he seemed rattled. And frightened, because he was worried for Ed. And he didn't care who saw the concern or fear in his eyes.


bored_narrator July 20 2007, 04:34:25 UTC
Kyon was about to say something the Renji but he cut himself off. His attention fell to the boy supposedly tending to his arm. The guy looked like he was about to throw chunks.

Too late. Kyon quickly held his hand over his nose and looked away. That was rancid.

After a few moments, Kyon looked back and watched the guy sit on the bed, done. He let out a silent sigh and resumed his position against the door frame. That lasted a whole of two seconds as another blonde, slightly shorter than him, came bursting in the room. He stumbled back and stared a bit as he looked at everyone and collapsed on the floor. When the other followed him in, he could hold back a sneer, "Ass."

Oh, so THAT was Ed. Tamaki seemed pretty worked up about him. Hm.


stray_shinigami July 20 2007, 06:09:30 UTC
Renji watched Artemis without turning his head, and pretended not to notice that the boy had gotten sick. He picked up the sheet that Artemis had been unsuccessful tearing and methodically ripped strips from it. He watched in silence as Homura came and left, though he scowled. The fucking jackass was whining that his weapon wasn't perfect, instead of being grateful that he'd even gotten one. He'd had some modicum of respect for the guy after their talk in the morning, but it evaporated completely with those actions. Entitled asshole ( ... )


byname_bynature July 20 2007, 06:42:25 UTC
Artemis didn't say much as Homura stormed into the room, threw a hissy fit and left. He was still too ashamed to look at anyone.

I need to get over this. I need to control these feelings otherwise I won't be able to do anything here. Things are obviously much, much worse here than I'm used to--I need to overcome that. I have to desensitize myself. Get my hands dirty. He gave a irony-filled snort and looked down at his bloodied hands. Well, I can check that off my list.

The boy looked up as Renji spoke, "Wait what...? Who're we going after? What do you mean Abarai-san?" He looked over at Tamaki and Ed, then at Kyon. "What's going on?"


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