Nightshift 25; M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 13:54

Clicking the flashlight he had found in his room to life, Kyon surveyed over the contents in the room he woke up in. He was glad for the flashlight, because he couldn't seem to find a damned lightswitch. This told Kyon two things: He wasn't in his room, and, thanks to earlier experience, he was probably not in his reality.

Dammit, he thought for sure that Haruhi had been calming down. He also hadn't done anything to antagonize her in the last few days, so what the hell was going on?

With an annoyed sigh, Kyon stepped out of his room into the hall. He flashed the light both directions, when spotting nothing, he leaned against the wall for a second to think.

Haruhi was no where in sight, this was odd. The last time he had this happen to him, she was right next to him. Also, they were in a building that Kyon could in no way identify. Finally, Kyon noticed the clothes he was wearing. The ensemble was deffinatly not Haruhi's style.

The only conclusion Kyon could come to was that this was something completely out of Haruhi's hands. He wanted to believe it was as simple as another one of her tantrums, but, he knew her better. Something else was at work here. He needed to find out what.

kyon, tamaki, gabranth, wesker

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