Nightshift 25: M21-M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 16:23

As soon as the doors had unlocked, Xemnas already headed outside. His amber eyes scanned the dark hallway, but there were patients nor monsters lurking within the darkness. Keeping his flashlight off as to avoid any unwanted attention, the Superior quickly proceeded ( Read more... )

kyon, homura, edward elric, hinamori momo, larsa, sora, roy, valyn, tsuzuki, tamaki, reno, hiei, gremio, kurikara, hitsugaya, gabranth, signum, artemis, hughes, greed, renji, xemnas, kurama, sanzo, alucard

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stray_shinigami July 19 2007, 23:06:18 UTC
Renji smiled slightly, strangely amused at the way both Artemis and Tamaki were acting. Both of them must have had it easy growing up, that was for sure. He grunted when Artemis mentioned helping him; if the boy picking splintered teeth from his arm bothered him or hurt in the least, he showed no sign. "Don't worry about it. There were only three. Easy stuff." He was nice enough - and gods alone knew why he still felt like being at all nice to Artemis - not to point out that Artemis would have just been dead weight. He shrugged one shoulder - not one the side Artemis was working on. "What's done is done."

And then the offer to heal. Renji shook his head, his smile a bit bigger. "Save your energy for someone that actually needs it," he said. "A few little scratches aren't worth the bother."

He craned his neck to look at his arm again, then pulled one of the pens out of his hair. He set it next to him on the desk and used the butt of his flashlight to flatten it, then the knife to cut off a sliver. He set the little piece of plastic in front of Artemis, and the knife. "Get some thread out of the sheet. You can poke some little holes in me with the knife point and then sew with that." He pointed at the bit of plastic. "It's annoying, but the stupid thing'll keep bleeding if it doesn't get a couple stitches in it. Once you get done I can wrap everything else myself."

He laughed, glancing at Suou. "Sorry for the delay. We'll head out soon as this is done." Finally, he looked at Kyon again. "You coming too?"


byname_bynature July 19 2007, 23:33:19 UTC
Artemis stared, gaunt-faced at the shard of plastic. He entertained the thought of healing Renji without his consent, but didn't know how well that would go over. After all, he had no idea if a healing target had to be willing or not. "I-I'm afraid I haven't studied wound suture, but I'll do the best I can." Quickly, Artemis undid the wrapping on his left hand--he would need full mobility for this. He selected a thread from the sheet-strip bandage that looked clean enough, then pulled it out. Artemis carefully tied the thread to the plastic shard as tightly as he could without snapping it.

"While I'm, uh, doing this," Artemis said over his shoulder to the other two boys, "Could you rip the sheet on the ground into strips for a bandage? I'm not strong enough to tear it."

He turned his attention back to Renji's arm. The wound was gaping up at him--almost daring him to try. Once more he wished to whatever powers existed in the universe that he could just heal Renji--but that wasn't an option.

"Pull yourself together, Arty," He muttered under his breath. With as much purpose as he could muster, he picked up the knife and wiped it on his shirt nervously. He'd never held such an uncivilized object before in his life. His right hand shook as he searched for his first entry point. "Luckily for you Abarai-san, I'm ambidextrous. I won't take as long as a normal right-handed surgeon would."

Ha ha... Artemis thought, Am I trying to boost his confidence or mine? I'm not sure anymore. He'd better start, otherwise he was sure Renji would yell at him for stalling. Swallowing the last doubt he had left, he gently poked the knife point through Renji's skin until he could see the blade on the other side. Suddenly he couldn't take it anymore.

Artemis dropped to his knees jerkily, both hands on either side of the wastepaper bin, and he wretched. His face burned in sheer humiliation. Here he was, suturing a wound in a place he didn't even belong in. This was some kind of sick nightmare, it had to be. Artemis could practically feel the eyes on his back judging him. At least, he imagined they were there.

What do you think you're doing Artemis Fowl? He said to himself, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and giving a final cough. If you aren't willing to risk everything to leave this place, you should have never set foot outside your room. NOW STAND UP AND HELP THIS MAN.

If anyone had said anything, he didn't catch it. "'m fine," Artemis muttered, turning back to the arm without looking at anyone. He'd never be able to look these people in the face again. Jaw set, eyes cast downwards, he slid the plastic needle into the hole in Renji's arm and secured the thread.

It became something like a rhythm--almost like the teeth. Make a hole, slide in the needle, tighten the thread. Make a hole, slide in the needle, tighten the thread. His left hand worked the needle and knife, while his right held the sides of Renji's wound together.

After what seemed like ages, Artemis tied the final knot and stepped back, his face even whiter than before and his hands covered in Renji's blood. "Th-there. You should wrap it tightly now." Still not looking at anyone, he wove over to the bed. "I think I need to sit for a moment... don't mind me..."


lost_metal July 20 2007, 00:01:22 UTC
[From here]

Ed's fury was near palpable when he reached the door to his room. He stormed inside, barely acknowledging that there might be anyone else in there, so he was a bit startled to find the room a little crowded. The smell of vomit assaulted his nose. He nodded to Tamaki and Artermis, glowered at Renji and gave the other guy a quick once over before reaching for his journal.

He'd have to make do with a katana. He didn't have the patience to draw out another array, and with his mind in such a state, he couldn't trust that he'd get all the symbols correct first try. He grabbed some of the metal and set it down on the floor on top of the array and began the reaction without any warning.

It was more difficult to concentrate now that his mind was so focussed on something else, but he managed it with a little effort. It left him half collapses on the bedroom floor, panting heavily and squeezing his eyes closed. He'd regret this come morning, he was sure.


screwthegods July 20 2007, 00:54:36 UTC
Homura had to keep up a brisk pace to not lose Ed in the dark hall, with little more than the sounds of his footsteps to tell the demi-god where the boy was. Thankfully, his stride was long and quick, Homura appearing in the doorway scant moments after Ed had preformed his transmutation.

...And produced what may as well have been scrap.

Not only was the sword nothing close to what Homura had specified to Adel, the size made it clear that the weapon was designed for a single hand. For the war god who had fought for centuries with a specific two-handed blade, the katana was as suited for his fighting style as a crossbow.

Never one to have mercy for those who failed in what should have been a simple task, Homura ignored Ed's collapsed form as well as the others in the room as he picked up the katana. Well made, perhaps, but it's very existence was a mistake, something that should never had happened.

"I don't know if it's your anger that blinded you, or perhaps other factors." Homura held up the sword, his face marked with obvious displeasure. "But this is nothing like I what I requested, and virtually useless to me. If you plan to put as much forethought into your efforts to save your friend as you did my sword, you might as well give up now, and stay on the ground in that defeated posture."

With that, Homura turned, never having once spoken to anyone else as he left the room, sword still in hand.


the_clown_king July 20 2007, 03:08:48 UTC

Tamaki rushed over to the other boy, putting a comforting hand on his back. "Ed-kun, what's wrong?" All the rest of the people in the room were ignored in favor of Ed, Ed who looked so full of rage and so exhausted looking as he slumped onto the floor like that. He ignored even the reek of foul intestinal emmisions, concerned only for Edward.

Now he seemed rattled. And frightened, because he was worried for Ed. And he didn't care who saw the concern or fear in his eyes.


bored_narrator July 20 2007, 04:34:25 UTC
Kyon was about to say something the Renji but he cut himself off. His attention fell to the boy supposedly tending to his arm. The guy looked like he was about to throw chunks.

Too late. Kyon quickly held his hand over his nose and looked away. That was rancid.

After a few moments, Kyon looked back and watched the guy sit on the bed, done. He let out a silent sigh and resumed his position against the door frame. That lasted a whole of two seconds as another blonde, slightly shorter than him, came bursting in the room. He stumbled back and stared a bit as he looked at everyone and collapsed on the floor. When the other followed him in, he could hold back a sneer, "Ass."

Oh, so THAT was Ed. Tamaki seemed pretty worked up about him. Hm.


stray_shinigami July 20 2007, 06:09:30 UTC
Renji watched Artemis without turning his head, and pretended not to notice that the boy had gotten sick. He picked up the sheet that Artemis had been unsuccessful tearing and methodically ripped strips from it. He watched in silence as Homura came and left, though he scowled. The fucking jackass was whining that his weapon wasn't perfect, instead of being grateful that he'd even gotten one. He'd had some modicum of respect for the guy after their talk in the morning, but it evaporated completely with those actions. Entitled asshole.

He wrapped the makeshift bandages tightly around his arms. If that, or the clumsy stitching that Artemis had done earlier hurt at all, he gave no sign. Then he carefully wiped the small patches of his own blood from the knife. It seemed it'd be in another fight before it got to Valyn.

"Elric. Ed," he said, quiet, but the tone commanding. "Who're we going after?" Remembering what Artemis had said earlier, he had a bad feeling that he already knew the answer. He slid off the desk and stood, back straight. "And do you know where he is, or should I look for his soul?"


byname_bynature July 20 2007, 06:42:25 UTC
Artemis didn't say much as Homura stormed into the room, threw a hissy fit and left. He was still too ashamed to look at anyone.

I need to get over this. I need to control these feelings otherwise I won't be able to do anything here. Things are obviously much, much worse here than I'm used to--I need to overcome that. I have to desensitize myself. Get my hands dirty. He gave a irony-filled snort and looked down at his bloodied hands. Well, I can check that off my list.

The boy looked up as Renji spoke, "Wait what...? Who're we going after? What do you mean Abarai-san?" He looked over at Tamaki and Ed, then at Kyon. "What's going on?"


lost_metal July 20 2007, 14:06:54 UTC
That... that was nearly enough to make Ed get up and try to beat the bastard into a bloody pulp, no matter how exhausted he was. Instead he screamed in frustration, fingers clenching and uncleanching on the array until it was nothing more than a shredded scrap of paper.

Bastard. How dare he say something like that! He'd asked for a sword and he'd got one! This was no time to be quibbling about fucking style Not when Adel was in trouble!

He leaned gratefully into the hand Tamaki place on his back, shifting closer to the other boy and for once wanting comfort.

He looked up sharply when Renji spoke, his anger at the shinigami evaporating in light of his concern for Adel. "They took Adel!" he said desperately, tears of frustration starting to form in the corners of his eyes. "They're gonna' torture him!"

He took a breath, forcing his anger down a little so he could think more clearly. "I know where. We went up there a few nights ago when they took someone Adel knew. It's on the second floor, this side of the building. But it was guarded last time." He glanced at Tamaki for a moment, remembering that fight. "This soul bond armour thing. We must've defeated it. But I knocked myself out using alchemy so I don't know."


whiteychan July 20 2007, 15:57:49 UTC
[from here]

Renji wasn't far away, but following his spirit thread still gave Hitsugaya a slight headache. He stopped focusing the moment he was sure where the Vice Captain was. As much in a rush as they were, he knocked on the door, opening it only slightly so as not to disturb their privacy.

"Abarai-fukutaicho," he called out from the other side of the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation. Kairi's been taken. I'm forming a rescue team, and I need someone who can track her down."


the_clown_king July 20 2007, 17:02:32 UTC
Tamaki's arms went around Ed when the other boy leaned in, hugging him tightly even as a chill went through the taller blond. Adel. They'd taken Adel.

"I remember where," Tamaki said, nodding. But... he had to be honest. He wasn't in any shape to go on any rescue missions, as much as his heart was screaming to go to the aide of his friend. "I don't know how the fight ended, I just...woke up in bed."

And more news of people being taken. And a large group of people who all seemed ready and willing to go to their rescue.

"I know you'll bring Adel back safe and sound," Tamaki said, giving Ed a squeeze. "I... I want to go, too, but..." He couldn't sit around and do nothing. Aha! He had an idea - there was more to do on the battlefield than just fight, after all! He looked up, addressing everyone. "Well, I still don't really know how to fight, and I'd just be in the way. Kyon-san and I will stay here, and prepare what we can to offer medical attention!"


bored_narrator July 20 2007, 22:45:02 UTC
Kyon once again resumed his position by the door as he watched Ed shout. He had every right to do so, he thought, that guy was a complete Ass. He couldn't believe someone was that selfish at place and time like this. This place, that as the hours dragged on, he was starting to finally let the serverity sink in. He didn't know what this damned place was, but people were getting kidnapped, tortured, experimented on, and killed. He was alone in this place, no body from North High, no one from Koizumi's orginization, no one to tell him what he had to do to get out.

He shook suddenly, probably a delayed reaction. He had slipped from the conversation and didn't register anything until his name came up. Looking up and regaining his composure he stared at Tamaki. What was he just volunteered for? Oh, medic, okay. That wasn't too bad. Truth be told, Kyon didn't really want to be on the front line anyways. He was fine with the sidelines for now.

"Uh, yeah," He said in agreement with Tamaki, who now was hugging awfully friendly like with Ed. If Kyon didn't know better he'd think they were...

Nah, they were just friends and Tamaki was worried. Nothing else.


stray_shinigami July 20 2007, 23:33:19 UTC
Renji's expression got a little darker at Ed's mention of torture, and then darker still as Hitsugaya appeared and said that Kairi had been taken as well.

"Then we should waste no more time," he said. He looked at Hitsugaya. "Ed says that he knows the location.; Adelheid has been taken as well." He glanced at Ed. "I assume they will have taken Kairi to the same place? Once we have gotten there, I will pinpoint them if necessary. I can track them both." There was no option in his mind but rescuing both of them, and thankfully he knew both well enough to recognize their spirit threads. "If they are under guard, we'll destroy what guards them." It was stated as fact; there was no other option.

He was surprised, but pleasantly, by Tamaki's decision. So surprised that it showed a little on his face, as well as a new note of respect for the boy. He'd expected that he would have to argue. He'd never been so pleased to be wrong. "Thank you, Suou," he said. And gave the kid a small smile. "I look forward to teaching you tomorrow; I fear we will have to postpone our lesson. Sheska is waiting in room F21 for us. If you want help with your preparations, I'm sure she will do so."

He turned to Artemis. "Fowl, choose. Come with us, or stay here and help them." While Artemis wasn't a fighter, he knew when to run; Renji thought he could be useful to pass messages or other non-combat sorts of help.

He decided not to insult Ed by offering him a hand up; they would be fighting soon. He grabbed the knife in one hand, the flashlight in the other, and headed for the door.


byname_bynature July 21 2007, 00:09:52 UTC
Come or stay. Fight or flee. Torture... Artemis thought, his expression still gaunt. His jaw clenched in determination and he stood up. Though his vision swam, he did nothing to alert the group to this fact. A Fowl never turns tail and runs. Ever.

"If you think you can push me into a safer position again tonight, Abarai-san," The boy's trademark smirk was back on his face, "You're sadly mistaken. I'll do what I can." With that, he gathered up what strips of sheet were left from Renji's bandage and followed Renji to the door. He looked back briefly at Tamaki and Kyon.

"Suou-san, Kyon-san, we'll come back with the two victims as soon as possible. Thank you for volunteering." Artemis smirked again, "We're becoming a regular medic union, aren't we?"

He nodded to Ed, "Let's go. Every moment we spend here, the victims are spending it in the head doctor's power."


lost_metal July 21 2007, 04:03:17 UTC
The voice at the door was oddly familiar but he shrugged it off and instead focussed on Renji. He nodded in agreement. "There were a couple of people up there last time who got hurt. I think all the rooms are together."

He hoped, he really hoped. He didn't want to waste time if people were scattered around the building. He turned in Tamaki's arms, giving him a weak grateful smile. It was nice, that reassurance. He would've liked the blond at his side, but he didn't want to see him hurt anymore. Being a medic was probably the best idea.

He patted Tamaki's hand and then glanced at the door for a moment before turning back to his friend. Why not? Could be dead soon enough. He leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips before pushing himself to his feet. For luck he told himself.

He turned to Artermis, grim determination in his eyes as he grabbed the needles. "We'll bring him back."

[To here]


whiteychan July 21 2007, 05:24:16 UTC
Everything was in place. As the door opened and the angry-looking boy passed by, Hitsugaya glanced briefly at Artemis, then Renji. "Sora, Jean, and Rena are outside as well. Let's go." There wasn't time for pleasantries, and he didn't have the time to waste on the two boys who were staying behind. They might be useful, but it seemed more an effort to keep them occupied and not worried about the mission. Busy work, so to speak.

He turned and walked back to rejoin the gathering force.

Heading here


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