Nightshift 25: M21-M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 16:23

As soon as the doors had unlocked, Xemnas already headed outside. His amber eyes scanned the dark hallway, but there were patients nor monsters lurking within the darkness. Keeping his flashlight off as to avoid any unwanted attention, the Superior quickly proceeded ( Read more... )

kyon, homura, edward elric, hinamori momo, larsa, sora, roy, valyn, tsuzuki, tamaki, reno, hiei, gremio, kurikara, hitsugaya, gabranth, signum, artemis, hughes, greed, renji, xemnas, kurama, sanzo, alucard

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byname_bynature July 15 2007, 22:38:09 UTC
(From here.)

"M21... M22," Artemis quickened his pace until he stood in front of M28. Who knows if anyone was actually in the room--but for now he was content to wait for Renji and the other students. If he got bored he could always knock on the door and see if the occupant wanted some company.


stray_shinigami July 16 2007, 22:13:53 UTC
"Kidou is... spirit techniques, I guess," Renji said, shrugging one shoulder slightly. "Dunno. I've heard people call it magic, but they'd also call what you do magic. I'm not sure how to put it. And... eh, good teacher or no, both Rukia and Momo are really good. So I figure it doesn't hurt to try ( ... )


lost_metal July 16 2007, 22:48:15 UTC
Spirit techniques? Nothing he'd ever heard of then. Sounded vaugely religious which never sat well with him. But Renji had a point. Tamaki had thought alchemy was like magic when he'd seen it. And it wasn't. It was difficult to comprehend when you'd grown up using it and learning its concepts. "I'll see what I can do ( ... )


byname_bynature July 16 2007, 22:58:51 UTC
"The youngest State Alchemist... able to do this without an array. That sounds impressive," Artemis smiled back at Edward. "I suppose in that respect, we have much in common. In different areas though." He continued making notes, thinking to himself.

Artemis looked up at Ed when he mentioned his brother, "I'm sorry to hear that. Someone told me that it's a curse to have your loved ones here--especially when they're killed or they disappear." He stood up with Ed, "If you ever want to discuss the subject of this, alchemy, with anyone--I hope you'll think of me," The boy smiled pleasantly. "I'm very interested in the mechanics of it."

He looked back at Renji as the man examined the knife. Artemis' eyes traveled from the blade to Renji's wrists. He frowned. There were bruises. On his neck too.

This may be more serious than I originally thought, Artemis mused, looking slightly disconcerted at Renji's injuries.


stray_shinigami July 16 2007, 23:06:22 UTC
"Kidou is more like... using your will and strength to make something happen. I guess." Renji snorted. "You're supposed to imagine yourself in a dark circle but... fuck, I've never been able to do it. I stick to my swords and I'm happy." He grinned, and the expression was almost normal and right. "This Alchemy stuff... sounds too complicated to me. I'm glad you're good at it ( ... )


lost_metal July 17 2007, 00:24:59 UTC
Ed nodded weakly, but a little smile was on his lips. "I'm glad he's not here, but I lost him twice to this place and it means I can't protect him." He'd promised Al so much and he hadn't managed any of it. Hearing about things that would happen in the future was hardly compensation. It felt like a betrayal somehow to have friends here, to be having fun with Tamaki and Adel and everyone else when Al wasn't around and wasn't restored ( ... )


byname_bynature July 17 2007, 00:38:45 UTC
"Wonderful," Artemis said with a smile, "I'll be happy to learn from you what I can."

And then, it happened. Ed asked about the bruises. Artemis had already guessed that whatever had prompted the note on the bulletin board has caused those bruises as well. From what Artemis could tell, Renji wasn't one to let a few bruises or psychological torture drive him into the state he was in now. And the bruising was so deliberate-looking. Artemis had never seen anything like it before, except in cases of domestic abuse and self-torture he'd looked into. If it was anything like those two options, it was not something Renji would discuss so quickly.

Well, so much for there being no point to it anymore, Artemis thought grimly before fixing his face into another smirk ( ... )


stray_shinigami July 17 2007, 00:47:57 UTC
Renji gritted his teeth. He was getting tired of being asked shit by people, of being pushed. First the bulletin board, and now in person. He didn't want to think about it, and it wasn't any of their business anyway. Nosy bastards.

"I got in a fight," he said, keeping his words measured, though he couldn't hide the annoyance. "I don't know why everyone is so fucking curious, because I've always got burns or bruises or fucking scraped knees or whatever the problem is." He half-grinned; it was more to show his teeth than anything else. "I've lived over a century and nobody gave a fuck about my bumps and bruises. I don't really need the concern now."

It was a lie. Rukia had always cared. And he'd always done his best to not worry her, like he was doing his best to not worry anyone else. That was why, he told himself, that was why he didn't want to talk about the... fight. There was no need to worry people. No need at all.


lost_metal July 17 2007, 01:18:13 UTC
Ed had been snapped at by far scarier people than Renji. Especially when he sounded the kind of annoyed that Ed was when he was trying to hide something. And Ed hated people hiding things from him. It pissed him off and maybe it was none of his business, but after the bulletin note, it was difficult not to pry. Especially when he was worried about Renji.

He glanced over at Artmeis, nodding in agreement. He traced a ring around his flesh wrist with the automail. "I've been of times," he said, watching Renji warily. "I had that kind of mark around my wrist. Winry did too when she was kidnapped. But I've never had that kind of mark from any fight and I've been in a lot."


byname_bynature July 17 2007, 01:28:16 UTC
Good LORD Ed, Artemis thought, Just let me take the fall already. The boy was running out of ideas. He had been certain that if he was horrible enough to Renji, Edward would have assumed the snipe was directed solely at himself ( ... )


stray_shinigami July 17 2007, 02:14:18 UTC
Renji maintained his semblance of calm as Ed talked, and even through most of Artemis' words. It wasn't until the boy's final point, when it hit on the quandary that Renji couldn't resolve, that he lost it.

If I don't warn people, it'll happen to them. But I can't say. But they'll know if I tell them. And it doesn't matter anyway because




He exploded. There was no other word for it. One moment he was outwardly calm; the next, he drove his fist into the wall, hard enough that he put a dent in it, hard enough that he felt something in his hand crunch and break.

It was that pain that gave him enough control back that he didn't yell. "Enough." He lowered his hand down to his side. "Both of you. Enough. I've had enough bullshit questions. I told you what happened. Believe me or not, but get the fuck off my back. I'm not in the mood. And if I'm that goddamn untrustworthy..." He wiggled his fingers; it hurt, but it was good. It was a distraction. He clenched his aching hand into a fist. "I'm gonna go look for Suou." He ( ... )


lost_metal July 17 2007, 02:43:16 UTC
Ed listened quietly to Artermis' words. He wasn't entirely sure what the other boy was getting at, but it was clear that Renji was hiding something. He knew you didn't get marks like that in such places from a normal fight. Had someone managed to get Renji restrained in order to beat him up or something?

But before he could even voice that thought, Renji punched the wall, levaing a fist shaped dent in the plaster. Ed's eyes widened, hearing the crunch in the man's hand. Broken bone, had to be. Maybe a fracture.

He stared at Renji as the man spoke, his voice harsh and obviously angry which only made Ed angrier. Couldn't he see they were just worried?

He stood up quickly when Renji started to walk off, going to the door. His fists were clenched in absolute white rage as he stared down the hallway after the man. "I guess adults all lie then, when they say talking about stuff helps you. Last time I bother listening." It was cruel and petty, he knew that, but he was just so infuriated!


byname_bynature July 17 2007, 03:01:53 UTC
Artemis winced when Renji exploded, nearly raising his hands to shield his face. He was certain that his little speech would have earned him a punch or an answer--which one was unclear. But he got neither. And he had been reasonable this time ( ... )


stray_shinigami July 17 2007, 03:45:21 UTC
[Renji goes here]


lost_metal July 17 2007, 14:14:24 UTC
Ed turned away from the door, taking a deep breath and then clenching and unclenching his fist a few times until he felt calm enough to speak. No sense taking it out on Artermis when it was Renji he was pissed off at. He rubbed his forehead with the automail and then sat heavily down on his bed. "Not your fault he's being an arsehole," he grumbled.

He glanced back over the door. "He's pretty tough," he said musingly. "Must've taken a lot to mess him up like that. Or take him down enough to get him tied up." It was a worrying thought, especially if they were starting to drop the facade during the day.

He smiled back, a shadow of his normal manic grin and nodded. "They're pretty dumb at times. And they think they're protecting us when we don't need it, or when they cause more damage doing it." He shook his head, chuckling wearily.


byname_bynature July 17 2007, 18:38:44 UTC
"It must have..." Artemis trailed off in thought. If only he had the missing pieces of information he needed. Then, solving this mystery would be simple, and he could do the talking Renji couldn't.

"I'd be willing to bet that you and I could take any sort of horrific news with a calm countenance," the boy continued, "Age is not necessarily a measure of maturi--"

The boy perked his head up, his face a mix of curiosity and fear. He heard noises--chattering, screaming noises--coming from down the hall.

"I'm shutting the door, Ed," he said quietly. Moving quickly towards the door. "There is something out there."


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