Nightshift 24 - Courtyard

Jun 04, 2007 13:15

[from here]Without much difficulty, Xemnas finally reached the courtyard. His orange eyes scanned his surroundings as he carefully moved though the darkness, on his guard for a possible ambush. He had not put on his flashlight, as it would attract unwanted attention. The Superior didn't want any unnecessary distractions, after all ( Read more... )

ashton, yuber, usopp, dias, pyramid head, larsa, xemnas, penelo

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Comments 60

thebloodyacacia June 4 2007, 15:57:10 UTC
On the far side of the courtyard, across the pond, he stood, shrouded in the darkness. As Xemnas made his way to the shed, he watched - his helmet moving to follow the man's every movement.


itneverwas June 4 2007, 17:37:48 UTC
Xemnas hadn't seen the creature standing on the far side of he courtyard, did not notice as it observed him, watching the man's movement as he reached the shed. The courtyard was large and dark, and even with the small beam of the flashlight he wouldn't be able to see very far.

The possibility of an attack had occurred to him, but then again, nowhere seemed to be completely safe. Not during the night were various abominations lurked into the darkness, waiting to sink their teeth in their prey. But nothing had revealed itself just yet, which was something Xemnas wanted to make use of.

Pulling on the cold door handle, the Superior discovered it was locked. However, the lock didn't appear to be very strong. Surely, the door could be forced open with the appropriate amount of force. The only negative side was the amount of noise that would be produced, but the number of choices were slim.

Taking a few steps backwards, he proceeded to slam his entire body into the wood.


thebloodyacacia June 5 2007, 01:10:28 UTC
The crack as Xemnas' body hit the wood of the door may have been what started it all. Maybe he had just been waiting. Regardless, Pyramid Head's entire body turned and he began to make his way across the courtyard, spear held high in his left hand as he strode with too much speed towards Xemnas.

thump thump

thump thump

thump thump


itneverwas June 5 2007, 19:25:26 UTC
As Xemnas rammed his body into the wood, the door cracked open with the Superior tumbling into the shed. After he had regained his balance, he flipped on his flashlight to investigate various items that were stored in the small building.

At first glance, the shed seemed to hold various gardening items. However, the amount of useful and sharp items seemed a little disappointing. The only item that was only slightly promising was the weeding claw, and the Superior had serious doubt the item was sharp enough to do some decent damage. Perhaps the trimmer, as its scissor-like blades looked decently sharp, would be more useful.

However, the Nobody didn't get very far in his investigation as he heard thumping noises making its way across the courtyard. The thumps became louder and louder which each second that passed, indicating that something was heading into his direction. Whether it was because of the sound he'd made or something else entirely, he didn't knew. But whatever it was that was nearing, it was nearing quickly.

thump thump ( ... )


entrust_to_few June 5 2007, 03:23:40 UTC
[From here.]

Penelo was right on her part: Larsa would rather see that no harm done to those left in the Sun Room. So, wasting no time to commemorate their job well done despite that kicking doors down was beyond both exhilarating and deathly fun, he quickly grabbed hold of the blonde’s hand and lead her out.

"...My apologies for ruining what plans you’ve made with others." The words seemed rather out of context, but Larsa felt the need to apologize nonetheless. The last thing he ever wanted was to see those dear to him harmed in anyway, and in front of his own eyes no less.


dancingdagger June 5 2007, 04:11:11 UTC
Penelo shook her head, unconcerned about whatever plans she and Kazuo may have had. It was a little unrealistic to expect that everything would go according to plan. She learned that lesson the hard way years ago.

"No, these things happen. Right now, we gotta keep everyone safe."

And themselves as well. Penelo could hear thumping noises coming from the other side of the courtyard and she didn't want to know who or what was making those noises. She hoped it wasn't another monster...

"Do you hear that? We should hurry."


entrust_to_few June 5 2007, 04:22:05 UTC
Larsa listened hard to find the sound that Penelo was referring to, brows furrowing when he heard the loud thumping that seemed to echo throughout the entire courtyard. There was definitely something there with them, so he knew it wise to listen to his friend and continue onward.

However, that was soon put to halt when the came across a wall cockblocking them from the field.

"..." It didn't take long for Larsa to notice that it was completely covered in ivy, letting go of Penelo's hand to pull at them, testing their strength.

"If my memory serves me correctly, this would lead to the field..."


judgemagister June 6 2007, 04:32:18 UTC
[from here.]

It only took half a second for the judge to catch sight of the beams of light only a little way aways from the door, and half as less to recognize the boy he'd be chasing after all night. All at once, his concern that had carried through the shift for the young emperor-to-be vanished in an instant.

Abandoning Kazuo for the moment, he ran across the short distance, wincing only slightly against the bruise, stopping with a large breath of air at Larsa's feet. "Lord Larsa," he said, almost as if it were a simple greeting. "You are unhurt?"


usoppsenchou June 10 2007, 04:14:36 UTC
[coming from here]

Carrying a basket of goodies around each arm and a frying pan in each hand, his flashlight still turned on and balanced on one basket to help illuminate his footsteps, Usopp stepped out into the courtyard and glanced around. There was no way to miss the flashes of light, loud noises, and general commotion to the side, and turning to face it (I hope it's not another fight) his excellent eyesight spotted his roommate perched on top of a wall.

"OH!" Pleased, he shouted over. "HEY! KAZUO! I'm still alive too!" Then he noticed something else. There was a weird, lumpy, pointy, huge, terrible... thing underneath the wall. Usopp shivered, including his nose, and gaped. "Wha... what is that...?"


face_of_chaos June 10 2007, 04:34:59 UTC
(( Entering in from here))The stench in the air was thick the moment Yuber stepped out into the courtyard, and as the loud crashing sounds drew his attention, the black knight couldn’t help by have his attention stolen to the sight. It was a creature like he’d never seen before, standing there with spears in hand as it attempted to attack two of the humans close by it ( ... )


usoppsenchou June 10 2007, 04:45:13 UTC
"M-maybe it won't want to be chaotic over here, though..." Usopp hoped, shivering still. It was huge, and now that Usopp had locked eyes onto it he felt something in the back of his neck travelling down the length of his spine, a familiar sensation he called 'pure terror.' Though it usually wasn't this strong. He hoped the monster couldn't hear the very loud sound of his knees knocking together--heck, he hoped his ally couldn't hear it...

Oh crap, he had just yelled right over there, hadn't he? Maybe it wouldn't turn around...

But his roommate was up there! Sitting on a wall, but that thing looked like it could go through walls as easy as it could go through people. Hell, even Usopp could break down a wall if he really had to, that thing looked like it could smash through whole cities.

There was still one chance, of course.

"Muh... maybe it's friendly."


face_of_chaos June 12 2007, 03:12:14 UTC
“Hmm something that is highly unlikely.” The black knight murmured. Folding his arms across his chest, Yuber stared lazily down towards the small group as one by one, they disappeared over to the other side of the wall. There was a strong stench of fear hanging in the air, and as his mismatched gaze travelled lower, Yuber didn’t bother stopping the amused smirk from curving at his lips as he found its origins ( ... )


dnrdni June 13 2007, 01:57:43 UTC
((Coming from here))

James Sunderland dropped down to the ground, dusting himself off as he stood up. This wasn't much better than where he'd left. Dragging out his little book, he briefly sketched the place out, at least as far as he could see. The radio continued to sputter out its static, the man turning it down marginally. Were anything horrible to head towards him, like a Patient Demon, he needed it loud enough to still hear.

"This doesn't look like Brookhaven or anywhere else for that matter," he muttered to himself. "I was in the tunnel under the Historical Society, so I should be around that area. Even when it changed before it didn't send me away. Just turned the hospital worse."

Needless to say, James was a tad confused. At least it kept him from thinking about Eddie. Lifting his head, he sniffed, hoping to smell the lake and at least get his bearing somewhat.


thebloodyacacia June 15 2007, 02:29:51 UTC
He stopped dead, utterly still and unmoving by the wall. He stayed this way for some time, enough time for James to finish his sketching and start to move forward a bit.

Then Pyramid Head turned to face James, almost silently. He stood still and poised, his spear's shaft nearly cracking under the ferocity of his grip.

And then he moved forward, picking up speed, directly for James.

thump thump

thump thump

thump thump


dnrdni June 15 2007, 03:02:57 UTC
James was less than pleased when he couldn't get the scent of any sort of water in the air. The heavy mineral smell of the lake was nowhere. Wherever he was in Silent Hill, it was a good distance from Toluca Lake. Closing his little book, James started across the courtyard. The lack of fog was bothering him too. While it hid the demons, it did him too. This was too exposed, too out in the open.

Then, he heard it. There was only one thing that could make a sound like that. His head turned slowly, feeling like it took too long for that one simple action, an eternity to look. James knew what he would see anyways, didn't he?

Green eyes widened as James stumbled and then broke into a run, heading north. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but with that thing that had killed Maria. Gone was the momentary bravery he'd had when thieving the Great Knife from the water labyrinth. No, he just wanted to get away. Of all the people in Landel's, James had seen what that demon did to what it caught ( ... )


thebloodyacacia June 23 2007, 03:00:43 UTC
It was as if Pyramid Head had forgotten about everybody else entering and leaving the Courtyard. He didn't even turn his helmet to so much as glance at them - he just continued to follow James, spear upraised and waiting to come crashing down on the man's body.

The activities shed was not far away, the doorframe still damaged from where his spear had gone in before: proof that wood would not hold up against the might of a creature born of guilt.


ontheabyss June 16 2007, 03:16:34 UTC
(From here)

Lyta hadn't even made it out of the doorway when she stopped, holding up a silent hand to warn those behind her. What the hell was that thing out there? It hadn't been there last night, and it sure as hell didn't look like any of the monsters she'd seen in the hospital so far.

At least it was already after someone. Maybe they'd get lucky, and it would chase its victim somewhere else. A cruel thought, but logic tended to prevail in these sorts of situations. Besides, what could they do?

Someone would probably want to help, though. Damn it, why did her plans always get ruined?


outrunningdeath June 17 2007, 22:29:34 UTC
Cheetara followed Lyta, her sharp eyes adjusting to the new darkness around them. The scattered flashlight beams that appeared from time to time aided her, though she had to admit she was frustrated at not being able to totally see in the dark the way she had been able to on Thundera. She might have mused over all her new "disabilities" but the sight of the huge, looming, pyramid-headed monster made her stop short.

"What on Thundera..." she breathed. Of course, her first instinct was to try to help. That was the usual Thundercat intent after all; aid the weak and protect the innocent and such. She had barely gotten a few more steps, however, before logic took over. That pyramid... Mumm-ra lives in a pyramid like that She thought, her blood running cold. She knew very little about the monster ahead but she in the past thirty seconds she had managed to grasp two very important concepts:

1. The creature was probably unfriendly and
2. The creature was dangerous.

Anything bearing any resemblence at all to Mumm-ra had to be treated ( ... )


outtokillhim June 18 2007, 00:28:22 UTC
There were actually people out here tonight. A big distraction from getting the pond business done and moving along, for sure. And they were having trouble- a fight, he noted right away, with some ominous looking... thing.

His proper senses told him to stay put; after all, he only had a few measly syringes and cruddy glass knives. But sensing the air of violence roused that familiar lust within him; not just out of his previous desires to prove himself better than the rest of his group, but to go in just for the sport of it.

He really wanted to spill a little blood tonight. Did it matter whose?

He ventured to touch Lyta's arm, thinking loudly and quickly to distract from other thoughts- "Do we partake in the fun?"


prisonerofdeath June 18 2007, 02:03:39 UTC
Fox looked towards Lyta, moving closer so he could speak softly. "If you want to try to make for the pond while it's distracted, we should be able to go ahead. There are enough people to keep it distracted; Envy and I can keep it away if we need too, leaving The Joy and Cheetara to cover you."

He was pretty sure that the Katana could be used at least to some effect against the pyramid head creature. It wasn't like it was made out of metal, or armored the way that monster had been outside the experiment rooms. He wondered if he should have wanted to save people from the monster... but that desire just wasn't there.


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