Nightshift 24 - Courtyard

Jun 04, 2007 13:15

[from here]Without much difficulty, Xemnas finally reached the courtyard. His orange eyes scanned his surroundings as he carefully moved though the darkness, on his guard for a possible ambush. He had not put on his flashlight, as it would attract unwanted attention. The Superior didn't want any unnecessary distractions, after all ( Read more... )

ashton, yuber, usopp, dias, pyramid head, larsa, xemnas, penelo

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entrust_to_few June 5 2007, 03:23:40 UTC
[From here.]

Penelo was right on her part: Larsa would rather see that no harm done to those left in the Sun Room. So, wasting no time to commemorate their job well done despite that kicking doors down was beyond both exhilarating and deathly fun, he quickly grabbed hold of the blonde’s hand and lead her out.

"...My apologies for ruining what plans you’ve made with others." The words seemed rather out of context, but Larsa felt the need to apologize nonetheless. The last thing he ever wanted was to see those dear to him harmed in anyway, and in front of his own eyes no less.


dancingdagger June 5 2007, 04:11:11 UTC
Penelo shook her head, unconcerned about whatever plans she and Kazuo may have had. It was a little unrealistic to expect that everything would go according to plan. She learned that lesson the hard way years ago.

"No, these things happen. Right now, we gotta keep everyone safe."

And themselves as well. Penelo could hear thumping noises coming from the other side of the courtyard and she didn't want to know who or what was making those noises. She hoped it wasn't another monster...

"Do you hear that? We should hurry."


entrust_to_few June 5 2007, 04:22:05 UTC
Larsa listened hard to find the sound that Penelo was referring to, brows furrowing when he heard the loud thumping that seemed to echo throughout the entire courtyard. There was definitely something there with them, so he knew it wise to listen to his friend and continue onward.

However, that was soon put to halt when the came across a wall cockblocking them from the field.

"..." It didn't take long for Larsa to notice that it was completely covered in ivy, letting go of Penelo's hand to pull at them, testing their strength.

"If my memory serves me correctly, this would lead to the field..."


judgemagister June 6 2007, 04:32:18 UTC
[from here.]

It only took half a second for the judge to catch sight of the beams of light only a little way aways from the door, and half as less to recognize the boy he'd be chasing after all night. All at once, his concern that had carried through the shift for the young emperor-to-be vanished in an instant.

Abandoning Kazuo for the moment, he ran across the short distance, wincing only slightly against the bruise, stopping with a large breath of air at Larsa's feet. "Lord Larsa," he said, almost as if it were a simple greeting. "You are unhurt?"


devils_tactics June 6 2007, 17:27:45 UTC
And as luck would have it, Kazuo noticed as he caught up to Noah, there was Penelo. "Hey, Penelo," he said casually, looking around and taking a deep breath of the night air. It felt good to be outside, and Kazuo liked having the cover of darkness.

Lord Larsa? Was this the "emperor?" He wasn't very impressive if he was, but Kazuo didn't really care. He glanced back warily at the door, but it didn't seem that anyone was following them.


dancingdagger June 6 2007, 18:09:00 UTC
So, they would have to climb a wall? That was fine with Penelo, though she was worried about the possibility of the ivy breaking. But they had to go somewhere, and the sooner, the better.

Luckily, before they could climb, she heard someone approaching and whirled around. Much to her relief, it was Gabranth! She thought he came alone for a few moments before someone else appeared.

"Kazuo!" She grinned. So he had found her! It was good to know that he was alright, but she still wondered how Protoman was faring. Or did they get rid of that demon?

"What happened? Did you defeat that monster or...?"


entrust_to_few June 6 2007, 18:36:03 UTC
Just as Larsa was about to begin his climb he caught the sounds of footsteps approaching them. The child turned his head towards the noise, and quickly turned it back once one of the men revealed themselves as the guardian he attempted to flee from ( ... )


judgemagister June 7 2007, 06:20:16 UTC
"It matters not - " he began, but stopped himself. Perhaps it was only his imagination, but the boy seemed reproachful. "A strategic retreat. There were fighters there better suited than I," he instead answered Penelo. Even now, he was glad for it. He saw the battle as fruitless if it provided no leverage in his favor. But how had they known? He had not noticed either child in the room. Perhaps they had laid among the darkness.

Frowning, the judge looked away from his charge, though relieved as he was. Perhaps Larsa was expecting a reprimand as if he were the boy's father. Perhaps he would get it, at a more convienent time. "I fear we should not stay still for long," he said, though distracted by a point past the childrens' heads. "Look -" he lifted the rapier in his left hand, pointing with it. "Something races this way." There would be a time for re-introductions later.


devils_tactics June 7 2007, 13:56:50 UTC
"No, we didn't. It was strong and I didn't have anything to use on it, and then--" Kazuo stopped. He followed the line of the judge's sword. Whatever it was, it was moving fast, and it was large. He nodded at the man's suggestion. "Whatever that is, we don't have much time, and there's no point in going back inside. That other thing is there."

He looks up at the wall and scanned it. "If one of us is boosted up there, they can help the others over. I don't know that the ivy would hold."


dancingdagger June 7 2007, 15:39:32 UTC
So they couldn't go back the way everyone came from. Penele looked up at the wall again. She really doubted the ivy would hold if all of them tried to climb, so she welcomed Kazuo's suggestion.

"That sounds good to me," She nodded. It seemed like they would have to do it fast, since something was coming their way. She gulped, trying not to show that she was afraid. Great, they ran from one monster and ran right into another...

"I'll go first, unless someone else wants to go."


entrust_to_few June 7 2007, 17:17:07 UTC
"I've no qualms with that suggestion," Larsa was also looking in the direction in which Gabranth had been pointing. The constant thumping was still ringing in his ears, and he had the sneaking suspicion that whatever was out there was far worse than what they've witnessed in the Sun Room.


thebloodyacacia June 8 2007, 02:02:15 UTC
((From one thread up.))

thump thump

thump thump

thump thump


judgemagister June 8 2007, 04:09:04 UTC
Noah took it upon himself to make haste as the footsteps became louder. This sounded much, much worse than the previous demon had seemed.

Stabbing the rapier into the grass beside the wall, the judge rudely scooped up Larsa, already helping the boy to position onto his shoulders to hop over the wall. Luckily, it was not much taller than himself, and the fall wouldn't be too harsh. Kazuo and Penelo looked lanky enough to handle easily, too. When Larsa had his hold on the wall, Noah gestured to Penelo.

"Hurry!" was all he had to say, as even as he braced himself next to the wall, he could see the vague black mass heading towards them without still or pause, and he'd two more and himself to make over the wall.


devils_tactics June 8 2007, 14:19:40 UTC
Kazuo turned on his flashlight and shone it in the direction of the footsteps as Noah boosted Larsa onto the wall. He thought about picking up the sword, but on examination of the thing coming toward them, it wouldn't do any good. He couldn't see it fully yet, but he got a good idea of it.

"I think that's what Otacon was talking about last night," he said. "Whatever it is, it has a silly hat and a long weapon."

There wasn't time for Noah to lift them all over the wall, and while Kazuo wasn't frightened, he did feel a sense of urgency. He picked up Penelo and pushed her towards the top of the wall. Fortunately, for a fifteen year old boy, he was quite strong. "You go up first," he said, "then pull us up. Fast."


dancingdagger June 8 2007, 17:23:00 UTC
That thing? Penelo really hoped it couldn't climb walls. If Otacon had to warn them about it specifically, it must have been one of the more dangerous monsters in the Institute.

Penelo tried hard not to yelp as she was unexpectedly boosted up the wall by Kazuo rather than Gabranth, but she nodded and scrambled up the top, pausing to lean down and offer her hand.

"OK, someone climb up, I have my hand out!" She called out, to whomever was coming up first. At this point, it really didn't matter too much.


entrust_to_few June 9 2007, 14:47:05 UTC
Larsa refrained himself from yelping when Gabranth scooped him up like a sac of potatoes and shifted him on his shoulders. Though considering the urgency they were all now facing, the child quickly grabbed hold of the wall and hoisted himself up. It wasn't long after that Penelo joined him, and he soon followed her actions by outstretching his hand as well to aid her with whomever was going to climb over next.

But Larsa found his grip to be somewhat clumsy, so he quickly disposed of his flashlight on the other side, the instrument landing in the grass and rolling a few feet away.


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