Nightshift 24: Cafeteria

Jun 04, 2007 01:42

[from here]

The chaos from the Sun Room slowly faded into the background as Larsa dragged Penelo into the Cafeteria. While this was a wise choice, Penelo couldn't believe it. They had left Protoman and Gabranth behind!

"Larsa... We have to do something," Penelo bit her lip as she ducked down behind the doors. She wasn't sure if that man was going to give chase, since he didn't seem particularly interested in them to begin with. At the same time, she couldn't just leave her friends...

Of course, Penelo knew that just her and her broken broomstick wouldn't be enough. But maybe they could find something in the Kitchens to help?

larsa, yuber, usopp, penelo

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