Nightshift 24 - Courtyard

Jun 04, 2007 13:15

[from here]Without much difficulty, Xemnas finally reached the courtyard. His orange eyes scanned his surroundings as he carefully moved though the darkness, on his guard for a possible ambush. He had not put on his flashlight, as it would attract unwanted attention. The Superior didn't want any unnecessary distractions, after all ( Read more... )

ashton, yuber, usopp, dias, pyramid head, larsa, xemnas, penelo

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outrunningdeath June 17 2007, 22:29:34 UTC
Cheetara followed Lyta, her sharp eyes adjusting to the new darkness around them. The scattered flashlight beams that appeared from time to time aided her, though she had to admit she was frustrated at not being able to totally see in the dark the way she had been able to on Thundera. She might have mused over all her new "disabilities" but the sight of the huge, looming, pyramid-headed monster made her stop short.

"What on Thundera..." she breathed. Of course, her first instinct was to try to help. That was the usual Thundercat intent after all; aid the weak and protect the innocent and such. She had barely gotten a few more steps, however, before logic took over. That pyramid... Mumm-ra lives in a pyramid like that She thought, her blood running cold. She knew very little about the monster ahead but she in the past thirty seconds she had managed to grasp two very important concepts:

1. The creature was probably unfriendly and
2. The creature was dangerous.

Anything bearing any resemblence at all to Mumm-ra had to be treated with the utmost caution. Even Lion-O could barely defeat him without backup and that was with the aid of the Sword of Omens and the Eye of Thundera. Jumping into the fray, although it was her first idea, would do no good while she was unarmed and basically helpless. She needed more information, or at least a weapon with which to protect herself. However...

The beast was slow, so she knew she had one advantage. She was confident that no matter how fast that strange beast's victim could run, she could run faster. Cheetah-like speed did have its advantages, after all. Cheetara's muscles tensed as her eyes flicked over the grounds. If all else failed, she could try to capture its attention and make a run for it to draw him off. If all else failed. No weaponry, no armor of any kind. If she had to act, it would be difficult.

She glanced at Lyta, almost as an afterthought. Then again... Lyta was the leader of this expedition, at least in her eyes. From her stance it looked as if she wasn't about to do anything about the monster or its victim. Hmm. She decided not to risk talking, but looked inquisitively at her roommate. What I do? The Thundercat thought desperately. Jaga, help me!


outtokillhim June 18 2007, 00:28:22 UTC
There were actually people out here tonight. A big distraction from getting the pond business done and moving along, for sure. And they were having trouble- a fight, he noted right away, with some ominous looking... thing.

His proper senses told him to stay put; after all, he only had a few measly syringes and cruddy glass knives. But sensing the air of violence roused that familiar lust within him; not just out of his previous desires to prove himself better than the rest of his group, but to go in just for the sport of it.

He really wanted to spill a little blood tonight. Did it matter whose?

He ventured to touch Lyta's arm, thinking loudly and quickly to distract from other thoughts- "Do we partake in the fun?"


prisonerofdeath June 18 2007, 02:03:39 UTC
Fox looked towards Lyta, moving closer so he could speak softly. "If you want to try to make for the pond while it's distracted, we should be able to go ahead. There are enough people to keep it distracted; Envy and I can keep it away if we need too, leaving The Joy and Cheetara to cover you."

He was pretty sure that the Katana could be used at least to some effect against the pyramid head creature. It wasn't like it was made out of metal, or armored the way that monster had been outside the experiment rooms. He wondered if he should have wanted to save people from the monster... but that desire just wasn't there.


personincharge June 18 2007, 04:16:49 UTC
The Boss came behind them silently, instinctually shifting into her well-practiced CQC stance at the monster on the other side of the courtyard. Unlike Lyta, her first conclusion wasn't that it was a good idea to leave the man being hunted to his demons.

But she wasn't foolish or naive enough to risk the rest of the unit for one man , not without warning or preparation.

"Do we leave him to die?"


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