Well... I'm behind in the homegame for therealljidol... and I'm lazy and don't want to write like 5 different entries right now to catch up. so instead you're going to get a medley of topics: 5 (Open), 7(Hope) and 8(Ranting). :)
So, today, I'm free from 1PM til 7PM. I spend most of my afternoon in the room if I haven't decided to spend it in the library. soooo.. Today I come back to my room and my roommate's still in class. This makes me obscenely happy. ( A Moment of Bliss - some offensive language under cut! )
Take a look at my schedule. Seeing this, you'd think I'm deeply involved in school both academically and in my extracurriculars. However, all those organizations? I really could care less about most of them. I'm merely on the mailing list and sometimes I might go to meetings. ( What I 'should' care about but don't )